In this repository, projection into subspaces is and plane representation are investigated through different examples. It is a solution of Assignment1 in Computational Intelligence course for ROCV master's program at Innopolis University.
Tasks are described in the TASK.pdf file attached above.
├── src <- directory for source files
| ├── drawAxes.m <- drawAxes function
| ├── drawPlane.m <- drawPlane function
| ├── drawLine.m <- drawLine function
| ├── drawSpan.m <- drawSpan function
| ├── drawVector.m <- drawVector function
| ├── task1_1.m
| ├── task1_2.m
| ├── task1_3.m
| ├── task1_4.m
| ├── task2_1.m
| ├── task2_2.m
| ├── Task3.ipynb
├── TASK.pdf <- Task description
├── Analytical solution.pdf <- Analytical solutions of the problems