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22 lines (19 loc) · 2.44 KB

File metadata and controls

22 lines (19 loc) · 2.44 KB


Contains all design files for the AguaClara Infrastructure Design Engine (AIDE). This package can take user-defined parameters specified in the design() function and generate a class of the particular unit process designed with all relevant dimensions determined. The resulting unit process class is easily serializable as a JSON.

Installing with pip

If you'd like to install across your whole machine, you can open the cmd (Windows) or teminal (mac) and type $pip install aide_design (where $ signifies the beginning of the command.) If you get a permission denied error, you probably want to install it instead to your particular user with $pip install aide_design --user. This will install the latest

Installing as a developer

If you want to be able to edit the source code, you need to clone this repo with git, then run the '' folder in the top level directory with pip: $pip install . -U. Whenever you make a change to the code, you need to run this command to ensure that the change has been successfully packaged. Now you should be able to import aide_design into python: import aide_design

Updating the production version (v0.0.1 -> v0.1.0)

When the master branch updates with some new Pull Requests, there are several steps that need to be taken to keep all the production outlets in sync. Here are the steps:

  1. Create a tagged release on Github to signify this version of the code is in production:
    • The tag should use the semantic versioning naming convention (MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH).
    • Once you determined the correct tag, be sure to update the metadata to explicitly state the version number.
    • To tag the current commit, use the create annotated tag command: $git tag -a v1.4.0 -m "my version 1.4.0"
    • Make sure to push to GitHub!
  2. Now you need to push the distribution to pip test and pip live websites:
    • Make sure you have a .pypirc in your home folder with the correct username and password (available on the drive in the passwords doc)
    • Now you should build the distribution and upload to pip with $python sdist bdist_wininst upload
  3. Make sure your new package works:
    • Update your package through pip and ensure the version number has changed: $pip install aide_design --upgrade and $pip list
    • If the version number now matches, you've successfully upgraded the pip package.