LongReadSum supports FASTA, FASTQ, BAM, FAST5, and sequencing_summary.txt file formats for quick generation of QC data in HTML and text format.
- Installation using Anaconda (recommended)
- Installation using Docker
- Building from source
- General usage for common filetypes:
- Revision history
- Getting help
- Citing LongReadSum
First, install Anaconda.
Next, create a new environment. This installation has been tested with Python 3.10, Linux 64-bit.
conda create -n longreadsum python=3.9
conda activate longreadsum
LongReadSum and its dependencies can then be installed using the following command:
conda install -c wglab -c conda-forge -c jannessp -c bioconda longreadsum=1.5.0
First, install Docker. Pull the latest image from Docker hub, which contains the latest longreadsum release and its dependencies.
docker pull genomicslab/longreadsum
On Unix/Linux:
docker run -v C:/Users/.../DataDirectory:/mnt/ -it genomicslab/longreadsum bam -i /mnt/input.bam -o /mnt/output
Note that the -v
command is required for Docker to find the input file. Use a directory under C:/Users/
to ensure volume files are mounted correctly. In the above example, the local directory C:/Users/.../DataDirectory
containing the input file input.bam
is mapped to a directory /mnt/
in the Docker container. Thus, the input file and output directory arguments are relative to the /mnt/
directory, but the output files will also be saved locally in C:/Users/.../DataDirectory
under the specified subdirectory output
To get the latest updates in longreadsum, you can build from source. First install Anaconda. Then follow the instructions below to install LongReadSum and its dependencies:
# Pull the latest updates
git clone https://github.com/WGLab/LongReadSum
cd LongReadSum
# Create the longreadsum environment, install dependencies, and activate
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate longreadsum
# Build the program
Activate the conda environment and then run with arguments:
conda activate longreadsum
longreadsum <FILETYPE> [arguments]
Specify the filetype followed by parameters:
To see all parameters for a filetype, run:
longreadsum <FILETYPE> --help
This section describes parameters common to all filetypes:
Parameter | Description | Default |
-i, --input | A single input filepath | |
-I, --inputs | Multiple comma-separated input filepaths | |
-P, --pattern | Use pattern matching (*) to specify multiple input files. Enclose the pattern in double quotes. | |
-g, --log | Log file path | log_output.log |
-G, --log-level | Logging level (1: DEBUG, 2: INFO, 3: WARNING, 4: ERROR, 5: CRITICAL) | 2 |
-o, --outputfolder | Output directory | output_longreadsum |
-t, --threads | The number of threads used | 1 |
-Q, --outprefix | Output file prefix | QC_ |
This section describes how to generate QC reports for BAM files from whole-genome sequencing (WGS) with alignments to a linear reference genome such as GRCh38 (data shown is HG002 sequenced with ONT Kit V14 Promethion R10.4.1 from https://labs.epi2me.io/askenazi-kit14-2022-12/)
longreadsum bam -i $INPUT_FILE -o $OUTPUT_DIRECTORY
This section describes how to generate QC reports for BAM files with MM, ML base modification tags (data shown is HG002 sequenced with ONT MinION R9.4.1 from https://labs.epi2me.io/gm24385-5mc/)
Parameter | Description | Default |
--mod | Run base modification analysis on the BAM file | False |
--modprob | Base modification filtering threshold. Above/below this value, the base is considered modified/unmodified. | 0.8 |
--ref | The reference genome FASTA file to use for identifying CpG sites (optional) |
longreadsum bam -i $INPUT_FILE -o $OUTPUT_DIRECTORY --mod --modprob 0.8 --ref $REF_GENOME
This section describes describes how to generate QC reports for ONT RRMS BAM files and associated CSVs (data shown is HG002 RRMS using ONT R9.4.1).
Parameter | Description | Default |
-c, --csv | CSV file containing read IDs to extract from the BAM file* |
The CSV file should contain a read_id
column with the read IDs in the BAM
file, and a decision
column with the accepted/rejected status of the read.
Accepted reads will have stop_receiving
in the decision
column, while rejected
reads will have unblock
longreadsum rrms -i $INPUT_FILE -o $OUTPUT_DIRECTORY -c $RRMS_CSV
This section describes how to generate QC reports for TIN (transcript integrity number) scores from RNA-Seq BAM files (data shown is Adult GTEx v9 long-read RNA-seq data sequenced with ONT cDNA-PCR protocol from https://www.gtexportal.org/home/downloads/adult-gtex/long_read_data).
A TSV file with scores for each transcript:
geneID chrom tx_start tx_end TIN
ENST00000456328.2 chr1 11868 14409 2.69449577083296
ENST00000450305.2 chr1 12009 13670 0.00000000000000
ENST00000488147.2 chr1 14695 24886 94.06518975035769
ENST00000619216.1 chr1 17368 17436 0.00000000000000
ENST00000473358.1 chr1 29553 31097 0.00000000000000
An TSV file with TIN score summary statistics:
Bam_file TIN(mean) TIN(median) TIN(stddev)
/mnt/isilon/wang_lab/perdomoj/data/GTEX/GTEX-14BMU-0526-SM-5CA2F_rep.FAK93376.bam 67.06832655372376 74.24996965188242 26.03788585287367
A summary table in the HTML report:
Parameter | Description | Default |
--genebed | Gene BED12 file required for calculating TIN scores | |
--sample-size | Sample size for TIN calculation | 100 |
--min-coverage | Minimum coverage for TIN calculation | 10 |
longreadsum bam -i $INPUT_FILE -o $OUTPUT_DIRECTORY --genebed $BED_FILE --min-coverage <COVERAGE> --sample-size <SIZE>
Download an example HTML report here (data is Adult GTEx v9 long-read RNA-seq data sequenced with ONT cDNA-PCR protocol from https://www.gtexportal.org/home/downloads/adult-gtex/long_read_data)
This section describes how to generate QC reports for PacBio BAM files without alignments (data shown is HG002 sequenced with PacBio Revio HiFi long reads obtained from https://www.pacb.com/connect/datasets/#WGS-datasets).
longreadsum bam -i $INPUT_FILE -o $OUTPUT_DIRECTORY
This section describes how to generate QC reports for ONT POD5 (signal) files and their corresponding basecalled BAM files (data shown is HG002 using ONT R10.4.1 and LSK114 downloaded from the tutorial https://github.com/epi2me-labs/wf-basecalling).
This requires generating basecalled BAM files with the move table output. For
example, for dorado, the parameter is --emit-moves
The interactive signal-base correspondence plots in the HTML report use a lot of memory (RAM) which can make your web browser slow. Thus by default, we randomly sample only a few reads, and the user can specify a list of read IDs as well (e.g. from a specific region of interest).
Parameter | Description | Default |
-b, --basecalls | The basecalled BAM file to use for signal extraction | |
-r, --read_ids | A comma-separated list of read IDs to extract from the file | |
-R, --read-count | Set the number of reads to randomly sample from the file | 3 |
# Individual file:
longreadsum pod5 -i $INPUT_FILE -o $OUTPUT_DIRECTORY --basecalls $INPUT_BAM [--read-count <COUNT> | --read-ids <IDS>]
# Directory:
longreadsum pod5 -P "$INPUT_DIRECTORY/*.fast5" -o $OUTPUT_DIRECTORY --basecalls $INPUT_BAM [--read-count <COUNT> | --read-ids <IDS>]
This section describes how to generate QC reports for generating a signal and basecalling QC report from ONT FAST5 files with signal and basecall information (data shown is HG002 sequenced with ONT MinION R9.4.1 from https://labs.epi2me.io/gm24385-5mc/)
The interactive signal-base correspondence plots in the HTML report use a lot of memory (RAM) which can make your web browser slow. Thus by default, we randomly sample only a few reads, and the user can specify a list of read IDs as well (e.g. from a specific region of interest).
Parameter | Description | Default |
-r, --read_ids | A comma-separated list of read IDs to extract from the file | |
-R, --read-count | Set the number of reads to randomly sample from the file | 3 |
# Individual file:
longreadsum f5s -i $INPUT_FILE -o $OUTPUT_DIRECTORY [--read-count <COUNT> | --read-ids <IDS>]
# Directory:
longreadsum f5s -P "$INPUT_DIRECTORY/*.fast5" -o $OUTPUT_DIRECTORY [--read-count <COUNT> | --read-ids <IDS>]
This section describes how to generate QC reports for sequence data from ONT FAST5 files (data shown is HG002 sequenced with ONT MinION R9.4.1 from https://labs.epi2me.io/gm24385-5mc/)
longreadsum f5 -i $INPUT_FILE -o $OUTPUT_DIRECTORY
This section describes how to generate QC reports for ONT basecall summary (sequencing_summary.txt) files (data shown is HG002 sequenced with ONT
PromethION R10.4 from https://labs.epi2me.io/gm24385_q20_2021.10/, filename gm24385_q20_2021.10/analysis/20210805_1713_5C_PAH79257_0e41e938/guppy_5.0.15_sup/sequencing_summary.txt
longreadsum seqtxt -i $INPUT_FILE -o $OUTPUT_DIRECTORY
This section describes how to generate QC reports for FASTQ files (data shown is HG002 ONT 2D from GIAB FTP index)
longreadsum fq -i $INPUT_FILE -o $OUTPUT_DIRECTORY
This section describes how to generate QC reports for FASTA files (data shown is HG002 ONT 2D from GIAB FTP index).
longreadsum fa -i $INPUT_FILE -o $OUTPUT_DIRECTORY
For release history, please visit here.
Please refer to the LongReadSum issue pages for posting your issues. We will also respond your questions quickly. Your comments are criticl to improve our tool and will benefit other users.
1 Perdomo, J. E., Ahsan, M. U., Liu, Q., Fang, L. & Wang, K. LongReadSum: A fast and flexible quality control and signal summarization tool for long-read sequencing data. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal 27, 556-563, doi:10.1016/j.csbj.2025.01.019 (2025).