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Welcome to the WEARFITS API Documentation! This project offers a cutting-edge virtual try-on and size fitting solutions designed for the fashion industry, leveraging 3D, AR, and AI technologies. Our mission is to enhance the online shopping experience by allowing users to find their perfect fit from the comfort of their homes.

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WEARFITS is a comprehensive web application designed for virtual try-ons and size fitting. Leveraging modern web technologies like 3D, Augmented Reality (AR), Machine Learning, and Generative AI, WEARFITS provides users with an interactive and seamless experience to visualize garments and accessories in both apparel and footwear contexts.


Category Solution Description Implementation Requirements
Footwear & Bags AR Try-On Virtual try-on in AR and Digital Mirror for footwear, bags, and backpacks 3D model of a product (OBJ, GLB, FBX, etc.)
Footwear & Bags 2D-to-3D Converter Automatic conversion of 2D images into 3D models, useful for shoes and bags digitization Studio photographs (>30) of a product (JPG, PNG)
Footwear Scan and Fit Mobile app for precise foot measurements and accurate size recommendations Shoe last measurements (e.g. CSV, XLS or API integration)
Apparel 3D Virtual Try-On Visualization and size fitting of apparel in 3D on mannequin-like avatars of your silhouette size Parametric 3D model of a garment (ZPAC)
Apparel Size Fitting Fit heatmaps and size recommendations Sizing tables or garment measurements (e.g. CSV, XLS or API integration)
Apparel Gen-AI Try-On Visualization of garments on yourself with AI-generated images 1 photo of a garment (JPG, PNG)
Apparel AR Try-On Visualization of garments in AR on yourself 3D model of a garment (OBJ, GLB, FBX, etc.)
Any object 3D and AR Viewer Instant visualization of 3D models of any objects on the web and in AR 3D model of an object (OBJ, GLB, FBX, etc.)

Check also our examples repository.

Footwear and Bags: AR Try-On

The AR Try-On feature allows users to virtually try on shoes, bags, and backpacks in real-time using their mobile device's camera. It can be accessed via a direct link or by scanning a QR code.


Scan the AR code below or click this link on your mobile device:



List of endpoints:

Endpoint Description
/tryon Provides the footwear AR Try-On experience. May be used as a direct link or via QR code. Currently supports product types such as shoes, bags, and backpacks. Additional parameters are described below.
/tryon/dev Currently developed version with new functionalities. Do not use in production environment.

đź’ˇ Utility tool allowing for changing camera, quality, and mirroring options may be displayed by clicking 4 times in the top right corner of the Try-On Viewer.

List of main query string parameters:

Parameter Type Description Accepted Values Default Value
object (required) string Specifies the object ID or URL to the 3D model (.glb) Any valid URL or object ID null
color string Colorset ID of the object Any valid color name null
pose number Required for try-on of bags, backpacks, and garments 0 or 1 0
mm number Enables the Mirror Mode with chosen quality 1 (lowest), 2 (use pose model), or 3 (use pose and mask) 0 (not Mirror Mode)
res string Specifies the resolution of the camera input. Can be one of: vga, hd, fhd, qhd, uhd, 4k, or a custom resolution like 1920x1200 Any valid resolution string fhd
camera_id string Specifies the camera device ID "string" null
flip_x number Specifies if the camera input on the x axis should be flipped 0 or 1 0
flip_y number Specifies if the camera input on the y axis should be flipped 0 or 1 0
rotated number Specifies if the camera input should be rotated 0 or 1 0

List of additional query string parameters:

Parameter Type Description Accepted Values Default Value
quality string Sets the rendering quality low, medium, high, auto auto
ml_model_url string URL to the ML model in JSON format Any valid URL or small, medium null
tf_backend string Forces the AI backend to use webgpu, wasm, or webgl null (auto selected)
nocamera number Disables camera and uses video as input 0 or 1 0
debug_video_clip string Debug video clip used with nocamera parameter Valid URL null
native_ml_version string Native ML version to use Valid version string null
object_scale number Object scale Any positive float 1.0
nologo number Hides logo 0 or 1 0
object_collection_id string Group ID used in demo. Allows user to change shoes within the group by swiping left or right. Group of models is defined by admin null
object_carousel_interval number Used with object_collection_id, automatic shoe rotation time in seconds Positive integer null
fps number FPS limit Positive integer null
zoom number Camera zoom Positive integer 100
show_snapshot_button number Shows snapshot button 0 or 1 0
handbag number Enables handbag mode 0 or 1 0
show_back_button number Shows back button 0 or 1 0
banner_text string Banner text Any string null
banner_url string Banner URL Valid URL null
banner_icon number Banner icon 0 or 1 null
set_crop_region_from_pose number Sets crop region from pose 0 or 1 1
display_objects_after number Delay for displaying objects after foot detection Non-negative integer 0
hide_one number Hides shoes if only one foot is detected 0 or 1 0
loop number Loops animation 0 or 1 0
noloader number Hides loader 0 or 1 0
sound string URL of sound to play Valid URL null
colorlist number Shows color list 0 or 1 0
compose_method string Composition method; changing may increase performance "canvas", "scene", or "shader" "canvas" (auto selected)
calibration_data string Calibration data (base64 encoded) Valid base64 string null

đź’ˇ webgpu mode offers the best performance but is not supported on all devices yet (iOS requires enabling WebGPU manually in Safari settings).

Digital Mirror - Communicating with the Viewer via IFRAME


The communication is done using the postMessage API for sending messages to the IFRAME.

Sending messages to the IFRAME:

  1. Get a reference to the IFRAME's content window:

    const tryon_iframe_element = document.getElementById('tryon_iframe').contentWindow;
  2. Use postMessage to send a message:

    tryon_iframe_element.postMessage(JSON.stringify(message), "*")

    where message is an object with name and data properties (examples below).

Available commands:

  1. Load an object (e.g., a shoe) model:

    	"name": "load_object", 
    	"data": "<id>"
  2. Enable/disable camera (can be 0 or 1):

    	"name": "enable_camera",
    	"data": 0

Receiving messages from the IFRAME:

  1. Add an event listener for the 'message' event on the window object.
  2. Check if the message source is the IFRAME.
  3. Parse the event data (it's a JSON string).
  4. Handle the event based on its name.

Available events from the IFRAME:

Event Name Description Data Type
loadingProgressHandler Triggered during app load Loading progress percentage (int)
loadingFinishedHandler Triggered when the app is loaded null or an error code (int)
objectLoadingProgressHandler Triggered during object loading Object loading progress percentage (int)
objectLoadingFinishedHandler Triggered when the object finishes loading An object; error field is missing if the object is loaded successfully { id: string, error: int }
shoesVisibilityChangedHandler Triggered when feet visibility changes A boolean indicating visibility

Error codes:

Error Code Error Message Error Description
1 Unknown error Any other errors not listed below
10 Camera error Camera undefined error
11 Camera not found Camera not found
12 Camera disabled in browser navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia is undefined
13 Camera permission denied Camera permission denied
14 Camera error Camera device not readable
15 Camera disabled in browser WKWebView without allowsInlineMediaPlayback
20 Device not supported Failed to load ML model, unknown error
21 Device not supported Failed to compile fragment shader
30 Load error 3D model load unknown error
31 Load error 3D model not found
32 Connection error 3D model download error
33 Unauthorized model URL Unauthorized URL origin
34 Aborted loading Connection aborted when trying to load a new object

SDK for iOS and Android

The preferred method is simple and quick browser-based integration, but we may also provide an SDK for native integration of the Footwear AR Try-On into iOS and Android apps. Ask us for more details.

Footwear: Scan and Fit

Our mobile app for iOS and Android allows users to scan their feet using just a smartphone camera. It provides precise foot measurements and personalized shoe size recommendations.

Contact us for integration details.

Footwear and Bags: 2D-to-3D Converter

  • Our web tool allows for the automatic conversion of 2D images to 3D models.
  • The converter is available at:
  • Anonymous service is limited and may be disabled at times. Files are deleted periodically.
  • Contact us for more details.

Apparel: 3D Virtual Try-On and Size Fitting

The 3D Try-On Viewer enables users to virtually try on apparel in 3D on avatars of their size. It supports web-based and AR visualizations, providing a versatile platform for different user experiences. The built-in comfort heatmap allows for accurate size fitting.


A demo is available at:


Our platform is compatible with 3D models of garments in the ZPAC format.

  1. Use CLO3D to put the garment on the WEARFITS avatar and export the ZPAC file.
  2. Upload the ZPAC file to the WEARFITS garment admin and process it on the selected avatar.
  3. Set the garment ID and wait for the results.
  4. Check the results:<id>

đź’ˇ The size fitting solution (heatmaps without garment visualizations) doesn't require 3D models of garments - only product measurements or general sizing tables.

JavaScript API


  1. Import WEARFITS CSS and JavaScript components:

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
  2. Prepare a DIV placeholder:

    <div id="wearfits_viewer"></div>

    You can customize the style, but don't change the ID (wearfits_viewer).

  3. Add JavaScript code:

    	// Required parameter:
    	wearfits.current_garment_name = "<id>";
    	// Optional parameters:
    	wearfits.showRayTracingButton = false;
    	wearfits.showARButton = true;
    	wearfits.showMaterialPresets = true;
    	wearfits.showSizeSelectionUI = true;
    	wearfits.showAvatarSelectionUI = true;
    	wearfits.showComfortMapButton = true;
    	wearfits.controlsType = "MOUSE_POSITION";
    	// Required action:

List of JavaScript Parameters

Parameter Type Description Accepted Values Default Value
current_garment_name (required) string The ID of the current garment ID / name of the garment (without < >) null
showRayTracingButton boolean Show or hide the ray tracing button true, false false
showARButton boolean Show or hide the AR button true, false true
showMaterialPresets boolean Show or hide material presets true, false true
showSizeSelectionUI boolean Show or hide size selection UI true, false true
showAvatarSelectionUI boolean Show or hide avatar selection UI true, false true
showComfortMapButton boolean Show or hide comfort map button true, false true
controlsType string Type of controls to use MOUSE_POSITION, TOUCH_POSITION MOUSE_POSITION

Multiple Instances of Viewers

To embed multiple viewers on the same website, load the JS file with the instancesCount parameter as shown below:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

For additional viewers, use wearfits_X object names (e.g., wearfits, wearfits_1, wearfits_2, etc.).


  • In <script> tag:

     wearfits_1.canvas_container_id = "wearfits_viewer2";
     // [...]
  • In <body> tag:

     <div id="wearfits_viewer2" style="width:100%; height:100%;"></div>

Advanced Implementation

An advanced implementation example with external and customized controls can be found here. Please check the source code to examine it.

To display two garments on the avatar, use the following function instead of loadDefaultOrCreateIt():

wearfits.loadByHashAndId("<avatar_id>", ["<id1>_<size>", "<id2>_<size>"]);


wearfits.loadByHashAndId("51a2dc298a9ed146e1d6844b6558468e", ["Burda8_38", "Szorty_38"]);

To get the preferred size, use this function:



wearfits.fetchGarmentMetadata(user_measurements, garment_name, garment_color);

It returns:

	"name": "fetchGarmentMetadata",
	"data": {
		"garment_name": "<string>",
		"user_measurements": "<object>",
		"preferred_size": "<string>",
		"sizes": ["<string>", "<string>", "..."]

To change the style of the fit information text, modify the CSS class wearfits-fit-info-text:

.wearfits-fit-info-text {
  font-size: 12px;

To dynamically update the avatar and/or garment, use the following function:

wearfits.updateAvatarAndGarment(user_measurements, garment_name, garment_size, garment_color);

It returns:

	"name": "updateAvatarAndGarment",
	"data": {
		"garment_name": "<string>",
		"garment_size": "<string>",
		"garment_color": "<string>",
		"user_measurements": "<object>",
		"fit_data": {
			"chest": "<string>",
			"waist": "<string>",
			"buttock": "<string>"
		"garment_measurement_3d": {
			"height": "<int>"
		"preferred_size": "<string>"


Use one of the following endpoints in the IFRAME source:

  • /render - The best style for embedding via IFRAME inside a website

     <iframe src="<id>?lang=en&size=M"></iframe>
  • /render3 - The best style for top layer, new tab/window, or mobile standalone view

     <iframe src="<id>?lang=en&size=M"></iframe>

List of Query String Parameters

Parameter Type Description Accepted Values Default Value
id (required) string Specifies the ID of the garment ID / name of the garment (without < >) null
size (recommended) string Specifies the size of the garment S, M, 40, etc. (same as set in admin) M
preset string Specifies the garment color Color preset name (e.g., variant1) null
lang string Specifies the language for the viewer en, fr, es, etc. en
nocolorlist number Hides the garment color selection list when set to 1 0 or 1 0
noavatarselection number Disables the avatar selection when set to 1 0 or 1 0
nocomfortbutton number Hides the comfort (heatmap) button when set to 1 0 or 1 0
norenderbutton number Hides the HQ render button when set to 1 0 or 1 0
controlstype string Specifies the type of controls for the viewer mouse, touch mouse
background string Sets the background color of the viewer Hex color code (e.g., ffffff for white) ffffff
nopan number Disables panning (two-finger object move) when set to 1 0 or 1 0
nofittext number Disables fit info text when set to 1 0 or 1 0
nozoom number Disables zoom when set to 1 0 or 1 0
nosizeselection number Disables size selection when set to 1 0 or 1 0
noar number Hides the AR button when set to 1 0 or 1 0

Example URL:

Apparel: Generative AI Try-On

Generative AI allows for photo-realistic visualization of garments on users with just one photo of a garment. Ask us for a demo.

Apparel: AR Try-On

Augmented Reality allows users to visualize garments on themselves in real-time. Ask us for a demo.

3D and AR Viewer

This feature allows users to visualize any 3D objects (including shoes, bags, furniture, etc.) on the website in 3D and in an augmented reality environment. This is achieved by embedding the Viewer via the JavaScript API or by using an iframe. The AR visualization is available on mobile devices through a direct URL or by scanning a QR code.


A demo is available at:

Admin Tool

  • The web editor allows for uploading and saving objects in multiple 3D formats.
  • The editor is available at:
  • After saving the object, you will get the object id with corresponding preview links for 3D, AR, and QR code.
  • Each object gets a unique URL allowing for editing and sharing:<id>
  • In our web editor, you can change textures, PBR parameters, lighting, scale, position, rotation, etc. One object may have multiple texture/color presets.
  • Objects representing shoes may be instantly enabled for AR Try-On.
  • Login to keep your models private. Anonymous uploads are public and are periodically deleted.
  • Contact us for an account and API integration.

List of Endpoints

Endpoint Description
/editor Allows for uploading new objects and editing (e.g., textures, size, etc.). Login to keep your models private.
/object Allows for managing and sharing the file (convert to try-on, edit, export to GLTF, delete), provides preview links (3D, AR, QR code).
/viewer 3D viewer which can be embedded into a website or used as a direct link to an object's 3D viewer. Additional parameters are described below.
/viewar AR viewer with automatic detection of client device (iOS/Android), utilizes native system AR functionality.
/tryon AR Try-On viewer used as a direct link or via QR code - currently supported types: shoes, bags, backpacks. Additional parameters are described below.

JavaScript API

  1. Import the WEARFITS JavaScript library:

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
  2. Create a DIV layer for the 3D visualization:

    <div id="wearfits_viewer" style="width:100%; height:100%"></div>

    You can customize the style but don't change the ID (wearfits_viewer).

  3. Add JavaScript code:

    	// Required parameters:
    	wearfits.showRayTracingButton = false;
    	wearfits.showARButton = true;
    	// Optional parameters:
    	wearfits.showMaterialPresets = true;
    	wearfits.controlsType = "MOUSE_POSITION";
    	// Required action:

    <id> is the object name set in the WEARFITS admin.

  4. Multiple objects:

    To load and visualize more objects in a 3D viewer, you can use the additional index parameter:

    wearfits.load("<id>", {index:1});

    The index number is the number of the object - default (first) is 0, and 1 is the second one, etc.


Use the /viewer endpoint in the IFRAME source:

<iframe style="width:100%;height:100%" src="<id>&<other_parameters>"></iframe>

List of Query String Parameters

Parameter Type Description Accepted Values Default Value
object (required) string Specifies the ID of the object to load ID of the object (without < >) null
preset string Specifies the object color variant name Any valid color variant name null
nocolorlist number Hides the color list if set to 1 0 or 1 0
norenderbutton number Hides the HQ render button when set to 1 0 or 1 0
noarbutton number Hides the AR button when set to 1 0 or 1 0
nofullscreen number Disables the fullscreen mode when set to 1 0 or 1 0
autorotate number Enables automatic rotation when set to 1 0 or 1 0
hidesettings number Hides the settings panel when set to 1 0 or 1 0
arscale number Sets the initial scale of the object in AR mode Any positive number 1

Example URL:


For any questions, inquiries, or to request an account, please email us at or schedule an online meeting via Calendly.

Our website:


Welcome to the WEARFITS API Documentation! This project offers a cutting-edge virtual try-on and size fitting solutions designed for the fashion industry, leveraging 3D, AR, and AI technologies. Our mission is to enhance the online shopping experience by allowing users to find their perfect fit from the comfort of their homes.




