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cat > hellocitation.tex <<EOF
\title{Hello, Citation}
\author{Finn Årup Nielsen}
Hello, Citation \cite{Q21133507},
and \cite{10.1186/S13321-016-0161-3}.
pdflatex hellocitation.tex
python -m scholia.tex write-bib-from-aux hellocitation.aux
bibtex hellocitation
pdflatex hellocitation.tex
pdflatex hellocitation.tex
Example with NIPS papers
python3 -m scholia.scrape.nips scrape-paper-urls-from-proceedings-url --output=nips2016.txt https://papers.nips.cc/book/advances-in-neural-information-processing-systems-28-2015
cat nips2016.txt | head -10 | xargs -n 1 python -m scholia.scrape.nips paper-url-to-quickstatements
You can get a Scholia link on the left panel in Wikidata if you have an account there.
A Javascript file, say User:Fnielsen/scholia-link.js
, may be setup:
( function( mw, $ ) {
// Partially from https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/User:Ls1g/recoin-core.js
'use strict';
console.log('scholia-link loaded');
// Magnus Manske's check for item
// https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/User:Magnus_Manske/missing_props.js
if ( mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') != 0 ) return ;
if ( mw.config.get('wgAction') != 'view' ) return ;
var entityID = mw.config.get( 'wbEntityId' );
function init()
$('#p-tb').find('ul').append('<li><a href="https://scholia.toolforge.org/' + entityID + '">Scholia</a></li>')
$( function () {
mw.hook( 'wikipage.content' ).add( init );
} ( mediaWiki, jQuery ) );
The Javascript file can be included by adding a line in your commons.js
file, e.g., User:Fnielsen/common.js
// importScript( 'User:Fnielsen/scholia-link.js' ); // Said to be an old format
- https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Tools.scholia/SAL
- https://tools.wmflabs.org/k8s-status/namespaces/tool-scholia/
- https://grafana.wmcloud.org/d/TJuKfnt4z/kubernetes-namespace?orgId=1&var-namespace=tool-scholia&var-cluster=prometheus-tools
- https://www.wikimediastatus.net/
- tickets from past downtimes: 2021-03-05, 2020-02-26
The following line takes a considerable time and should likely be submitted to the grid as per https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Toolforge/Rules - rather than run on the interactive prompt.
egrep "^\[pid:" uwsgi.log | grep -v "GET /scholia/static/" | grep -v "GET /scholia/images/" | grep -v "HEAD /scholia" | awk '{print $12 " " $13 " " $14 " " $15 " " $16 " " $18 }' > stats-`date -I`.txt
from __future__ import print_function
from dateutil.parser import parse
import re
import pandas as pd
PATTERN = re.compile('\[(.*?)\] /scholia(?:/(.*?)/)?')
filename = "stats.txt"
data = []
for line_no, line in enumerate(open(filename)):
datetime_string, aspect = PATTERN.findall(line)[0]
datetime = parse(datetime_string)
data.append((datetime, aspect, 1))
if not line_no % 10000:
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['datetime', 'aspect', 'count'])
yearmonth = [datetime.strftime('%Y-%m') for datetime in df['datetime']]
df['yearmonth'] = yearmonth
aggregated = df.groupby('yearmonth').sum()
from pylab import *
aggregated.plot(grid=True, xticks=range(len(aggregated.index)), logy=True, linewidth=5)
xlabel('Year month')
title('Scholia page views')
gca().set_xticklabels(aggregated.index, rotation = 45, ha="right")
Login: ssh <unix shell username>@login.toolforge.org
become scholia
webservice --backend=kubernetes python3.9 shell
source ~/www/python/venv/bin/activate
cd ~/www/python/scholia ; git pull
pip install -rrequirements.txt
webservice --backend=kubernetes -m 1G python3.9 restart
tail -f ~/uwsgi.log # look at web log
Sometimes the Web application at https://scholia.toolforge.org/ experience problems. It might be temporary. A few times the server might require a reboot
ssh <unix shell username>@login.toolforge.org
become scholia
webservice --backend=kubernetes -m 1G python3.9 restart