Clone this Repo
host$ git clone git@github.com:W-Shih/django-twitter.git
The simplest way is to use
as the template.host$ cp Vagrantfile-bak Vagrantfile
The simplest way is to use
as the template. However, you need to set up your ownAWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
so that users are able to upload their avatars to Amazon S3.host$ cd twitter/ host$ cp local_settings.example.py local_settings.py
Initial VM
host$ vagrant up
VM settings (optional)
Virtual Box
- Use 4 CPUs at least
- Use 2048 MBs for memory at least
host$ vagrant ssh vm$ sudo vi ~/.bashrc
- add
cd /vagrant
on the top force_color_prompt=yes
- add
vm$ python manage.py migrate
Create superuser
Method 1 - manually create superuser by
vm$ python manage.py createsuperuser
Method 2 - create superuser by
already has the script to create superuser, so could simply run the following in the host machine:host$ vagrant provision
This way will create a superuser with username
and passwordadmin
. Please refer toprovision.sh
for details.
Now you are all set. You should be able to run this service on your machine.
Run tests
vm$ coverage run --source='.' manage.py test && coverage report -m && coverage html && cove rage xml
or simply
vm$ python manage.py test
Run pylint
vm$ touch __init__.py; pylint $(pwd); rm __init__.py
Check MySQL's initialization
The default password for MySQL was
set up byprovision.sh
. Please refer toprovision.sh
for details.vm$ mysql -uroot -p
mysql> show databases; +--------------------+ | Database | +--------------------+ | information_schema | | mysql | | performance_schema | | sys | | twitter | +--------------------+
mysql> use twitter; mysql> show tables; +----------------------------+ | Tables_in_twitter | +----------------------------+ | accounts_userprofile | | auth_group | | auth_group_permissions | | auth_permission | | auth_user | | auth_user_groups | | auth_user_user_permissions | | comments_comment | | django_admin_log | | django_content_type | | django_migrations | | django_session | | friendships_friendship | | likes_like | | newsfeeds_newsfeed | | notifications_notification | | tweets_tweet | | tweets_tweetphoto | +----------------------------+
Run the service
Start the service on your local machine
vm$ python manage.py runserver
Access http://localhost/ for twitter-backend APIs
Access http://localhost/admin/ for Django-twitter administration