Abstract the 3 goal
commands integral to Algorand participation through a purposefully simple HTTP interface.
One does not need to run a node to collect rewards, only to be correctly
marked online or offline.
This service assumes you already have 1,000 microalgos in your Algorand wallet to cover the change onlines status transaction. 1 algo = 1,000,000 microalgos. At time of publishing that works out to 200 transactions for $0.2USD.
docker run -d -p 4243:3048 --env ALGORAND_DATA=/var/lib/algorand --volume algorand_volume:/var/lib/algorand vraidsys/algorand-participation:1.0.0
- Start the containerized Algorand node: http://localhost:4243/start
- Verify the containerized Algorand node is running: http://localhost:4243/status
- Create a participation key (tied to your Algorand wallet address) valid for approximately the specified number of days: http://localhost:4243/addpartkey/:algorandAddress/:daysToParticipate
- Go online with the Algorand wallet address: http://localhost:4243/changeonlinestatus/:algorandAddress/true
docker run -d -p 4242:3048 --env ALGORAND_DATA=/var/lib/algorand vraidsys/algorand-participation:1.0.0
- Start the containerized Algorand node: http://localhost:4243/start
- Verify the containerized Algorand node is running: http://localhost:4243/status
- Go offline with the Algorand wallet address: http://localhost:4243/changeonlinestatus/:algorandAddress/false
- Stop the containerized Algorand node: http://localhost:4243/stop