Welcome to my first public repository. This is one of the tasks from Codecademy - Front-end Developer Path.
Retro Computer Style Porfolio using pure CSS only! No single image was used for this project!
- Html5: I was trying to stay as semantic as I could (due to specific UI/overall design). Easy send e-mail form (no JS).
- CSS: Flex, Grid, media queries, advanced box-shadows, transitions, scroll-snap, custom scrollbar
- JavaScript: EventListeners for "scrolling keys" (mousedown, mouseup, mouseout - with some intervals),
- Figma: basic mockup, font tests
- Git/Github: first time using GIT and Github (public repo)
- add touch support for mobile
- fix mobile view (I forgot about the URL bar)
- better code organization
- fix custom scroll white square bug
- fix mobile landscape orientation bug