A collection of the daily tasks completed by the Vivid Ciphers members
- Make sure you're a member of the discord server to get tasks.
- Fork the repository to your github account so you have a copy of it that you can make changes to.
- Clone the repository that you just forked, it should be at located github.com/your_username/Daily-Tasks .
- Create a main folder with your username e.g Rayhatron
- Then a sub folder inside the main one named after the category of the task you're working on e.g "UI - UX Tasks"
- Lastly create another folder with the name of the task inside the category based folder e.g "01- Sign up form"
- Work on your task in the appropriate folder.
- Push your changes to the repository on your account.
- Create a pull request to submit your task for feedback.
- Repeat steps 4 - 7 as appropriate.
- Become a rockstar developer :)
NOTE: Do not delete any folders in the repository that you have forked and cloned. Just ignore them and work in the main folder named after you.