cd D:\
- Tạo một bài viết:
hugo new posts/<Đường_dẫn>/<Tên_bài_viết>.md
- Dùng lệnh sau để test nội dung (và sau đó truy cập
hugo server -D
- Build ra folder
hugo --config hugo.toml -D
- Tham khảo:
- Tham khảo:
Normally if you delete the .md file the post will disappear.
- Tức là nếu muốn xóa một bài post, thì mình chỉ đơn giản là xóa đi file
hugo new posts/Others/
hugo new posts/Others/
hugo new posts/Others/
hugo new posts/Others/
hugo new posts/Others/
hugo new posts/Others/
- Hardware
hugo new posts/IoT/Hardware/
hugo new posts/IoT/Hardware/
hugo new posts/IoT/Hardware/
hugo new posts/IoT/Hardware/
hugo new posts/IoT/Hardware/
hugo new posts/IoT/Hardware/
hugo new posts/IoT/Hardware/
hugo new posts/IoT/Hardware/
hugo new posts/IoT/Hardware/
hugo new posts/IoT/Hardware/
hugo new posts/IoT/Hardware/
hugo new posts/IoT/Hardware/
- Software
hugo new posts/IoT/Software/
hugo new posts/IoT/Software/
hugo new posts/IoT/Software/
hugo new posts/IoT/Software/
hugo new posts/IoT/Software/
hugo new posts/IoT/Software/
hugo new posts/IoT/Software/
hugo new posts/IoT/Software/Rust-lang/
hugo new posts/IoT/Software/
hugo new posts/IoT/Software/
hugo new posts/IoT/Software/
hugo new posts/IoT/Software/
hugo new posts/CyberSecurity/
hugo new posts/CyberSecurity/
hugo new posts/CyberSecurity/
hugo new posts/CyberSecurity/
- Technical
hugo new posts/CyberSecurity/Technical/
hugo new posts/CyberSecurity/Technical/
hugo new posts/CyberSecurity/Technical/
hugo new posts/CyberSecurity/Technical/
hugo new posts/CyberSecurity/Technical/
hugo new posts/CyberSecurity/Technical/
hugo new posts/CyberSecurity/Technical/
hugo new posts/CyberSecurity/Technical/
hugo new posts/CyberSecurity/Technical/
hugo new posts/CyberSecurity/Technical/
hugo new posts/CyberSecurity/Technical/
hugo new posts/System-DevOps/
hugo new posts/System-DevOps/
hugo new posts/System-DevOps/
hugo new posts/System-DevOps/
hugo new posts/System-DevOps/
hugo new posts/System-DevOps/
hugo new posts/System-DevOps/
hugo new posts/System-DevOps/
hugo new posts/System-DevOps/