Fortune file of VNDB quotes. Automatically updated through GitHub Action.
Quoted from Yorhel via t1052.3:
It takes all the fun of the randomness away if you know all of them already. :-P
And fortunes
program has exactly the same charm.
It becomes somehow hilarious if you pass the quote to other programs like cowsay
fortunes | cowsay
It may contain NSFW content or spoilers so use it at your own risk!
- Install
from your package manager - Copy
) - Get random VNDB quote via
fortune vndb
Example commands:
$ sudo install -pm644 ./output/vndb* /usr/share/fortunes/
$ fortune vndb
I spent all of last year's Shiomi Festival participating in a self-sponsored Reading Festival at my apartment, actually.
-- 筧 京太郎, Daitoshokan no Hitsujikai (
Data is obtained through VNDB Query.
I have no idea about the meaning of score
so omit it on purpose.
PostgreSQL Query:
SELECT vid, cid, quote
FROM vndb.quotes;
Or query VN titles, character names and format the output altogether, check query.sql
If you want to create a custom VNDB fortune quote, you can either edit coded SQL query in
on VNDB Query,
or alternatively, run the script locally, edit the JSON, and make a fortune dat yourself.
- Fortunes-VNDB is released into Public Domain under The Unlicense.
- Query inspired by
- Data License
- All information on VNDB is made available under the Open Database License.
- Any rights in individual contents of the database are licensed under the Database Contents License.