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A web interface for LiteBans, built on top of:

Next JS Prisma shadcn/ui

👾 Demo

You can view a demo of the project here.

P.D: All punishments in the demo are randomly added to the database with a list of random premium player names as punished players, and with a predefined list of reasons.

🚀 Deployment


  • Node.js v20.x or higher
  • Litebans working on MySQL, MariaDB or PostgreSQL


  1. Clone the repository with git clone
  2. Install the dependencies with npm install
  3. Copy the .env.example file to .env and fill in the required fields. For help check this
  4. If you are using PostgreSQL, check PostgresSQL Configuration
  5. Config the website (configuration)
  6. Run npm run setup:db:generate to generate the Prisma client
  7. Run npm run build to build the project
  8. Run npm run start to start the server

Database URL

You will need to set the DATABASE_URL environment variable in the .env file. If you don't know the URL template, you can check the following examples for both MySQL and PostgreSQL:

MySQL URL Configuration



PostgreSQL URL Configuration



PostgresSQL Configuration

If you are using PostgreSQL, you need to delete all the models in the prisma/schema.prisma file and change the provider to postgresql, or replace the file content with:

generator client {
  provider = "prisma-client-js"

datasource db {
  provider = "postgresql"
  url      = env("DATABASE_URL")

Update the URL in the .env file with the PostgreSQL connection string.

Then, run npm run setup:db:pull to pull the database schema.

🛠️ Configuration

You can configure any website option on config/site.ts, such as the page title, icon, and more.

🖼️ Images

You can place the images in the public/ folder, then you can use them in the website with the / path. But, if you want to use an external link images, you will need to add the following config to the next.config.js file:

const nextConfig = {
  images: {
    remotePatterns: [
      // One object for each domain
        protocol: 'https',
        hostname: 'domain.example',

🌍 Internacionalization

To configure the available languages, you can edit the config/site.ts file, modifying the languages object, then, you can edit existing translations in the language/ folder, or create new ones copying the existing ones and changing the values.

👤 Bedrock compatibility

If your server allow Bedrock players through Geyser and/or Floodgate, you can enable the Bedrock compatibility mode in the config/site.ts file, setting the bedrock property to true. Then, configure the name prefix for Bedrock players, to replace the skins with the default Steve skin.

  bedrock: {
    enabled: true,
    prefix: "BP_", // Prefix for Bedrock players


If you are using a special character for your Bedrock players, such as *.+?^${}()|[\]\\, etc., you will need to enter src/utils/bedrock.ts, and change the line 13 to const bedrockPrefixRegex = new RegExp(`^\\${siteConfig.bedrock.prefix}`);, escaping the special character with a double backslash.


The Next generation of Litebans web UI







  • TypeScript 92.9%
  • JavaScript 6.3%
  • CSS 0.8%