DnsSnap is a fast , lightweight dns managing app that lets you save and use dns DnsSnap has neat features
- Saving Dns
- Customizing the app
- being Open Source
you : ok that's basic as fuck why should i use this app instead of other dns management apps ?
how about i start with the fact that DnsSnap is not ugly ? and it doesn't look like its made for windows 7 ehm dns jumper
its quick fast and lightweight so it wont slow your pc and it still looks good u know what's better ?
- u can customize it
- its open source
- and you don't even need to use the GUI with our tray icon
- I'm gonna update it to even look cooler and work better
also although i spent about 1 day debugging there still might be bugs (0.01% chance)
here's some pictures of the default look (which u can change)