The VideoWiki Uploader Extension simplifies the process of connecting users to the Swarm-based decentralized storage of VideoWiki Uploader.
To run the VideoWiki Uploader Extension on your local Chrome browser, follow these steps:
Clone the Repository: Clone the VideoWiki Uploader Extension repository to your local machine using Git:
git clone
Load the Extension: -Open Google Chrome. -Type chrome://extensions/ in the address bar and press Enter. -Enable "Developer mode" in the top right corner of the Extensions page.
Load the Extension from Your Local Directory: -Click the "Load unpacked" button. -Browse and select the directory where you cloned the extension repository (e.g.,
-videowiki-uploader-extension). -
Extension Added: You should see the VideoWiki Uploader Extension icon
For the source code of VideoWiki Uploader, you can visit the GitHub repository at videowiki-uploader.
And for the step by step guide to publish the extension on chrome web store click here.