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WNT v2.0-alpha.10

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@VideoGameSmash12 VideoGameSmash12 released this 29 May 23:25
· 7 commits to development since this release

This update makes major changes under the hood.

What's Changed

  • Overhauls both the Supervisor and Blackbox
  • Blackbox now has a tab that lets you view your inventory
  • Blackbox's chat window has been expanded to a full-on console for the Supervisor with a tab for Fantasia
  • Blackbox now has the ability to view enhanced details in certain tabs
  • Implements Fantasia: an internal console for the Supervisor (using either Telnet, Unix Sockets, or even the Blackbox) which is hosted and runs in the background when your client is active.
  • Updates Adventure library to 4.13.1
  • Patches a client-crashing exploit with CFX

Full Changelog: v2.0-alpha.9...v2.0-alpha.10