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greyltc committed Jan 28, 2020
2 parents b4e522e + eeeb8de commit 58ea7d1
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Showing 3 changed files with 133 additions and 174 deletions.
16 changes: 7 additions & 9 deletions .SRCINFO
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
# Generated by mksrcinfo v8
# Sun Nov 26 23:53:12 UTC 2017
pkgbase = matlab
pkgdesc = A high-level language for numerical computation and visualization
pkgver =
pkgrel = 2
pkgver =
pkgrel = 1
url =
arch = x86_64
license = custom
Expand All @@ -16,21 +14,21 @@ pkgbase = matlab
depends = libxp
depends = libxpm
depends = libxtst
depends = ncurses5-compat-libs
depends = nss
depends = gcc5
depends = portaudio
depends = python2
depends = qt5-svg
depends = qt5-webkit
depends = qt5-websockets
depends = qt5-x11extras
depends = xerces-c
optdepends = gcc49: For MEX support
source = file://matlab.tar
source = file://matlab.fik
optdepends = gcc6: For MEX support
source = local:///matlab.tar
source = local:///matlab.fik
source = matlab.png::
md5sums = SKIP
md5sums = SKIP
md5sums = cf28632239db6e02bc09bcca6bf5360f

pkgname = matlab

1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,3 +8,4 @@
290 changes: 125 additions & 165 deletions PKGBUILD
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,12 +1,62 @@
# Maintainer: Grey Christoforo <first name at last name dot net>

## This PKGBUILD creates an Arch Linux package for the proprietary MATLAB application. A license from The MathWorks is needed in order to both build the package and to run MATLAB once the package is installed. In order to build the package the user must supply a plain text file installation key and the software. For network installations, in addition to the file installation key, a license file needs to be used for the installation. The tar archive file can be generated from an ISO downloaded from The MathWorks, generated from the official DVD, or created by using the interactive installer to download the toolboxes (installation can be made to a temporary directory and canceled once the toolboxes are downloaded). The contents of the tar archive must include: ./archives/ ./bin/ ./etc/ ./help/ ./java/ /sys ./activate.ini ./install ./installer_input.txt

## The default installation behavior is to install all licensed products whether or not they are available in the tar file. To install only a subset of licensed products either provide a $_products array or set $_partialinstall and remove unwanted entries from the provided $_products array. To perform a network install set $_networkinstall.
# Maintainer: Darcy Hu <>

## This PKGBUILD creates an Arch Linux package for the proprietary MATLAB application.
## In order to build the package, the user must supply:
## 1) a plain text file installation key as file `matlab.fik`
## and
## 2) the software tarball as `matlab.tar` from MATLAB ISO image or as downloaded by the installer
## A typical matlab tarball structure looks like this:
#├── activate.ini*
#├── archives/
#│   ├── common/
#│   └── glnxa64/
#│   ├── matlab/
#│   ├── matlab_code_analyzer/
#│   ├── matlabconnector/
#│   ├── matlabdata/
#│   ├── matlab_desktop_glnxa64_1535004605.enc*
#│   ├── matlab_desktop_glnxa64_1535004605.xml*
#│   ├── ... other toolbox/product files & folders go here
#├── bin/
#├── help/
#├── install*
#├── installer_input.txt*
#├── install_guide.pdf*
#├── java/
#├── license_agreement.txt*
#├── patents.txt*
#├── readme.txt*
#├── sys/
#├── trademarks.txt*
#├── ui/
#└── VersionInfo.xml*

## Maybe you'd create this archive like this:
## tar -cvf matlab.tar -C ~/matlab_R2019b_glnxa64/ .

## You can get your file installation key (that you must manually put into matlab.fik) from
## Then maybe you could make the matlab.fik file you need for this installer like this:
## echo "" > matlab.fik

## This PKGBUILD no longer attempts to activate the product.
## The user will be prompted to undertake their activation method of choice when the GUI is first run.
## Activation could be automated by running /opt/matlab/bin/ after this package is installed.
## Activation could be further automated in matlab.install (a file that doesn't exist at this time)

## This package will conflict with /usr/bin/mex from texlive-bin
## You could fix that by installing it with the pacman option --overwrite /usr/bin/mex

# partial install

# install dir
# as of R2019b Update 3, MATLAB's version number is:
pkgdesc='A high-level language for numerical computation and visualization'
Expand All @@ -20,179 +70,89 @@ depends=('gconf'
optdepends=('gcc49: For MEX support')
optdepends=('gcc6: For MEX support')

md5sums=("SKIP" "SKIP")

## For network installations, apparently, a license file needs to be used for the installation.
if [ ! -z ${_networkinstall+isSet} ]; then
OPTIONS=(!strip staticlibs)

prepare() {
msg2 'Creating desktop file'
gendesk -f -n --pkgname "${pkgname}" --pkgdesc "${pkgdesc}" --categories "Development;Education;Science;Mathematics;IDE" > /dev/null
sed -i "/^Exec=/ s,$, -desktop," "${srcdir}/${pkgname}.desktop"

msg2 'Extracting file installation key'
_fik=$(grep -o [0-9-]* ${pkgname}.fik)

msg2 'Modifying the installer settings'
sed -i "s,^# destinationFolder=,destinationFolder=${pkgdir}/opt/tmw/${pkgname}/," "${srcdir}/installer_input.txt"
sed -i "s,^# agreeToLicense=,agreeToLicense=yes," "${srcdir}/installer_input.txt"
sed -i "s,^# mode=,mode=silent," "${srcdir}/installer_input.txt"
sed -i "s,^# fileInstallationKey=,fileInstallationKey=${_fik}," "${srcdir}/installer_input.txt"
if [ ! -z ${_networkinstall+isSet} ]; then
sed -i "s,^# licensePath=,licensePath=${srcdir}/license.dat," "${srcdir}/installer_input.txt"
if [ ! -z ${_products+isSet} ]; then
msg2 'Building a package with a subset of the licensed products.'
for _product in "${_products[@]}"; do
sed -i "/^#product.${_product}$/ s/^#//" "${srcdir}/installer_input.txt"
msg2 'Generating .desktop launcher file'
gendesk -f -n --pkgname "${pkgname}" \
--pkgdesc "${pkgdesc}" \
--categories "Development;Education;Science;Mathematics;IDE" \
--exec "${_install_dir}/bin/matlab -desktop"

msg2 'Reading file installation key from matlab.fik'
_fik=$(grep -o [0-9-]* matlab.fik)

msg2 'Modifying the installer settings'
sed -i "s,^# destinationFolder=,destinationFolder=${pkgdir}${_install_dir}," installer_input.txt
sed -i "s,^# agreeToLicense=,agreeToLicense=yes," installer_input.txt
sed -i "s,^# mode=,mode=silent," installer_input.txt
sed -i "s,^# outputFile=,outputFile=${srcdir}/installer_output.txt," installer_input.txt
sed -i "s,^# fileInstallationKey=,fileInstallationKey=${_fik}," installer_input.txt

if [ ! -z ${_products+isSet} ]; then
msg2 'Building a package with a subset of the licensed products.'
for _product in "${_products[@]}"; do
sed -i "/^#product.${_product}$/ s/^#//" installer_input.txt

package() {
msg2 'Starting MATLAB installer'
"${srcdir}/install" -t -inputFile "${srcdir}/installer_input.txt" -mode silent &> /dev/null

if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
msg2 'Matlab installer done without error'
meg2 'Error encountered while running matlab installer'

msg2 'Installing license'
install -D -m644 "${pkgdir}/opt/tmw/${pkgname}/license_agreement.txt" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/tmw/${pkgname}/LICENSE"

msg2 'Creating links for license.dat'
mv "${pkgdir}/opt/tmw/${pkgname}/licenses" "${pkgdir}/opt/tmw/${pkgname}/licenses.bak"
ln -s "/etc/tmw/${pkgname}/licenses/" "${pkgdir}/opt/tmw/${pkgname}/licenses"

msg2 'Creating links for executables'
install -d -m755 "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/"
for _executable in deploytool matlab mbuild mcc mex; do
ln -s "/opt/tmw/${pkgname}/bin/${_executable}" "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/${_executable}"

msg2 'Installing desktop files'
install -D -m644 "${pkgname}.desktop" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/${pkgname}.desktop"
install -D -m644 "${pkgdir}/opt/tmw/${pkgname}/help/matlab/matlab_env/matlab_desktop_icon.png" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/pixmaps/${pkgname}.png"

msg2 'Configuring mex options'
sed -i "s#CC='gcc'#CC='gcc-4.7'#g" "${pkgdir}/opt/tmw/${pkgname}/bin/"
sed -i "s#CXX='g++'#CXX='g++-4.7'#g" "${pkgdir}/opt/tmw/${pkgname}/bin/"
sed -i "s#FC='gfortran'#FC='gfortran-4.7'#g" "${pkgdir}/opt/tmw/${pkgname}/bin/"

## See $MATLABROOT/sys/os/glnxa64/README.libstdc++
msg2 'Removing unused library files'
rm ${pkgdir}/opt/tmw/${pkgname}/sys/os/glnxa64/{,,,,,,}

# make sure MATLAB can find
sed -i 's,LD_LIBRARY_PATH="`eval echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH`",LD_LIBRARY_PATH="`eval echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH`:/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/5.5.0",g' "${pkgdir}/opt/tmw/matlab/bin/matlab"
msg2 'Starting MATLAB installer'
## I assume it's a bad idea, but I had to unset a few vars to prevent
## fakeroot from slowing the matlab installer to a crawl (commented out by default)
./install -t -inputFile "${srcdir}/installer_input.txt"
#export LD_PRELOAD="$LDP"

if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
msg2 'Matlab installer done without error'
meg2 'Error encountered while running matlab installer'

msg2 'Installing license agreement file'
install -D -m644 "${pkgdir}${_install_dir}/license_agreement.txt" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/tmw/${pkgname}/LICENSE"

#msg2 'Creating links for license.dat'
#mv "${pkgdir}${_install_dir}/licenses" "${pkgdir}${_install_dir}/licenses.bak"
#ln -s "/etc/matlab/licenses/" "${pkgdir}${_install_dir}/licenses"

msg2 'Creating links for executables'
install -d -m755 "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/"
for _executable in deploytool matlab mbuild mcc mex; do
ln -s "${_install_dir}/bin/${_executable}" "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/${_executable}"

msg2 'Installing .desktop launcher files'
install -D -m644 "${pkgname}.desktop" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/${pkgname}.desktop"
install -D -m644 "${pkgdir}${_install_dir}/help/matlab/matlab_env/matlab_desktop_icon.png" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/pixmaps/${pkgname}.png"

if [ ! -z ${_partialinstall+isSet} ] && [ -z ${_products+isSet} ]; then
if ${_partialinstall} && [ -z ${_products+isSet} ]; then
# fill in toolboxes/products here as needed for a partial install
# hint: look in your installer_input.txt file for names to use here

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