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In-house pipeline for the analysis of large-scale scRNA-seq datasets (v2.3).


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Seurat-based scRNA-seq Analysis for large-scale datasets (v2.3)

Developed for the analysis of the DICE database datasets. Check out our manuscripts:

System requirements and set up

Please consult the Dependencies file for more details on R dependencies. Originally developed on a Linux platform. This code was developed with the v3.6.1 of the R environment, so we recommend you run your analysis with this code by using the same R version.
After having installed all necessary dependencies, the set up is straightforward. You just must replace the absolute paths to the analysis modules scripts in the master script (R/master/general_seurat_analysis.2.3.R). This set of paths to be modified can be easily found in the master script under the note # Modules and important functions. Other than that, the script is ready to be run for large-scale scRNA-seq analysis.

Run examples and input file examples

Please see the RunExample file. In there, we provide several examples as to how to run the script under scenarios where different goals are established.
For examples of the common input files for this pipeline (other than the gene by cell counts matrix) as well as an extended description of their corresponding formats, please go to the folder input_examples.

Arguments per step

General arguments (input definition)

The main input for the program is the UMI counts matrix, an output from 10x's cellranger (see, e.g., here). The rows in the matrix represent genes and the columns represent cell barcodes. The IDs of the genes might be taken as their gene symbols (referred to here as "names") or their Ensembl IDs. See the options below.

  • ReportsPath Char vector, absolute path to directory to save analyses reports.
  • PrjName Char vector, name to be given to the project.
  • DataFile Char vector, absolute path to input file storing a feature by counts matrix. Two types of files are possible (controlled with the InputType option; see right below). For the counts value, a counts matrix with the format provided by 10x's cellranger (either the output from the count or the aggr modules) is expected. Otherwise, for the seurat option, an RDS file with a seurat object output from a previous analysis is expected.
  • InputType Char vector, indicates what kind of input should be considered, either counts for a count matrix or seurat for a seurat object.
  • FeatureID Char vector, defines the feature ID type to take from the counts matrix. Default is 'name' (features.tsv column 2). Possible values are 'name' and 'ensembl', the last one corresponding to the Ensembl ID. This option applies only if a count matrix (and not a seurat object) is provided.
  • Raw10x Char vector, absolute path to 10x raw data path (as a directory instead of an hf5 matrix file). Necessary when "ensembl" is picked as the feature ID option.
  • IsFivePrime Logical, indicates whether the data comes from a five-prime experiment, in which case, antigen receptor (either T-cell receptor or B-cell receptor) genes will be excluded from downstream analyses.
  • MarkersFile Char vector, absolute path to RDS file listing gene markers. The expression of these markers will be assessed by showing the cell-specific expression on UMAP heatmap-like plots (the so-called "feature plots") and by showing their cluster-specific specific expression in violin plots. Format for this file is described elsewhere and an example is provided along.
  • RAM Int, indicates available RAM for the job session.

For annotations

If the data from multiple libraries were aggregated for joined analysis (for example, based on cellranger aggr), certain knowledge about the barcodes' origin is known apriori based on library of origin. This knowledge can be provided as metadata annotations during the process. To do so, the program depends on an aggregation table, which must have the same format as the one required by cellranger aggr plus a few columns as shown in the example provided in this repo (see example file aggr_table_annotated_example.csv in the input_examples folder).

  • DoAnnotate Logical, indicates whether to perform metadata annotation based on an aggr table (path to file provided with option AggrTable).
  • AggrTable Char vector, absolute path to fully-annotated aggregation table (format detailed elsewhere and an example provided in the input_examples folder; file named aggr_table_annotated_example.csv).
  • DonorsMetaData Char vector, absolute path to donors metadata file. Set as NULL if there's none (format detailed elsewhere and an example provided in the input_examples folder; file named SamplesMetadata.csv).
  • ExcededBatches Logical, indicates whether it's ok having more batches defined in the aggr table provided than the actual number of batches defined for the seurat object. If FALSE, the pipeline will get stalled when there are less batches defined (in the seurat object) than the ones expected according to the aggr table.
  • MergeBy Char vector, column name in both seurat object meta data and donors meta data in order to merge them and add further annotations. Value considered only if there are annotations and donors metadata provided
  • LaneID Char vector, represents teh names to be given to the columns listing the values defined in the column '' of the aggregation table. Must be a single string where different column names are separated by semicolons.
  • MultAnnPerLane Logical, indicates wether the lane tag column in the aggregation table lists multiple values. If TRUE, they should be separated by semicolon within each aggregation table lane index and there should be the same amount of values per library (i.e., per row in the aggregation table).
  • There are more detailed options detailed under this section within the script.

Subsetting options

It is frequently desired to exclude cell barcodes before applying the whole scRNA-seq analysis workflow; in other words, sometimes one may want to preseubset the dataset before analysis. The following options provide control over this.

  • DoPreSubset Logical, indicates whether presubsetting should be applied or not. Only relevant when a seurat object is input. Otherwise, the value is completely ignored.
  • PreSubsetCriteria Char vector, absolute path to file indicating the criteria to be applied for presubsetting. Only relevant when a seurat object is input. Two different subset strategies are valid depending on the columns defined in the file. If the file has a single column (named "barcode"), then the barcodes listed there will be taken as the subset to be kept for downstream analyses. Otherwise, the file has to have the same format as for Tag and Features criteria (see options 'DoSubset', 'TagsCriteria' and 'FeatsCriteria' below) and the same subsetting strategy is applied.
  • DoSubset Logical, flag indicates whether the seurat object must be filtered by excluding a subset of cells or a subset of genes/features. Rules to remove or keep cells are specified through options 'TagsCriteria' and 'FeatsCriteria' (see below).
  • TagsCriteria Char vector, absolute path to file indicating the criteria to be applied to filter cell barcodes. The specific format required for this file is detailed elsewhere and an example provided in the input_examples folder; file named PresubsetCriteria.csv.
  • FeatsCriteria Retired. This option should no longer be used and will be removed in future versions of the pipeline.

For quality control (QC)

For QC, three barcode-specific measures are used as features to define low-quality barcodes which are likely to represent one of the following: ambient RNA, dying (perforated) cells or multiplets. These features are the following: (i) number of UMIs per cell (sometimes also referred to as barcode-specific sequencing depth); (ii) number of genes/features per cell; and (iii) percentage of UMIs that mapped to mitochondrial genes. For further details see ref. During the analysis, the user may define thresholds for these features to identify and remove low-quality cells. The following options provide control over this.

  • minCounts Integer, indicates the lower threshold for number of UMIs per cell.
  • maxCounts Integer, indicates the upper threshold for number of UMIs per cell.
  • minFeatures Integer, indicates the lower threshold for number of genes per cell.
  • maxFeatures Integer, indicates the upper threshold for number of UMIs per cell.
  • maxMP Integer, indicates the upper threshold for percentage of mitochondrial UMIs per cell.
  • FilterOut Logical, indicates whether the barcodes identified to have low quality (based on the criteria defined with the options above) must be filtered out for downstream analysis.\nFor a pilot run, it is highly recommended to keep even the low-quality cells.

For normalization

Before applying the dimensionality reduction and clustering steps, UMI counts must be normalized. Several normalization strategies have been proposed, but two in particular have become popular thanks to being available through the Seurat toolkit, namely LogNormalize and SCTransform (ref). Both options are available through this pipeline and the following options provide control over this.

  • FeatsForDSA Int, indicates one of two options depending on whether the value is over 100. If larger than 100, it indicates the amount of variable features to take into consideration for downstream analysis. If smaller or equal to 100, it indicates the percentage of standardized variance to be considered such that the most variable features that account for that percentage of standardized variance will be taken into consideration.
  • GenNormMethod Char vector, indicates the method to use for general data normalization. Possible values (other than these, program will stop): LogTransform (Log-normalization for cell-wise normalization proceeded by other steps such as gene normalization) and SCTransform (ref).
  • VarsToRegress Character, either 1) an absolute path to a csv file (single column, with header 'features') listing a set of variables to regress during gene normalization (scaling applied with the function ScaleData from Seurat, passed to the argument named the same way) or a single string that lists the values to regress out during normalization (separated by semicolons).

For Dimensionality reduction and clustering.

Two kinds of dimensionality reduction are applied during the process, linear dimensionality reduction (essentially, PCA) and non-linear (graph-based) dimensionality reduction. For the latter, a speciifc set of principal components (PCs) might be provided. Previous to clustering, other strategies to correct for potential batch effects have been suggested, where Harmony is one of the most popular ones. You can apply Harmony for batch effect removal in here. For the non-linear dimensionality reduction process, two methods are available: (i) UMAP embedding and (ii) tSNE embedding, where both options are avaible here (either of them or both). Finally, during clustering, the resolution parameter controls the number of clusters inveiled by the method, such that the higher the resolution is, the larger the number of clusters that will be recovered. The options below provide control for all of these stages.

  • PCs Int, indicates the number of PCs to take into consideration for non-linear dimensionality reduction and clustering.
  • ForHarmony Char vector, if different than NULL, it indicates that Harmony batch-effect removal should be applied. Then, this may be evaluated as a character vector of the metadata column listing the batches to be regressed out through Harmony.
  • Resolution Char vector. A single string to be interpreted as a numeric vector where each value must be a nonnegative value between 0.1 and 1. For example, the string 'c(0.2, 0.4)' will be interpreted as a numeric vector with entries 0.2 and 0.4. These indicate the resolutions to consider during clustering. There is not a limit in the number of resolutions to try, but be aware that the more you provide, the longer it will take for the script to run.
  • DimReduction String to be evaluated as a character vector indicating the dimensionality reduction methods that should be applied over the data other than PCA (which will run tried all the same). Possible values are 'umap' and 'tsne', where either or both can be provided. Default is both.
  • MaxCellsNo Int, indicates the maximum number of cells to depict in plots.


For further details on the script options or troubleshooting, please feel free to open an issue or to email Vicente directly (


In-house pipeline for the analysis of large-scale scRNA-seq datasets (v2.3).







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