Code snippets used during a study of ROS 2. Majorly intermediary concepts
A workspace is a folder that contain packages, and all the source for these packages will be housed in a subfolder called src. All sibling folder to the src folder ie (build, install and log) are generated automatically by the colcon build command
A packages is a self contained unit of code that houses all it needs and can be shared. Packages uses ament build system and colcon tool. packages can be built using either CMake or Python. A package is simply a folder in the src folder
workspace_folder/ src/ cpp_package_1/ CMakeLists.txt include/cpp_package_1/ package.xml src/
This repo is organized as follows
two top level folders, both exclusively dedicated to rlcpy and rclcpp. I tried as much as possible to cover all ROS2 inbuilt concepts in both folders. Unfortunately, some things can only be done in cpp and not python, so they are not included in the python folder, and if other python things are dependent on them, then a little cpp will be written in the python folder. Example of such things we can't do with python is creating interfaces in ROS2. All interfaces (at the time of writing this in September 2024) must be created with ament_cmake package
Almost every sub-folder has a readme file explaining what is in each folder, so a parent folder will only explain its immediate directory and not that of the subfolders
Packages are named based on concepts that they cover
Nodes are not named based on concepts they cover