Vesta is a smart contract platform built with the Cosmos-SDK. Vesta allows developers to deploy and execute smart
contracts written in Javascript on the blockchain. The contracts are stored in plain text and interpreted on runtime
allowing for code auditability and composability. Unlike other smart contract platforms, vesta allows developers to
assign names to smart contract instances and import functions from other contracts by name rather than address. View
the litepaper here.
make install
Smart Contract Quickstart docs.
For examples of smart contracts built with vesta, see examples.
STD // An object holding the standard library functions & the injected libraries.
CTX // An object holding the context for the current execution including the sender of the message.
CONTRACT // An object holding both the information about the contract as well as a slot for the exported functions and queries.
vestad tx vm store {path_to_contract_file} --from {key}
vestad q vm list-contracts #note the code number of your contract
vestad tx vm instantiate {name} {code_num} {args} --from {key}
Execute function
vestad tx vm execute {name} {function} {args} --from {key}
Query function
vestad q vm query {name} {function} {args}
See The Docs.
See Tokenomics Paper.
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