Diffie–Hellman Key Exchange Method (hereafter called the D-H method) allows two parties agree upon a shared secret number, a symmetric key, over an insecure communications channel
Top class project using cryptography. Diffie–Hellman Key Exchange Method (hereafter called the D-H method) allows two parties agree upon a shared secret number, a symmetric key, over an insecure communications channel.
Three Layers of security-
- Diffie-Hellman-Key-Algorithm
- Vigenere Cipher
- polybius cipher
Classic Project !
Project Youtube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgGjLN0w4Zw
You Can use this Beautiful Project for your college Project and get good marks too.
Email me Now vatshayan007@gmail.com to get this Full Project Code, PPT, Report, Synopsis, Video Presentation and Research paper of this Project.
💌 Feel free to contact me for any kind of help on projects related to Machine Learning, Data Science, Cryptography, DIP, Web technologies and Cloud.
⚡ Email me at vatshayan007@gmail.com to get a detailed Guide report to run the project with source Code.
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Jai Hind !