A cli to browse and watch anime. This tool scrapes the site gogoanime.
Also consider ani-cli-git
yay -S ani-cli
Install dependencies (See below)
git clone https://github.com/pystardust/ani-cli && cd ani-cli
sudo cp ani-cli /usr/local/bin/ani-cli
Note that mpv installed through flatpak is not compatible
Install homebrew (Guide)
brew tap iamchokerman/ani-cli
brew install ani-cli
If you are upgrading from the old manual install process, you may have to remove the old ani-cli by running sudo rm /usr/local/bin/ani-cli
Note that the installation instruction below must be done inside Powershell as administrator, not in Command Prompt
Install scoop (Guide)
scoop bucket add extras
mkdir -p "$env:USERPROFILE/.cache"
scoop install ani-cli -g
Make sure git bash is installed (Install)
Run ani-cli in Git Bash (Running it in cmd or powershell may or may not work)
Install termux (Guide)
pkg install git termux-tools ncurses-utils openssl-tool -y
git clone https://github.com/pystardust/ani-cli && cd ani-cli
cp ani-cli $PREFIX/bin/ani-cli
echo 'am start --user 0 -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d "$2" -n is.xyz.mpv/.MPVActivity' > $PREFIX/bin/mpv
chmod +x $PREFIX/bin/mpv
Install mpv-android (Link)
Add referrer="https://gogoanime.fi"
to mpv.conf (Open mpv app, goto three dots top right->Settings->Advanced-->Edit mpv.conf)
Note: VLC android doesn't support referrer option. So it will not work
- Arch Linux:
yay -R ani-cli
- Other Linux: Just remove the thing from path
- Mac:
brew uninstall ani-cli
- Windows:
scoop uninstall ani-cli
- Android: Just remove the thing from path
- grep
- sed
- curl
- openssl
- mpv - Video Player
- aria2 - Download manager
- ffmpeg - m3u8 Downloader