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We've put together a visual step-by-step guide to help you contribute:

1. Fork the repository:


2. Edit the repository name:

Edit Repo Name

3. Navigate to the file you want to edit:


4. Add a new JSON course (to courses.json):

Add JSON Course

5. Raise a Pull Request:

Raise PR

6. Confirm your Pull Request:

Pull Request

Git Cheat Sheet

1. Initialize a new Git repository:

git init

To use this command, copy the text above and paste it into your terminal.

2. Clone an existing repository:

git clone

To use this command, copy the text above, replacing with the actual repository URL, and paste it into your terminal.

3. Check the status of your repository:

git status

To use this command, copy the text above and paste it into your terminal.

4. Add changes to the staging area:

git add . 

To use this command, copy the text above and paste it into your terminal.

5. Commit your changes with a message:

git commit -m "Your commit message here"

To use this command, copy the text above, replace "Your commit message here" with your actual commit message, and paste it into your terminal.

6. Push your commits to a remote repository:

git push origin main

To use this command, copy the text above and paste it into your terminal.

7. Pull changes from a remote repository:

git pull origin main

To use this command, copy the text above and paste it into your terminal.

8. Create a new branch:

git branch new-branch-name

To use this command, copy the text above, replace new-branch-name with the desired name for your new branch, and paste it into your terminal.

9. Switch to a different branch:

git checkout branch-name

To use this command, copy the text above, replace branch-name with the name of the branch you want to switch to, and paste it into your terminal.

10. View the commit history:

git log

To use this command, copy the text above and paste it into your terminal.

11. Set Your Global Username:

git config --global "Your Name"

To use this command, copy the text above, replace "Your Name" with your actual username, and paste it into your terminal.

12. Set Your Global Email:

git config --global ""

To use this command, copy the text above, replace "" with your actual email address, and paste it into your terminal.

Git Cheat Sheet (Table Format)

Command Description Example
git init Initializes a new Git repository in the current directory. bash git init
git clone <repo-url> Creates a copy of a remote repository on your local machine. bash git clone
git add <file> Stages changes to a specific file for the next commit. bash git add index.html
git add . Stages all changes in the current directory and its subdirectories for the next commit. bash git add .
git status Shows the status of the working directory and the staging area. bash git status
git commit -m "message" Commits staged changes with a descriptive message. bash git commit -m "Fix bug in login form"
git push <remote> <branch> Uploads local commits to a remote repository. bash git push origin main
git pull <remote> <branch> Fetches changes from a remote repository and merges them into the local branch. bash git pull origin main
git branch Lists all branches in the local repository. bash git branch
git branch <branch-name> Creates a new branch. bash git branch feature/new-design
git checkout <branch-name> Switches to a different branch. bash git checkout feature/new-design
git merge <branch-name> Merges the specified branch into the current branch. bash git merge feature/new-design
git branch -d <branch-name> Deletes a branch. bash git branch -d feature/new-design
git log Shows the commit history of the current branch. bash git log
git log --oneline Shows the commit history in a condensed format. bash git log --oneline
git diff Shows the differences between the working directory and the last commit. bash git diff
git diff --staged Shows the differences between the staging area and the last commit. bash git diff --staged
git remote Lists all remote repositories. bash git remote
git remote -v Lists all remote repositories with URLs. bash git remote -v
git remote add <remote-name> <repo-url> Adds a new remote repository. bash git remote add origin
git remote remove <remote-name> Removes a remote repository. bash git remote remove origin
git stash Saves uncommitted changes temporarily. bash git stash
git stash pop Restores the most recently stashed changes. bash git stash pop
git config --global "Your Name" Sets your name globally. bash git config --global "Your Name"
git config --global "" Sets your email globally. bash git config --global ""


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