- VPC, Subnet, Security Group ... for the EKS cluster
- an EKS cluster (v1.29) and a Managed Node Group (with CloudWatch log permission attachment)
- Kubernetes namespace and sample pod that will send logs to CloudWatch Log Group (see k8s.tf)
- EKS Add-on: Amazon Cloudwatch Observability
A controller manager will be deployed. Two deamonSets will be created to deploy CloudWatch Agents and Fluent Bitkubectl get all -n amazon-cloudwatch
- Testing Pod
A deployment will be created to deploy Pods and write log to CloudWatch
kubectl get all -n cloudwatch-log-fluent-bit-namespace
- The log
- Go to CloudWatch Console
- Find the log group, it will be in the format of /aws/containerinsights/cloudwatch-log-fluent-bit/application
- View the log
terraform apply
terraform destroy