Ready-made Lineage 2 Interlude server. It is based on the Java kernel. (If memory serves me correctly, the kernel is l2jLovely. The server language is Russian.)
- System: Linux (Ubuntu/Debian/ArchLinux), Windows Xp and higher.
- Processor: 2-core 2.7 GHz.
- RAM: For Linux [400 MB] For Windows [1GB]
- Java: Version 7 and higher.
- Upload the backup database via Navicat. (Create 2 databases [la2_login] and [la2_game]
- Write the password to the root user in the configs of gameserver and LoginServer
- Register GamerServer (create a hexid file), and throw it in: ~ \ game\config\network
- Launch LoginServer, and after launching LoginServer, launch GamerServer.
- P.S. Included is L2_EDIT for changing the l2.ini file.