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Anilibrary Monitoring

Monitoring all Anilibrary services.

Build and deployment

Before launching Monitoring, you need to fill all required environment variables which will be located in .env.

The recommended way to obtain it is to make it from .env.example:

cp .env.example .env

After that you can run make install to build and launch Monitoring.


Name Default value Description
GRAFANA_VERSION 11.4.0 The version of Grafana to be used.
GRAFANA_PORT 3000 The port Grafana will be accessible on.
GRAFANA_ADMIN_USER The username for Grafana admin login.
GRAFANA_ADMIN_PASSWORD The password for Grafana admin login.
TEMPO_VERSION latest The version of Tempo to be used.
TEMPO_PORT 3200 The port Tempo will be accessible on.
TEMPO_OTLP_HTTP_PORT 4318 The OTLP HTTP port for Tempo.
TEMPO_LOG_SPANS false Whether Tempo distributor should log spans.
PROMETHEUS_VERSION v3.1.0 The version of Prometheus to be used.
PROMETHEUS_PORT 9090 The port Prometheus will be accessible on.
ALERTMANAGER_VERSION v0.28.0 The version of Alertmanager to be used.
ALERTMANAGER_PORT 9093 The port Alertmanager will be accessible on.
TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN The token for the Telegram bot.
TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID The chat ID for the Telegram bot.
MAIL_HOST The SMTP host for email notifications.
MAIL_SENDER The email address to send notifications from.
MAIL_RECEIVER The email address to receive notifications.
MAIL_USERNAME The username for the email account.
MAIL_PASSWORD The password for the email account.
ELASTICSEARCH_EXPORTER_PORT 9114 The port for Elasticsearch Exporter.
ELASTICSEARCH_URL The URL for Elasticsearch.


Monitoring reads and visualises metrics and traces from all Anilibrary services, to fully use it check other services:

  1. Anilibrary - main service.
  2. Scraper - a service that allows you to scrape anime data from different sites.
  3. ELK - service that is used for advanced logging and search.

To launch Monitoring use command:

make up

It will launch all containers except for Alertmanager. To launch it and exporters for alerts use command:

make alerts


To validate Prometheus or Alertmanager configs use following commands:

make validate-prometheus-config
make validate-alertmanager-config

To do it automatically before commit, Monitoring uses Lefthook, so you must install it as well.