OPC UA security scanner
To deploy means to release applications, and if necessary, to deploy website and API.
make release
This command creates MSIX and Snapd packages of OpalOPC. The Snapd package is automatically uploaded to Snap store, but need to be promoted to latest/stable by hand in Snapd listing page. MSIX needs to be uploaded by hand to Microsoft Partner Portal.
Deploy Docusaurus website to Cloudflare Pages.
make deploy-website
Deploy Known Vulnerability API.
make update-local-knownvulnerabilityapi-db # create local CPE database using latest data
make deploy-api
# deploy the local CPE database to API
make deploy-knownvulnerabilityapi-db
Setup scanme on a VPS. Only needs to be run once.
make setup-scanme
Scan echo (on linux):
make run
Run website on localhost with hot reload on changes:
make docs
# check
make lint-check
# make changes
make lint
# unit tests
make run-unit-tests
# e2e tests (requires Windows)
make run-e2e-tests
# All tests
make run-all-tests
make edit-vault