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UnFichierApi provide you a simple way to use the 1Fichier API with Ruby (


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Folders and files

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UnFichierApi provide you a simple way to use the 1Fichier API with Ruby (


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'un_fichier_api'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install un_fichier_api


To begin, you must have a 1Fichier API key and reference it in a initializer like this:

UnFichierApi::Base.api_key = 'MY_API_KEY'

UnFichierApi provide you few objects that help you to call the 1Fichier API:

Objects to be develop in future (if you want develop it, don't hesitate):

  • Upload

All methods describe below have default listed params. You should replace default params by your own. 1Fichier has their own default values, for folder_id value for example.

Please refer to the 1Fichier API documentation here for all informations about API.

File object

Download a file nil, inline: nil, cdn: nil, restrict_ip: nil, single: nil, pass: nil, no_ssl: nil, folder_id: nil, filename: nil, sharing_user: nil)

url : Download link
inline : (optional) 0 or 1, if "inline" option enabled. You can always add "&inline=1" to the supplied url
cdn : (optional) 0 or 1, if using your CDN credits (forced if Premium / Access and identified server)
restrict_ip : (optional - for CDN only). 0 (default): No restriction, 1: Prohibits IP changes, 2: Prohibits any sub-requests
single : (optional). 0 (default) : Child requests allowed. 1: Prohibits any sub-requests
pass : (optional) Access password to the file, if restricted by password.
no_ssl : (optional) Disable SSL on the download link
folder_id : Folder ID (if groupware sharing with hidden download link option)
filename : Filename (if groupware sharing with hidden download link option)
sharing_user : Email of the user who shares his resource (essential if folder_id = 0 - if the file is at the root)

Get informations about a file nil, pass: nil, folder_id: nil, filename: nil, sharing_user: nil)

url: (required) Url of the file
pass : (optional) Access password to the file, if restricted by password. Options, if it's a groupware shared folder file with the hidden download link feature.
folder_id : Folder ID
filename : Filename (exact/case sensitive)
sharing_user : Email of the account that shares the folder (useful if root folder / folder_id=0)

List files of a folder

UnFichierApi::File.list(folder_id: nil, sharing_user: nil, sent_before: nil, sent_after: nil)

folder_id : (optional) Folder identifier. Root if unspecified or 0. -1 allow to list all files of the account
sharing_user : (optional) Email of the user sharing his folder - used if folder_id = 0 / root folder sent_before/sent_after : (optional) Allow to limit the return by date (can be used separately or not)
sent_before/sent_after : (optional) Limit the result by date. Params can be combined or not.

Copy file(s) in a folder

UnFichierApi::File.copy(urls: [], folder_id: nil, pass: nil, sharing_user: nil, rename: nil)

urls : List (array) of files (download links) to copy. Copy all the files whose access is not restricted to you.
folder_id : Identifier of target folder / destination (0 or not specified if root).
pass : Access password (optional)
sharing_user : Email of the user sharing his destination resource (used if folder_id = 0 or empty)
rename : (optional) Rename the file (works with 1 URL only)

Move file(s) in a new folder

UnFichierApi::File.move(urls: [], destination_folder_id: nil, destination_user: nil, rename: nil)

urls : List (array) of files (download links) to move. Allows you to move only your own files or files to which you have write access (groupware shares).
destination_folder_id : Identifier of the target folder (Root of your account if "0." Must be defined.).
destination_user : Email of the user sharing his destination resource (used if destination_folder_id = 0 or empty)
rename : (optional) Rename the file (works with 1 URL only)

Rename file(s)

UnFichierApi::File.rename(urls: [])

urls : List (array) of files (download links) to rename. Only works with the account files (see example below).

urls: [
  { url: '', filename: 'my_filename' }

Remove file(s)

UnFichierApi::File.remove(files: [])

files : List (array) of files (download links) to remove. Precise a code for the files not linked to an account (optional). See example below.

files: [
  { url: '', code: 'my_code' }

Scan file (with 1Fichier antivirus)

UnFichierApi::File.scan(url: nil)

url: (required) url of the file to scan.

Change attributes of file(s)

UnFichierApi::File.change_attributes(urls: [], filename: nil, description: nil, pass: nil, no_ssl: nil, inline: nil, cdn: nil, acl: { ip: [], country: [], email: [], premium: nil })

urls : List (array) files (download links) to edit. You can act on your files as well as the files to which you are authorized in write mode
filename : Change the file name. Only works with a single file
description : Modify the description of the file(s) (may be empty)
pass : Change the access password. 6 characters minimum. (may be empty to remove)
no_ssl : Force default access without SSL encryption
inline : Forces "inline" access, informs the browser of the content-type and does not force the opening of a download box.
cdn : Flag the files in "CDN".
acl : Advanced access controls. Can be empty to remove
acl/ip : List of IPs to allow. CIDR format.
acl/country : List of countries to allow
acl/email : List of registered users emails to allow
acl/premium : Only allow our customers (Premium / Access)

Folder object

List folders

UnFichierApi::Folder.list(folder_id: nil, sharing_user: nil, files: nil)

folder_id : Identifier of the folder. Root if unspecified or 0.
sharing_user : Email of the user who shares the folder (mandatory if sharing the root folder - ignored otherwise)
files : (optional) : Add files list of the folder

Create a folder

UnFichierApi::Folder.create(name: nil, folder_id: nil, sharing_user: nil)

name: Folder name
folder_id : Identifier of the parent folder. Root if unspecified or 0.
sharing_user : (optional) Email of the user sharing a folder (required if groupware sharing the root folder)

Move a folder

UnFichierApi::Folder.move(folder_id: nil, destination_folder_id: nil, destination_user: nil, rename: nil)

folder_id : Folder ID to move (source)
destination_folder_id : Destination folder ID (root if "0")
destination_user : User email (used in the case of a groupware share with destination_folder_id = 0)
rename : New name for the folder (ignore destination_*)

Remove a folder

UnFichierApi::Folder.remove(folder_id: nil)

folder_id : Folder ID to remove

Share a folder

UnFichierApi::Folder.share(folder_id: nil, share: nil, pass: nil, shares: [])

folder_id : Folder ID
share : If public sharing accessible via URL like
pass : If "share", possibility to set an access password (6 characters minimum)
shares : Groupware shares with other registered users (0 or empty array to remove any groupware share)
shares/email : Registered user email address
shares/rw : If allow in write mode
shares/hide_links : Hide download links (implies shares/rw = 0)

Ftp object

Processing request to upload your files in FTP


Ftp user object

List the FTP users


Create a FTP user

UnFichierApi::FtpUser.create(user: nil, pass: nil, folder_id: nil)

user : (required) Username
pass : (required) Password
folder_id : (optional) Destination folder identifier when upload files

Remove a FTP user

UnFichierApi::FtpUser.remove(user: nil)

user : (required) Username

Remote upload object

List the remote uploads


Info about a remote upload request nil)

id : Remote upload request identifier identifier

Create a remote upload request

UnFichierApi::Remote.request(urls: [], folder_id: nil, headers: {})

urls : List (array) of files (download links) to upload to the account.
folder_id : Destination folder (root if empty or "0")
headers/name : Alphanumeric characters accepted, including '-'. Insensitive to the box according to the RFC. We will normalize the variable in lowercase except for the first letter of words (eg Content-Type)
headers/value : Accepted alphanumeric characters, including space, tab (excluding the first and last characters) [-_+=%?,'"/]

Example of headers value :

headers: {
  'Name1': 'my_value_1',
  'Name2': 'my_value_2'

User object

Get/update informations about the user nil, ftp_did: nil, ftp_report: nil, ru_report: nil, default_domain: nil, page_limit: nil, default_port: nil, default_port_files: nil, use_cdn: nil, download_menu: nil)

ftp_mode : Mode of treatment of files uploaded by FTP. 0/automatic - 1/manual
ftp_did : Destination folder ID of files uploaded by FTP (default root/0)
ftp_report : Send a notification email after processing files uploaded by FTP.
ru_report : Sending a notification email after processing a Remote Upload request.
default_domain : Default file hosting domain (see table).
page_limit : Limit the number of files show on a page (web interface)
default_port : Default download port. 0/HTTP SSL - 1/HTTP
default_port_files : Default download port for your files. 0/HTTP SSL - 1/HTTP
use_cdn : Use your CDN credits for your own downloads.
download_menu : Display the download menu


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


UnFichierApi provide you a simple way to use the 1Fichier API with Ruby (








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