Extension for keras tuner that adds a set of classes to implement cross validation methodologies.
$ pip install keras_tuner_cv
Here is the list of implemented methodologies and how to use them!
from keras_tuner_cv import OuterCV
from keras_tuner.tuners import RandomSearch
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
cv = KFold(n_splits=5, random_state=12345, shuffle=True),
outer_cv = OuterCV(
# You can use any class extendind:
# sklearn.model_selection.cros.BaseCrossValidator
# You can use any class extending:
# keras_tuner.engine.tuner.Tuner, e.g. RandomSearch
# Tuner parameters both positional and named ones
from keras_tuner_cv import inner_cv
from keras_tuner.tuners import RandomSearch
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
cv = KFold(n_splits=5, random_state=12345, shuffle=True),
# You can use any class extending:
# keras_tuner.engine.tuner.Tuner, e.g. RandomSearch
inner_cv = inner_cv(RandomSearch)(
# You can use any class extending:
# sklearn.model_selection.cross.BaseCrossValidator
# Tuner positional parameters except hypermodel
# Saves the history of all metrics observed across the epochs
# in json format.
# Saves the model output for both the training and validation
# datasets in numpy format.
# Indicates when or not to reload the best weights w.r.t. to
# the objective indicated for the calculation of output and
# scores.
# Tuner named parameters except hypermodel
Keras Tuner CV is released under the GPL v3.