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File metadata and controls

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🏙️ How to Configure Your Own City in Taxis Vis

This guide will help you add a new city configuration to Taxis Vis, and most importantly making sure it is save so that you can re-use that config, in the config selector at the beginning.

📂 1. Create a New Configuration Folder

To set up a new city, create a folder inside:


For example, if you want to add San Francisco, create:



The folder name should be unique and will be referenced in config_list.json.

📝 2. Reference the New City in config_list.json

Once you have created your new city folder, update config_list.json to include the new configuration.

File to edit:


Example (config_list.json)

  "configNames": [
    "SF" // Add your new city name here


Make sure the folder name and config name match exactly (case-sensitive) to avoid errors.

🗄️ 3. Create the Database Folder and Add a DuckDB File

Inside your new city folder, create a database sub-folder:


Add your city's DuckDB database file here. You can create a new one using any method, as long as it contains taxi data.


If you need help creating a DuckDB database, check out

🌍 4. Create the GeoJSON Layers Folder

Inside your new city folder, create a geojson_layers sub-folder:


Store all GeoJSON files relevant to your city here. At minimum, there must be one GeoJSON file representing neighborhoods.




At least one file must be about neighborhoods for the app to function correctly.


If you need a GeoJSON file for neighborhoods, check open data portals like

⚙️ 5. Create the config.json File

Now, create a config.json inside your new city folder:


This file contains all settings for your city, including database path, mapping layers, and spatial data.

Example config.json for San Francisco:

  "name": "SF", // The name of the city configuration (must match the folder name)

  "dbPath": "/config/taxis_vis_config/SF/database/taxis_sf.duckdb", // Path to the DuckDB database file

  "datetimeColumns": {
    "pickup": "pickup_datetime", // Column in the database storing trip pickup timestamps (need to change the value, the key is what we are relying on)
    "dropoff": "dropoff_datetime" // Column in the database storing trip dropoff timestamps (need to change the value, the key is what we are relying on)

  "locationColumns": {
    "pickup": "pickup_location", // Column storing pickup locations in GeoJSON format (need to change the value, the key is what we are relying on)
    "dropoff": "dropoff_location" // Column storing dropoff locations in GeoJSON format (need to change the value, the key is what we are relying on)

  "tableName": "trips", // Name of the table inside the DuckDB database that contains taxi trip data

  "mapSettings": {
    "tileLayer": "streets-v12-2D", // Map tile layer, should match a key in `tiles_layers.json`
    "threeDEnabled": false, // Enable or disable 3D rendering in the map
    "center": "sf", // City center reference (can be a predefined city in `cities_centers.json`) or simply provide [latitude, longitude]
    "zoom": 11 // Default zoom level when the map loads

  "logical_db_to_required_columns": {
    // The following are for the backend data processing (building plots data). If some are not available / remove or leave it empty quotes.
    "trip_distance": "trip_distance", // Column storing the trip distance (need to change the value, the key is what we are relying on)
    "fare_amount": "fare_amount", // Column storing the fare amount (need to change the value, the key is what we are relying on)
    "payment_type": "payment_type", // Column storing the payment type (cash, card, etc.) (need to change the value, the key is what we are relying on)
    "pickup_datetime": "pickup_datetime", // Column storing the pickup datetime (need to change the value, the key is what we are relying on)
    "dropoff_datetime": "dropoff_datetime" // Column storing the dropoff datetime (need to change the value, the key is what we are relying on)

  "geoJsonLayers": [
    // Note, at least one layer below should be named "neighborhood" for proper functionality. It will be used for the neighborhood query naming.
      "id": "sf-neighborhoods-layer", // Unique identifier for this layer
      "name": "neighborhood", // **Must be named `neighborhood` for proper functionality**
      "url": "/config/taxis_vis_config/SF/geojson_layers/neighborhoods.geojson", // Path to the neighborhood GeoJSON file
      "style": {
        "color": "#8206a9", // Hex color for visualization
        "weight": 2, // Line thickness for the layer
        "opacity": 0.5 // Transparency level
      "id": "sf-parks-layer", // Unique identifier for this additional layer
      "name": "SFParks", // Custom name for visualization
      "url": "/config/taxis_vis_config/SF/geojson_layers/parks.geojson", // Path to parks GeoJSON file
      "style": {
        "color": "#298008", // Green color for parks
        "weight": 2,
        "opacity": 0.5

Key Requirements:

  • The "dbPath" must correctly point to your DuckDB database.
  • The "geoJsonLayers" must contain at least one layer named "neighborhood".
  • The "tileLayer" must reference a valid tile layer from /public/utils/tiles_layers.json.
  • The column names inside datetimeColumns, locationColumns, and logical_db_to_required_columns must match your DuckDB schema.

🛠️ 6. Restart Taxis Vis to Load the New City

Once your config.json is set up, restart Taxis Vis to load your new city.

npm run dev


If the new city does not appear, double-check that:

  • config.json is correctly formatted
  • The database path is correct
  • At least one GeoJSON layer is named neighborhood
  • The city is listed in config_list.json
  • As well as, that you have restarted npm run dev.

🎯 Additional Tips

  • 🌍 If you want to change the tile layer, refer to /public/utils/tiles_layers.json.
  • 🐤 Need help with DuckDB? Read the official DuckDB Docs or check out
  • 🚀 Want to enhance queries? Consider optimising DuckDB indexes.

🎉 Congratulations! You can now explore your own city's taxi data using Taxis Vis! 🚖

Happy Exploring!
🚖 The Taxis Vis Team 🚖