A web application to visualize Adverse Outcome Pathway (AOP) networks and interactively explore the AOPs for two liver outcomes, Cholestasis and Steatosis.
<script> function initTeSSWidgets() { var query = ''; if (query.trim() != "") { TessWidget.Materials(document.getElementById('tess-widget-materials-list'), 'SimpleList', { opts: { enableSearch: false }, params: { pageSize: 5, q: query } }); document.getElementById('tess-widget-materials-header').innerHTML = "Documentation from ELIXIR TeSS" } } </script> <script async="" defer="" src="https://elixirtess.github.io/TeSS_widgets/components/js/tess-widget-standalone.js" onload="initTeSSWidgets()"></script>- Development cloud: https://xploreaop.cloud.vhp4safety.nl/
- Login required:
- Implementation status:
- TRL:
- Type: -
- Contact: Marc Teunis
- API Type:
- Categories: -
- Targeted users: -
- Relevant VHP4Safety Use case: -
- Provided by: Hogeschool Utrecht
- Citation:
- Version: 2.3.3
- License:
- Source Code: https://github.com/VHP4Safety/xploreaop
- Docker:
- Bio.tools:
- FAIRsharing:
- TeSS:
- RSD:
- Wikipedia: