Local tox workflows and helper scripts to automate building and deploying Yocto build artifacts, which includes the following features based on the enclustra docs Yocto layers:
- clone user BSP layer to get Kas build configuration(s)
- clone metadata repositories and build/install workflow dependencies into a python virtual environment managed by Tox
- build yocto images using supported boot modes (qspi and sdmmc)
- optionally create sdcard image from sdmmc build
- deploy qspi build artifacts to sdcard (bootable or empty)
- setup tftp and package feed workflows using Pyserv
The workflow commands described here fall roughly into three categories:
Workspace workflows
dev: | Sync and checkout build metadata, create virtual environment with build/deploy dependencies. |
clean: | Remove staged qspi artifacts and Yocto build/tmp-* folder. |
Yocto build workflows
sdmmc: | Build bootable sdcard target (sets UBOOT boot mode variable). |
qspi: | Clean and build corresponding named build target (sets UBOOT boot mode variable). |
emmc: | Build bootable emmc target for transfering to emmc flash from u-boot. |
Deployment workflows
bmap: | Use vendor-recommended bmaptool to burn raw disk image to
an SDCard. Optionally apply udev rule to optimize I/O performance. |
deploy: | Use udisksctl to handle SDCard mounts and deploy qspi artifacts
to deployed sdcard artifact. Optionally apply polkit rule to
provide equivalent console permissions. |
Devel (manual) workflows
Use the (shared) virtual environment created by the above Tox commands to run arbitrary Kas, Yocto, or support commands, eg, start a TFTP server:
$ source .venv/bin/activate (.venv) $ PORT=69 IFACE= DOCROOT=path/to/build/artifacts tftpdaemon start (.venv) $ PORT=69 IFACE= DOCROOT=path/to/build/artifacts tftpdaemon status pidfile /home/user/.cache/pyserv/tftpd.pid found, daemon PID is 10312
The above deployment workflows directly touch disk devices
and will destroy any data on the DISK
target. Therefore,
as the workflow user, you need to make sure the value
you provide is the correct DISK
value for your sdcard
device, eg, /dev/mmcblk0
or /dev/sdb
. See below in
section Setup micro-SDCard for an example of how to find
your device name.
- general Linux development host permissions to install/update host OS packages
- development user added to removable media group, eg,
- development user added to
group for polkit rule - development user has sudo privs (a config using NOPASSWD for setcap is most convenient)
Running a server on low port numbers (eg, tftp for u-boot) requires elevated
privileges (the tox environment handles this using setcap
on the
python binaries inside the virtual environment). The required package
on Ubuntu is libcap2-bin
- supported Linux host with yocto build dependencies and tox package installed
With at least Python 3.8 and tox installed, clone this repository, then run
the dev
command to create the yocto build environment. From there, either
use the virtual environment to run kas and/or bitbake commands or run one
or more tox
commands to build/deploy specific yocto targets.
Install dependencies on vendor-recommended Ubuntu build host:
$ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install gawk wget git diffstat unzip texinfo gcc build-essential \ chrpath socat cpio python3 python3-pip python3-pexpect xz-utils debianutils \ iputils-ping python3-git python3-jinja2 libegl1-mesa libsdl1.2-dev pylint3 \ xterm python3-subunit mesa-common-dev zstd liblz4-tool libyaml-dev libelf-dev python3-distutils $ sudo apt-get install python3-venv tree libgpgme-dev
On ubuntu 20 or 22, install a newer version of tox into user home:
$ python3 -m pip install -U pip # this will install into ~/.local/bin $ source ~/.profile $ which pip3 /home/user/.local/bin/pip3 $ pip3 install tox
We need access to the External Drive to be utilized by the target device.
Run lsblk to help figure out what linux device has been reserved for your
External Drive. To compare state, run lsblk
before inserting the USB
card reader, then run the same command again with the USB device inserted.
Example: for DISK=/dev/sdX
$ lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT sda 8:0 0 465.8G 0 disk ├─sda1 8:1 0 512M 0 part /boot/efi └─sda2 8:2 0 465.3G 0 part / <- Development Machine Root Partition sdb 8:16 1 962M 0 disk <- microSD/USB Storage Device └─sdb1 8:17 1 961M 0 part <- microSD/USB Storage Partition
Thus your value is DISK=/dev/sdb
Example: for DISK=/dev/mmcblkX
$ lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT sda 8:0 0 465.8G 0 disk ├─sda1 8:1 0 512M 0 part /boot/efi └─sda2 8:2 0 465.3G 0 part / <- Development Machine Root Partition mmcblk0 179:0 0 962M 0 disk <- microSD/MMC Storage Device └─mmcblk0p1 179:1 0 961M 0 part <- microSD/MMC Storage Partition
Thus your value is DISK=/dev/mmcblk0
which is the default workflow value
so may be omitted.
The qspi deployment workflow SDCard requirement is essentially
"the first partition must be VFAT
". This allows both the
enclustra bootable SDCard or an empty VFAT-formatted card
to be used as the deployment DISK target. If your board has
been set to boot from QSPI, then there is no need to change
the boot target. Just build the qspi
artifacts and use a
blank VFAT-formatted sdcard for the deployment workflow.
The commands shown below will clone the required yocto layers along with some
tools, then build and install the python deps for running build and deploy
commands. The install results will end up in a tox virtual environment
named .venv
which you can activate for manual use as needed.
The tox/kas commands create two directories to contain the yocto metadata
and build outputs, ie, layers
and build
respectively. Note the Kas
tool treats both these directories as transitory, however, development
workflows include testing yocto changes inside build/conf
as well as
preserving yocto downloads
and sstate_cache
to speed up builds.
From inside the repository checkout, use tox list
to view the list of
workflow environment descriptions:
$ tox list ... default environments: dev -> Create a kas build virtual environment with managed deps bmap -> Burn the wic image to sdcard device (default: /dev/mmcblk0) emmc -> Build the (wic) emmc boot target sdmmc -> Build the default (wic) sdmmc boot target qspi -> Clean and build the qspi boot target deploy -> Deploy qspi build products to sdcard
The default DISK value shown below is at least somewhat "safe" as it is not likely to be critical on most development hardware. If the value you provide, or the default device, does not exist, then the deploy script will skip the sdcard deployment when there is no device to mount.
Also note the primary tox commands given here are order-dependent, eg:
$ tox -e qspi # first build the qspi flash artifacts $ DISK=/dev/sda tox -e deploy # then deploy the qspi artifacts to an existing sdcard
Same goes for sdcard creation:
$ tox -e sdmmc|emmc # first build the ``.wic`` image $ DISK=/dev/sda tox -e bmap # then burn the image to an sdcard
Remember, the emmc
image is not bootable using the sdcard,
rather, this sdcard is used to transfer the rootfs to the emmc flash from
Additional Tox environment commands include:
$ tox -e changes # generate a changelog $ tox -e clean # clean build artifacts/tmp dir
When running tox commands using an existing build tree, it is
advisable to run tox -e clean
before (re)building the qspi
or sdmmc artifacts.
First create a (Python) virtual environment for Kas using one of the following methods; note the extra commands when creating it manually.
Use the Tox dev
$ tox -e dev $ source .venv/bin/activate
Or create one manually:
$ python -m venv .venv $ source .venv/bin/activate (.venv) $ python -m pip install kas (.venv) $ mkdir layers (.venv) $ git clone https://github.com/VCTLabs/meta-user-aa1.git -b oe-mickledore layers/meta-user-aa1
Several (Yocto) build variables are given default values in the
kas config files, mainly to provide a consistent baseline for
kas commands. Thus the default machine name and image target are
defined in base.yaml
. These values can be overridden on the
command line as shown below.
Run the kas checkout
command to (re)init Yocto build environment:
(.venv) $ kas checkout layers/meta-user-aa1/kas/sysvinit.yaml
Use the kas build
command to build the default image target:
(.venv) $ kas build layers/meta-user-aa1/kas/sysvinit.yaml
The above is essentially what the first two tox commands do, but how to use the `` bitbake`` commands?
Use the kas shell
command to run arbitrary commands within the Yocto
environment managed by kas.
Build a non-default image:
(.venv) $ kas shell layers/meta-user-aa1/kas/sysvinit.yaml -c 'bitbake devel-image-data'
Build a specific software recipe:
(.venv) $ kas shell layers/meta-user-aa1/kas/sysvinit.yaml -c 'bitbake libuio-ng'
Override kas defaults:
(.venv) $ kas shell layers/meta-user-aa1/kas/sysvinit.yaml -c 'UBOOT_CONFIG=sdmmc bitbake devel-image-data'
Adjust the default kernel config:
(.venv) $ kas shell layers/meta-user-aa1/kas/sysvinit.yaml -c 'bitbake -c kernel_configme virtual/kernel' (.venv) $ kas shell layers/meta-user-aa1/kas/sysvinit.yaml -c 'bitbake -c menuconfig virtual/kernel' (.venv) $ kas shell layers/meta-user-aa1/kas/sysvinit.yaml -c 'bitbake -c diffconfig virtual/kernel'
The third command above will generate a config fragment with the changes
and display the path to the file with extension .cfg
, eg, something like
(see the example here). Also note
the Yocto dev-manual has even more useful info.
In terms of development functionality, there is essentially one "support"
file required, that being the kas build config. The default vendor build
lives in the (now unused) enclustra-refdes
layer, and the new custom
build configurations live in the meta-user-aa1
The main functionality and development user knobs are contained directly
in the parent repo tox.ini
file (any helper scripts can be found in
the scripts
Default options are set as tox environment variables with defaults matching the yocto build tree, machine, and image names:
DEPLOY_DIR = {env:DEPLOY_DIR:build/tmp-glibc/deploy/images/{env:KAS_MACHINE}} DISK = {env:DISK:/dev/mmcblk0} IMAGE = {env:IMAGE:devel-image-minimal} KAS_MACHINE = {env:KAS_MACHINE:me-aa1-270-2i2-d11e-nfx3} UBOOT_CONFIG = {env:UBOOT_CONFIG:{envname}}
Currently expected build warnings are listed below; any additional warnings are most likely specific to a given build environment.
too-new-gcc: | WARNING: Your host glibc version (2.39) is newer than that in uninative (2.37). Disabling uninative so that sstate is not corrupted. |
missing-checksum: | WARNING: exported-binaries-1.0-r0 do_fetch: Missing
checksum... occurs when recipe uses BB_STRICT_CHECKSUM = "0"
in exported-binaries and hellogitcmake. |
When using cmake in a bitbake recipe, you must also inherit the
bbclass when using (cmake's) PkgConfig module.
End-to-end qspi
flash example assuming a clean parent repository checkout.
The following example runs the build/deploy commands to the bootable sdcard
for deploying and installing the qspi build artifacts. After installing
the yocto build dependencies and Tox, run the following commands from
a terminal window; note the first-time build will download several large
source artifacts and build several thousand packages.
Step 1. Create the required artifacts.
$ cd $HOME/src $ git clone https://github.com/VCTLabs/vct-enclustra-bsp-platform.git $ cd vct-enclustra-bsp-platform/ $ tox -e dev # fetch all yocto layers $ tox -e sdmmc # build a bootable sdcard image --or-- $ IPP="" tox -e sdmmc # to set the pkg feed IP and port # <insert USB card reader or sdcard> $ DISK=/dev/sda tox -e bmap # USE YOUR SDCARD DEVICE $ tox -e qspi # build qspi flash artifacts $ DISK=/dev/sda tox -e deploy # USE YOUR SDCARD DEVICE
The last few lines of console messages should look like this:
Unmounted /dev/sda1. Done. deploy: OK (5.84=setup[0.04]+cmd[0.00,5.79] seconds) congratulations :) (5.91 seconds)
Step 2. Insert the SD card you just created in the AA1 card slot.
Step 3. Attach serial console, power up the board, and stop the boot at the u-boot prompt.
Step 4. From the u-boot prompt, run the following two commands marked by comments:
=> load mmc 0:1 ${loadaddr} flash.scr # load flash script 1079 bytes read in 6 ms (174.8 KiB/s) => source ${loadaddr} # run flash script, then WAIT ## Executing script at 01000000 switch to partitions #0, OK ... # output snipped device 0 offset 0x1000000, size 0x1000000 6029312 bytes written, 10747904 bytes skipped in 22.35s, speed 798915 B/s device 0 offset 0x2000000, size 0x2000000 23330816 bytes written, 10223616 bytes skipped in 74.150s, speed 466033 B/s =>
Step 5. Confirm success and power OFF the board.
Step 6. Remove the SD card and configure the hardware for QSPI boot.
End-to-end emmc
flash example assuming a clean parent repository checkout.
The following example runs the build/deploy commands to make the bootable
sdcard and (not)bootable emmc-on-sdcard for installing via u-boot commands.
After installing the yocto build dependencies and Tox, run the following
commands from a terminal window.
- Create the required artifacts:
$ cd $HOME/src $ git clone https://github.com/VCTLabs/vct-enclustra-bsp-platform.git $ cd vct-enclustra-bsp-platform/ $ tox -e dev # init env and/or fetch yocto layers $ tox -e sdmmc # build a bootable sdcard image # <insert USB card reader or sdcard> $ DISK=/dev/sda tox -e bmap # USE YOUR SDCARD DEVICE $ tox -e clean # clean the build/tmp dir $ tox -e emmc # build a bootable emmc image # <insert USB card reader or sdcard *using a different sdcard*> $ DISK=/dev/sda tox -e bmap # USE YOUR SDCARD DEVICE
Insert the first SD card you just created in the AA1 card slot
Attach serial console, power up the board, and stop the boot at the u-boot prompt
Replace the SD card with the second one containing the eMMC image
Copy the SD card content into the DDR memory using the updated size:
=> mmc rescan => mmc dev 0 => mmc read 0 0 0x114800 MMC read: dev # 0, block # 0, count 1132544 ... 1132544 blocks read: OK
Switch to the eMMC device:
=> altera_set_storage EMMC
Copy the data from the DDR memory to the eMMC flash:
=> mmc rescan => mmc write 0 0 0x114800 MMC write: dev # 0, block # 0, count 1132544 ... 1132544 blocks written: OK
When completed, power off the board, remove the SD card, and configure the hardware for EMMC boot
This method requires the following conditions:
- board can boot to the u-boot prompt from any of the available media (sdmmc, emmc, qspi)
- an available tftp server for the yocto build directory
- successful enclustra build of emmc image
- we also assume the build host and enclustra board are on the same LAN segment with a free static IP address for the board
- From a fresh checkout, create the required artifacts:
$ git clone https://github.com/VCTLabs/vct-enclustra-bsp-platform.git $ cd vct-enclustra-bsp-platform/ $ tox -e dev # init env and/or fetch yocto layers $ tox -e emmc # build a bootable emmc image
- Enter the virtual environment and start the provided tftp server; alternately use your own:
$ source .venv/bin/activate (.venv) $ export DEBUG=1 # optional for additional logging (.venv) $ PORT=69 IFACE= DOCROOT=build/tmp-glibc/deploy/images/me-aa1-270-2i2-d11e-nfx3 tftpdaemon start
If using the provided tftp server above, observe the log path printed on
startup and use tail -f <filename>
to observe log messages.
Without the DEBUG export, the status command will display the PID file path:
(.venv) $ tftpdaemon status pidfile /home/user/.cache/pyserv/tftpd.pid found, daemon PID is 19099
- Boot the enclustra board and stop it at the u-boot prompt:
U-Boot 2023.01 (Jun 20 2023 - 00:59:09 +0000)socfpga_arria10 CPU: Altera SoCFPGA Arria 10 BOOT: SD/MMC External Transceiver (1.8V) Model: Enclustra Mercury+ AA1 DRAM: 2 GiB Core: 82 devices, 22 uclasses, devicetree: separate MMC: dwmmc0@ff808000: 0 Loading Environment from FAT... Unable to read "uboot.env" from mmc0:1... In: serial Out: serial Err: serial Model: Enclustra Mercury+ AA1 Net: eth0: ethernet@ff800000 Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0 =>
Set the tftp server address and give the board a static IP address (assumed to be on the same subnet):
=> setenv serverip # yocto build host => setenv ipaddr # enclustra board => saveenv # make the values persistent
Load the emmc flash image into memory:
=> altera_set_storage EMMC # make sure EMMC device is active => tftp 0 devel-image-minimal-me-aa1-270-2i2-d11e-nfx3.wic
Wait for the image to load:
... ##################################################################### ##################################################################### ##################################################################### done Bytes transferred = 579862528 (22900000 hex)
Copy the data from the DDR memory to the eMMC flash:
=> mmc rescan => mmc write 0 0 0x114800 MMC write: dev # 0, block # 0, count 1132544 ... 1132544 blocks written: OK
When completed, power off the board, remove the SD card, and configure the hardware for EMMC boot (if needed).
Power up the board and check free space:
me-aa1-270-2i2-d11e-nfx3 login: root root@me-aa1-270-2i2-d11e-nfx3:~# free total used free shared buff/cache available Mem: 2066460 79068 2021040 160 25832 1987392 Swap: 0 0 0 root@me-aa1-270-2i2-d11e-nfx3:~# df -h Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on /dev/root 14.0G 48.8M 13.4G 0% / devtmpfs 1000.5M 0 1000.5M 0% /dev tmpfs 1009.0M 104.0K 1008.9M 0% /run tmpfs 1009.0M 56.0K 1009.0M 0% /var/volatile
The emmc flash size shown above is fixed in the .wks files, but should continue to work using the size above even with new packages and sysvinit or systemd images (up to a point). The size used above is calculated and converted to hex as in the following python example.
Get the current wic image physical size; the size shown is for the 400 MB fixed-size rootfs:
$ ls -l devel-image-minimal-me-aa1-emmc.wic -rw-r--r-- 1 user user 579862528 Oct 29 16:47 devel-image-minimal-me-aa1-emmc.wic
Open a python prompt:
$ python Python 3.12.7 (main, Oct 19 2024, 22:38:25) [GCC 14.2.1 20240921] on linux Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> hex(579862528 // 512) '0x114800' >>>
The size to use in the above u-boot mmc
commands is 0x114800
The wic
directory in the meta-user-aa1
layer contains two kickstart
files that mirror the image recipe names. The minimal image has one (usable)
partition for the root filesystem, while the data image also contains an
empty data partition. The new resize-last-part
and resize-rootfs
recipes currently support sysvinit only, but feel free to contribute a
systemd unit.
To automatically resize the rootfs/data partitions on MMC devices, include
the following recipe in the sysvinit.yaml
kas config:
- devel-image-minimal - add
to expand the root partition - devel-image-data - add
to expand the data partition
Conversely, to leave the existing partitions alone, remove the above recipes from the kas configuration.
To specify a minimum amount of free space, add the following option to the
section of the desired YAML config, eg:
sysvinit: |
Yocto/OE supports several package formats in addition to rootfs/image formats, where the default package format depends on yocto release and/or distribution (ie, "distro").
- Yocto package formats - ipk, deb, rpm, tar
Potential constraints on choosing a package format include:
- openembedded support in SCAP Security Guide requires
Native package managers are used for each format, and the on-device workflow is more-or-less the same given the minor command differences between each one.
For example, apt-get
vs. dnf
Ubuntu command --- Fedora command --------------------------------- apt-get update --- dnf check-update # Note dnf updates its cache automatically # before performing transactions apt-get upgrade --- dnf upgrade apt-get install --- dnf install apt-get remove --- dnf remove apt-get purge --- N/A apt-cache search --- dnf search
There are both recipes and configuration directives to facilitate usage of
package feeds. The simplest way uses the deploy directory of an existing
build tree and a simple web server (eg, the Python http.server
Howver, an existing build tree is not a "stable" source for production
workflows so the Yocto manual recommends copying the package tree to a
more stable location on a "production" web server.
Do not install the distro-feed-configs
package when using
the development workflow, rather do use the PACKAGE_FEED_URIS config
shown below. For production feeds, review the recipe and make your own
recipe with your chosen options.
Whenever you perform any sort of build step that can potentially generate a package or modify existing packages, it is always a good idea to re-generate the package index after the build by using the following command:
$ bitbake package-index
- the PACKAGE_FEED_URIS parameter is a list of one or more feed URIs
starting with
- for python web server, use the IP address of the build server and
a non-privileged port number, something like
- for python web server, use the IP address of the build server and
a non-privileged port number, something like
The following is required for simple dev package feeds:
- a local web server with document root set to the top-level package directory in the build tree
- dev package feed setup with the build host (domain) name or IP address and port number (as in the above example)
- a build image with package feed config and package management feature enabled
Given the current kas config, initialize one of the build options with the build host web server address, something like:
$ IPP="" tox -e emmc
The above IPP
variable is intended as a short "convenience"
value for Tox only. When using kas
commands directly the
full variable name should be used, eg:
(.venv) $ kas shell layers/meta-user-aa1/kas/sysvinit.yaml -c \ 'PACKAGE_FEED_IP_PORT="" UBOOT_CONFIG=emmc devel-image-minimal'
Feel free to set preferred IP address and PORT values in your local kas build configuration instead.
Start the provided web server in the top-level directory with corresponding options:
$ source .venv/bin/activate (.venv) $ export DEBUG=1 # optional for additional logging (.venv) $ PORT=8080 IFACE= DOCROOT=build/tmp-glibc/deploy/ipk httpdaemon start
If using the provided http server above, observe the log path printed on
startup and use tail -f <filename>
to observe log messages.
Without the DEBUG export, the status command will display the PID file path:
$ httpdaemon status pidfile /home/user/.cache/pyserv/httpd.pid found, daemon PID is 7461
The deploy
directory in a Yocto/OE build tree typically contains both
package feeds and the build images, and is found under the build/tmp*
directory. A typical kas-created layout looks something like this:
$ ls build/ layers/ build/: bitbake-cookerdaemon.log cache conf downloads sstate-cache tmp-glibc layers/: bitbake meta-intel-fpga meta-user-aa1 meta-enclustra-socfpga meta-openembedded openembedded-core
Where the tmp
directory in a default OE build is named tmp-glibc
$ ls build/tmp-glibc/deploy images licenses rpm
The web server document root in this situation would be the rpm
when using a development workflow and is the working directory (and web root) for a web server running on the build host.
Starting a web server in the package directory without setting any extra build parameters requires the target device to generate its own package cache, however, this is handled automatically when using the following build setting, something like:
PACKAGE_FEED_URIS = "http://<build_server_IP>:8000"
The above will setup each of the build architectures under the rpm
as a package feed. For customizing a development setup, use the additional params
as needed:
For more details, see the Yocto dev-manual section on Runtime Package Management and Digital Ocean's package manager comparison.