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Simple Profiles

AutoTest GitHub Repo


1. Sql Backend

PowerShell script: deploy_script.ps1 prompts for server then drops and creates all Sql AutoTest objects.

2. Update DQMF proc


3. C# App (Package-Table Mapper)

just do it.

User Interface

TODO see issues.

High level logical flow

At package runtime:

Package runs as usual at end of package DQMF.dbo.SetAuditPkgExecution is called with @pIsProcessStart = 0 and AutoTest.dbo.uspAutoTestPackage is called:

  1. AutoTest.dbo.uspProfilePackageTables is called

For each table in Map.PackageTable for this package AutoTest.dbo.uspProfileTable is called thereby populating: AutoTest.dbo.TableProfile, AutoTest.dbo.ColumnProfile, and AutoTest.dbo.ColumnHistogram are populated.

  1. AutoTest.dbo.uspUpdateAlerts is called and AutoTest.dbo.Alert table is popualted.

  2. AutoTest.dbo.uspSendAlertEmails is called

If rows exist in AutoTest.dbo.Alert for this package execution single summary email is sent with

Procedure list


For a given table: Profiles a single table and populates profile tables: AutoTest.dbo.TableProfile, AutoTest.dbo.ColumnProfile, and AutoTest.dbo.ColumnHistogram


For a given package: Calls AutoTest.dbo.uspProfileTable for each table in Map.PackageTable


Merge statement is executed to update/insert AutoTest.dbo.Alert from profile tables.


For a given package execution: AutoTest.dbo.Alert is queried and if alerts are found an alert email is sent using msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail

Table list

Profile tables

logging tables that profile results.

  • AutoTest.dbo.TableProfile one row per package execution per table per profile execution
  • AutoTest.dbo.ColumnProfile one row per column of a table profiled
  • AutoTest.dbo.ColumnHistogram one row per column value of a table profiled

Control tables

  • AutoTest.dbo.Alert controls content of alert emails. one row per alerted violation. a violation can be in terms of a profiled table, column or a column value.
  • Map.PackageTable one row per table in a package data flow task. indirectly controls which tables are profiled at runtime (see AutoTest.dbo.vwPackageProfileTable).
  • AutoTest.dbo.vwPackageProfileTable controls which tables are profiled at package runtime. queries Map.PackageTable. one row per table per table to be profiled.

Changes to existing package runtime

  • The existing DQMF.dbo.SetAuditPkgExecution proc is extended to call new proc AutoTest.dbo.uspProfilePackage when @pIsProcessStart = 0

  • AutoTest.dbo.uspProfileTable populates 3 profile tables

    • AutoTest.dbo.TableProfile
      • TableProfileDate
      • DatabaseName
      • SchemaName
      • TableName
      • RecordCount
      • PkgExecKey
    • AutoTest.dbo.ColumnProfile
      • ColumnProfileDate
      • DatabaseName
      • TableName
      • ColumnName
      • DistinctCount
      • PkgExecKey
    • AutoTest.dbo.ColumnHistogram
      • ColumnHistogramDate
      • DatabaseName
      • TableName
      • ColumnName
      • ColumnValue
      • ValueCount
      • PkgExecKey