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File metadata and controls

executable file
587 lines (497 loc) · 16.5 KB

What is Uxie:

Uxie is a PHP MVC Framework.


- Perfect MVC environment.

- Box (Command Line Tool).

- DataBase Migration (phinx).

- Security (secured against SQL injection, XSS, CSRF).

- IOC (Inversion of control) Container.

- Router (REST).

- Authentication.

- Middlewares.

- Templating Engine (Blade):

- ORM Model.

- Visitors Data Recorder.

- Request & Response Handlers.

- Automatic Exception handling.

- Errors / Exceptions logger.

- Built-in functions (Helpers).



Using Composer:

  composer create-project uxie/uxie <path>


All routes are defined in : App/Routes.php

Available Methods:


To use PUT, PATCH, DELETE methods your HTML

method must be 'POST' inside the form you must put csrf_method(string $method), csrf_method('PUT') will echo this automatically:

<input type='hidden' name='_method' value="PUT'>

Basic routes examples:

$route->any('/', function(Request $request, Response $response) {

$route->get('/', function(Request $request, Response $response) {
// passing variables
$route->get('user/{$name}', function(Request $request, Response $response) {
  $response->view('welcom', ['name' => $request->params->name]);

$route->put('update', 'Controller@update');

$route->patch('update', 'Controller@update');

$route->delete('delete', 'Controller@delete');

// the default method will be executed when no route could be matched
$route->default(function (Request $request, Response $response) {

Request & Response Objects :

The request and response object are assigned to all functions, controllers, middlewares and services automatically (by default),

Request Object :

The request object holds all data about the recieved http request.

Request methods :
$request->url(): string                 // return the full url
$request->path(): string                // return the request path
$request->cookie(string $name): string  // get cookie value
$request->session(string $name): string // get session value
$request->ip(): string                  // get the request ip
$request->method(): string              // get method type

##### Request arguments:

// params contain data passed by url
// example
// localhost/{$name}
echo $request->params->name;
// body contain data passed by POST (or any method other then GET) request
echo $request->body->name

Response Object :

$response->write(string $text): void                       // add text to response
$response->status(int $status): void                       // set response status
$response->json(array $array, int $options = null): void   // add json data to the response body
$response->send(): void                                    // send response
$response->end(): void                                     // end response
$response->exception(string $message, int $code)           // throw exception
$response->view(string $view): string                      // render a view
$response->cookie(string $name, string $value, string $date): void // set cookie
$response->unsetCookie(string $name): void                 // unset a cookie
$response->unsetAllCookies(): void                         // unset all cookies
$response->session(string $name, string $value): void      // set a session
$response->unsetSession(string $name): void                // unset a session
$response->unsetAllsessions(): void                        // unset all sessions
$response->back(): void                                    // redircect back to the previous url
$response->refresh(): void                                 // refresh current url
$response->redirect(string $url): void                     // redirect to a given url

Using a front-end SPA framework:

if you are using uxie with a front-end framework you will need to return always the same html file to do this in uxie you can use the default method:

// this method will be used in case no other route could be matched
$route->default(function (Request $request, Response $response) {

Execute methods from a controller:

$route->post('test', 'Controller@method');

Resource method which contains: (index, create, store, show, edit, update and delete) same as Laravel.

$route->resource('user', 'UserController');

Add a collection of routes with a prefix:

$route->group('user', function($route) {
    $route->get('profile', function(Request $request, Response $response) {
    $route->post('store', 'Controller@method');

URL parameters :

: in routes file :

$route->get('profile/{$name}/update', 'Controller@update');

in Controller :

public function update(Request $request, Response $response)

How to use $_POST values (this can apply to PUT PATCH DELETE methods also):

in routes file :

 $route->post('user/store', 'UserController@store');

in UserController.php :

public function store(Request $request, Response $response)
  $name = $request->body->name;
  // equivalent to $_POST['name'];


Authentication will validate your users login automatically Note : all passwords need to be hashed using Auth::Hash(string $password) before storing in the database.


  use Authenticator\Auth;

  if (Auth::attempt(['table', 'name' => $inputName, 'password' => $inputPassword)) {
    // logged in

  // in case of second field required to validate for example e-mail & user-name:

  if (Auth::attempt(['table', 'name' => $inputName, 'password' => $inputPassword, 'email' => $inputEmail])) {
    // logged in

Check if user loged in:

  if (Auth::check())
    // user is logged-in
  // in case you want to check a user value from database row:

  if (Auth::check(['name' => 'someone'])
    echo "i'm someone";

Logout a user:



you need to hash a password before storing it in database

  $password = Auth::hash($password);

User data:

To access user data stored in database for example age, email or anything else :

  $email = Auth::user()->email;


to use middlewares you need to add middleware() method to your route call example:

$route->get('profile/user', 'controller@show')->middleware('MiddlewereTest');

you can add a late middleware just add true argument to middleware() method: (a late middleware is executed at the end of the application)

  $route->get('profile', 'controller@index')->middleware('MiddlewareTest, true);

All middlewares are defined in './Middlewares' folder.

A middleware must contain a construct method:

namespace Middleware;

class Middlewaretest
    public function __construct(Request $request, Response $response)
        $response->write('this is a middleware');

Middlewares locators:

To use Middlewares and short names you must first register the shortname in App/MiddlewaresLocator.php:

return [
    'statistics' => \Middleware\Statistics::class,

How To assign a middleware to a route

// 'statistics' short name example:
$route->get('user', 'controller@method')->middleware('statistics');

Security ( against SQL injection, XSS, CSRF):

SQL injection:

Uxie is secured against both first and second order sql injection attacks.


Uxie templating engine (Blade) escape html+js when printing data.


Uxie comes with built in feature that protect against CSRF when using ('POST','PATCH','PUT','DELETE') methods, So every HTML form should contain: csrf_field()

    <form ...>
        <input ...>

IOC Container:

uxie comes with a IOC container that resolves all of your classes dependencies and their dependencies and so on to use it :

// instead of this:
$myClass = new \Namespace\MyClass( new Class1(), new Class2( new Class3()));

// you can use this:
$myClass = container()->build('\Namespace\MyClass');

// if you have some arguments
// instead of this:
$myClass = new \Namespace\MyClass('argument1', 'argument2');

// use this
container()->build('\Namespace\Myclass', ['argument1', 'argument2']);

// or this:

IOC Service Provider:

Service provider located in App/Services.php It contains aliases and sevices that should be loaded when the application start:

        'ServiceLocators' => [
            'Router'     => \Router\Router::class,
            'Kernel'     => \Kernel\Kernel::class,
            'Compiler'   => \Kernel\Compiler\Compiler::class,
            'Middleware' => \App\Middleware\Middleware::class,
            'Dotenv'     => \Dotenv\Dotenv::class,
            'Auth'       => \Authenticator\Auth::class,

        'ServiceProviders' => [

The global $container:

the container()function is global in the framework (can be used everywhere, it contains all the objects created by the IOC container),

// create an instance

// access created instance

Uxie Model:

how to use it:

use Model/Model;

Insert data:

  'value1' => $value1,
  'value2' => $value2,

Update data:

  'value1' => $newValue1,
  'value2' => $newValue2,

Retrieve data:

$data = Model\MyModel::select()->where('name', '=', 'user')->limit(10)->get();

Retrieve single row:

$user = Model\MyModel::find('name', 'MyName');

Soft delete : by default uxie migration add a softdelete column to the table softdelete method will change the value of softdelete column NOTE: select won't return any soft deleted rows

  Model\MyModel::delete()->where('id' , '=', $id)->save();

to hard delete a row use hardDelete method:

  Model\MyModel::hardDelete()->where('id' , '=', $id)->save();

There is also plenty of other methods such as limit(), orderBy(), groupBy(), count(), join, update and delete. simple example:

Model\MyModel::select()->where('name', '=', 'user')->or('name', '=', 'other-user')->orderBy('date')->get();

Visitors Statistics:

It's a built-in middleware that record each user data and store it in a database table, Data such as ip, browser, os, PreviousUrl, CurrentUrl, date, and memory usage


How to use it:

use Validator\Validator as Validator;


Available validation methods :

$validator = Validator::start();
$validator->setInput(string $input); // optional
$validator->required([string $input], string $errorMsg)
$validator->length([string $input], int $min, int $max, string $errorMsg)
$validator->email([string $input], string $errorMsg)
$validator->isip([string $input], string $errorMsg)
$validator->isint([string $input], string $errorMsg)
$validator->isfloat([string $input], string $errorMsg)
$validator->url([string $input], string $errorMsg)
$validator->unique([string $input], string $model, string $column, string $errorMsg)
$validator->equals([string $input],mixed $value, string $errorMsg)

To validate POST inputs:

use Validator\Validator as Validator;

public function someMethod(Request $request, Response $response)
    $validator = Validator::start()
    ->length($request->body->name, 4, 10, 'Failed validation Msg')
    ->required($request->body->name, 'Failed validation Msg')
    ->unique($request->body->name, 'User', 'name', 'Failed validation Msg')

    // Or using setInput method
    $validator = Validator::start()->setInput($request->body->name)
    ->length(4, 10, 'Failed validation Msg')
    ->required('Failed validation Msg')
    ->unique('User', 'name', 'Failed validation Msg')


the above example will return error messages in this form:

        'Failed validation Msg',
        'Failed validation Msg',
        'Failed validation Msg',


Filters are meant to validate input from user. To create a new filter use Box :

php box filter LoginForm

this will create a new file in App/Filters something like :

class LoginForm extends Validator implements Filterable

    public function __construct(Request $request)

    public function check(): bool
        if ($this->isValide()) {
            return true;

        return false;

Notice that: filters extends validators so we can use all validators inside the class filters must have a check method which return if the validation is true (passed) or false (didn't pass).

Let's validate login form by adding validations to the constructor :

  public function __construct(Request $request)
        ->required('E-mail is required')
        ->email('Your e-mail is not a valide e-mail)
        ->required('password is required')

Exception handler:

Uxie comes with a built-in exceptions handler that will handle thrown exceptions / errors automatically.

Errors logger:

All errors/exceptions thrown during runtime will be logged in log/All_errors.log with information about error such as file, line, code and error-Message.


Helpers are functions available to use everywhere inside the framework such as csrf_field(), csrf_token(), container().
All function are listed in framework/helpers/helpers.php.


// echo something like this <input type='hidden' name='_token' value='l2465431sd534sd'>

// returns csrf token value

method_field(string $method);
// echo something like <input type='hidden' name='_method' value="$method'>

// returns the global IOC container

Box (Command Line Tool):

Box is a command line tool to create Controllers, Repositories, models & middlewares templates for example:

// to create a controller:
php box Controller TestC

// to create resourceful controller
php box Controller TestC -r

// to create a Model
php box Model TestC

// to create Repository
php box Repository RepoName ModelName

// to create a Middleware
php box Middleware TestC

DataBase Migration:

All migration files located in '/Migrations'

It's based on phinx migration to create a migration pass this command:

php phinx create MyMigration

To Migrate existing migration files:

php phinx migrate

Multi langauge support

  • All languages files in 'resources/languages'
  • By default uxie language is 'en' which means english

How to modify and add languages :

for example to edit validation messages you need to modify 'resources/languages/validations.php' ($$ represent the field name):

    'en' => [
        'length'   => ' Length must be bettwen',
        'required' => ' Is Required',
        'email'    => ' Must be a valide Email',
        'url'      => ' Must be a valide URL',
        'isint'    => ' Must be of type integer',
        'isfloat'  => ' Must be of type float',
        'isip'     => ' Must be a valide IP',

    'fr' => [
        'length'   => ' Doit etre entre $$ et ',
        'required' => ' Est un Champ obligatoire',
        'email'    => ' Doit etre un e-mail',
        'url'      => ' Doit etre un URL valide',
        'isint'    => ' Doit etre de type entier',
        'isfloat'  => ' Doit etre de type float',
        'isip'     => ' Doit etre un IP valide',

How to set & get teh current language :

Uxie default language is 'english' To set a language use 'setLangauge(string $lang)' function example:

  // this will set language to 'francais'

To get current language just use 'language()'

  echo getLanguage();
  // should echo 'english'

how to use translation :

use translation(string $langFile) to get a language file content ($langFile is the file inside resources/langauges folder example:

    $translation = translation('Validations');
    // this should dispaly an array:
    // 'english'  => [ ....],
    // 'francais' => [ ....]