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Are Mjølsnes edited this page Jul 13, 2022 · 14 revisions

Curriculum (LK20), properties and associated types (and their properties)

Version: v201906

1. Models

laereplan_lk20 (curriculum_lk20@eng)
Curriculum (both LK06 and LK20) is one of the most central elements in Grep. Below we have tried to illustrate this with a graph showing the Grep-type curriculum (LK20) in the context of associated types (core elements, basic skills, competence aim set, competence aims and verbs), but also how the curriculum part of Grep is connected to the administrative part of Grep via competence aim set and teaching subjects (which is the pathway to for example finding associated subject codes, programme structure (structure of available courses and apprenticeships in upper secondary education and training), etc ..
Illustrasjon: Grep as graphs (simplified)
Note that the competence aims in laereplan_lk20 is directly below the competence aim sets, in contrast to what in laereplan (LK06) was called the main subject areas. See the LK06 model below for comparison. In LK20, the competence aims directly under the competence aim set. In addition, there are references to the three types of elements under "about the subject"; core elements, interdisciplinary topics and basic skills. Note that a competency aim can be connected to anything from none to one or more of these three types at a time. For example, one competence goal can be linked to two core elements, no interdisciplinary topics and all basic skills.

curriculum (LK06) (in comparison)
The model for the curriculum (LK06) was quite different, and is described in simplified terms in the illustration below. Note in particular that these have an extra level, "HO" (main subject area) which functioned as a container for the competence aims in a given curriculum, while in laereplan_lk20 the competence aims is directly under the competence aim set.
Illustrasjon: Curriculum LK06 and other Grep as graphs (simplified)

1.1. Curriculum(LK20)


Curriculum for subjects is an element that expresses the overall competence a pupil, apprentice or apprentice candidate must have after completing education at a given level / step in one or more subjects.

Curricula for subjects contain three main parts:

Properties, laereplan_lk20
Proprty Type Description Multiplicity
id UUID Globally unique identifier for the curriculum 1
kode (code@eng) String Lokally unique identifier for the curriculum 1
uri URI Globally unique identifier for the curriculum 1
url-data URI Globally unique URL-based link to detailed information about the curriculum 1
tittel (title@eng) Array of language versioned regulatory text Title of the curriculum 1..*
kortform (short form@eng) Array of language versioned regulatory text Short form of the title of the curriculum. 1..*
grep-type URI Specifies the type to be "curriculum_lk20" 1
status URI Indicates whether the curriculum is "publisert" (published@eng) or "utgått" ("expired"@eng) 1
sist-endret (last-modified@eng) Timestamp Indicates when last changes were made to the curriculum 1
fastsettelsesinformasjon (determination information@eng) Object The determination information includes the time of the determination of the curriculum, language-versioned text that describes who has determined it, and the language in which the curriculum has been determined. 1
fagtype (subject-type@eng) Array of reference objects Reference(s) to object(s) (of the type fagtype) which indicates the type of subject to which this curriculum belongs.
Definition subject type:
"Grouping of subjects by Circular Udir-1-[a given year]".
(see also array of subject types)
tilgjengelige-spraak (available-languages@eng) Array of reference objects Reference(s) to object(s) (of the type spraak (language@eng)) indicating the languages in which the curriculum is available 1..*
opplaeringsnivaa (teaching-levels@eng) Array of reference objects Reference(s) to object(s) (of the type opplaeringsnivaa (teaching_level) indicating the level of education, either "Grunnskole" (Primary school@eng) or "Videregående opplæring" (Upper secondary education@eng). 1..*
ordforklaringer (word explanations@eng) Array of reference objects Reference(s) to object(s) (of the type ordforklaring_lk20 to specify associated word explanations 0..*
gyldighetsperiode (validity-period@eng) Timestamp Object holding the section on when the curriculum is valid 1
erstatter (replacing@eng) Array of reference objects Reference(s) to object(s) (of the type laereplan or laereplan_lk20 (curriculum@eng)) indicating which curricula this replaces. 1..*
erstattes-av (replaced-by@eng) Array of reference objects Reference(s) to object(s) (of the type laereplan_lk20 (curriculum@eng)) indicating which curricula this is replaced by. 1..*
siste-eksamen (last-examination@eng) Timestamp Attribute for "laereplan" (curriculum) to enter the latest possible date that can be taken exam. 0..1
merkelapper (tags@eng) Array of reference objects Reference(s) to object(s) (of the type merkelapp) swhich attaches to the curriculum a semantic peg / tag for marking and filtering purposes. See list of possible tags. 0..*
om-faget-kapittel Objekt Short descriptions of the subject's relevance, the subject's core elements and short subject - specific texts on values and principles in the core curriculum, interdisciplinary topics and basic skills. 1
kompetansemaal-kapittel (competence-aim-chapter@eng) Object Object holding the competence aim chapter for the curriculum 1
vurdering-kapittel (assessment-chapter@eng) Object Object holding the assessment chapter of the curriculum 1
vurderingsordninger-kapittel (examination-and-assesment-chapter@eng) Object The final assessment includes year level for half-year assessment, assessment expressions and any examination arrangement for pupils and trade or journeyman’s examination for apprentices. The final assessment also expresses the assessment expression and examination arrangement for private candidates for subjects in upper secondary education. 1
tilleggsopplysninger (comments-and-annotations@eng) Array of language versioned regulatory text Language versioned text for additional information. 0..*

1.1.1. Om faget-kapittel (About the subject chapter@eng)


Brief descriptions of the subject's relevance, values and principles (these appear as separate sections in the text under the heading "The subject's relevance and core values"), core elements, as well as interdisciplinary topics and basic skills — all under the chapter "About the subject".

Properties, om-faget-kapittel
Proprty Type Description Multiplicity
overskrift (heading@eng) Array of language versioned regulatory text Fixed heading to the About the subject chapter, eg bokmål (@nob): "Om faget" (About the subject@eng) 1..*
fagets-relevans-og-verdier (the-relevance-and-values-of-the-subject@eng) Object Consists of the sections "fagets-relevans" (the relevance of the subject@eng) og "verdier-og-prinsipper" (values and principles@eng). 1
kjerneelementer-i-faget (the-core-elements-of the-subject@eng) Object Describes the most central concepts, areas of knowledge, ways of thinking, methods and forms of expression in the subject. 1
tverrfaglige-temaer-i-faget (interdisciplinary-themes-in-the-subject@eng) Object Describes which of the three topics health and life skills, democracy and citizenship and sustainability are relevant in the subject. 1
grunnleggende-ferdigheter-i-faget (basic-skills-of the-subject@eng) Object Describes how to understand the basic skills as part of the competence in the subject and as a tool for learning in the subject. 1 Fagets relevans og verdier (The relevance and values of the subject@eng)
Properties, fagets-relevans-og-verdier
Proprty Type Description Multiplicity
overskrift (heading@eng) Array of language versioned regulatory text Heading text for the section "The relevance and values of the subject" 1..*
fagets-relevans (the relevance of the subject@eng) Object Describes in which ways the subject is relevant to the individual pupil or apprentice, and in which ways the subject is relevant in a broad social and working life perspective. 1
verdier-og-prinsipper (values-and-principles) Object Describes how values and principles from the core curriculum are part of the subject. 1
forklaring Array of language versioned text Explains the thoughts behind the curriculum writers' thinking and priorities for the section Values-and-principles. 0..* Fagets relevans (The relevance of the subject@eng))
Properties, fagets-relevans
Proprty Type Description Multiplicity
beskrivelse (description@eng) Array of language versioned regulatory text Describes in which ways the subject is relevant to the individual pupil or apprentice, and in which ways the subject is relevant in a broad social and working life perspective. 1..*
forklaring (explanation@eng) Array of language versioned text Explains the thoughts behind the curriculum writers' thinking and priorities for the section The relevance of the subject. 0..* Verdier og prinsipper (Values and principles@eng)
Properties, verdier-og-prinsipper
Proprty Type Description Multiplicity
beskrivelse (description@eng) Array of language versioned regulatory text Describes how values and principles in the core curriculum are part of the subject. 1..*
forklaring (explanation@eng) Array of language versioned text Explains the thoughts behind the curriculum writers' thinking and priorities for the section Values and principles. 0..* Kjerneelementer i faget (The subject's core elements@eng)
Properties, kjerneelementer-i-faget
Proprty Type Description Multiplicity
overskrift (heading@eng) Array of language versioned regulatory text Heading text for the section Core elements in the subject. 1..*
kjerneelementer Array of Reference objects Describes and refers to the most central concepts, areas of knowledge, ways of thinking, methods and forms of expression in the subject. 1..* Tverrfaglige temaer i faget (The subject's interdisciplinary topics@eng)

Interdisciplinary topics are arranged in the following way in the curriculum document:
First a heading object for the chapter in the curriculum text, then an array of text objects for each interdisciplinary topic that appears in the curriculum. Each of these text objects has its own references to respective occurrences of the "global" type 'tverrfaglig_tema_lk20' (grep-type). In other words - the text object in the curriculum is about how the current interdisciplinary theme is solved in this curriculum, and points further to the general occurrence of the type 'tverrfaglig_tema_lk20' (see array of occurrences) which can be used by all curricula as a reference. This is solved in the same way for "Grunnleggende ferdigheter" (Basic skills@eng).

Properties, tverrfaglige-temaer-i-faget
Proprty Type Description Multiplicity
overskrift (heading@eng) Array of language versioned regulatory text Fixed heading to the section 1..*
tverrfaglige-temaer (interdisciplinary-topics@eng) Array Describes and refers to which of the three interdisciplinary topics folkehelse og livsmestring (health and life skills@eng), demokrati og medborgerskap (democracy and citizenship@eng) and bærekraftig utvikling (sustainability@eng) are relevant to the subject. 0..*
##### Tverrfaglige temaer (Interdisciplinary topics@eng)
Properties, tverrfaglige-temaer
Proprty Type Description Multiplicity
overskrift (heading@eng) Array of language versioned regulatory text Fixed heading to the section 1..*
beskrivelse (description@eng) Array of language versioned regulatory text Description of the interdisciplinary topic in this subject. 1..*
forklaring (explanation@eng) Array of language versioned text Explains the thoughts behind the curriculum writers' thinking and priorities for this interdisciplinary topic in this subject. 0..*
referanse (reference@eng) Reference object Reference to the interdisciplinary topic 1 Grunnleggende ferdigheter i faget (The subject's Basic skills@eng)

Basic skills are arranged in the following way in the curriculum document:
First a heading object for the chapter in the curriculum text, then an array of text objects for each basic skill that appears in the curriculum. Each of these text objects has its own references to respective occurrences of the "global" type 'grunnleggende_ferdighet_lk20' (grep-type). In other words - the text object in the curriculum is about how the relevant basic skill is solved in this curriculum, and points further to the general occurrence of the type 'grunnleggende_ferdighet_lk20' (see array of occurrences) which can be used by all curricula as a reference. This is solved in the same way for Tverrfaglige temaer (Interdisciplinary topics@eng).

Properties, grunnleggende-ferdigheter-i-faget
Proprty Type Description Multiplicity
overskrift (heading@eng) Array of language versioned regulatory text Fixed heading to the section 1..*
grunnleggende-ferdigheter Array of objects Describes and refers to how to understand the basic skills as part of the competence in the subject and as a tool for learning in the subject. 1..* Grunnleggende ferdigheter
Attributter, grunnleggende-ferdigheter (basic-skills@eng)
Proprty Type Description Multiplicity
overskrift (heading@eng) Array of language versioned regulatory text Fixed heading to the section 1..*
beskrivelse (description@eng) Array of language versioned regulatory text Description of this basic skill in this subject. 1..*
forklaring (explanation@eng) Array of language versioned text Explains the thoughts behind the curriculum writers' thinking and priorities for this basic skill in this subject. 0..*
referanse (reference@eng) Reference object Reference to the basic skill 1

1.1.2. Kompetansemål kapittel (Cometence aim chapter)


The competence aims in the subject describes what competence a pupil or apprentice should have acquired after completing training at a given level or year level.

Properties, kompetansemaal-kapittel
Proprty Type Description Multiplicity
overskrift (heading@eng) Array of language versioned regulatory text Fixed heading to the section 1..*
kompetansemaalsett Array of Reference objects Sets of competency aims that apply to a specified set of year level or level 1..*

1.1.3.a Vurderingsordning-kapittel (Examination and assesment chapter)


This part comes out in the data in two different ways, but with basically the same meaning content. The first variant (this one) is the original, while the second is described below (see 1.1.3.b Vurderingsordninger-kapittel). The reason why we have two variants is that just after we launched the first published curricula in LK20, we were ordered to divide the text with headings that support accessibility requirements. In order not to break the contract in the v201906 version, we have therefore chosen to publish both variants. The version that supports accessibility requirements is thus 1.1.3.b which is described below.

The description object in the examination and assessment chapter consists of a language-versioned array of regulatory text. The content of the attribute "text" can potentially be divided into the following four <p>-section describing

  • standpunktvurdering (overall achievement grades@eng)
  • eksamen for elever (examination for pupils@eng)
  • eksamen for privatister (examination for private candidats@eng)
  • sluttvurdering (final assessment@eng)

The final assessment includes steps for overall achievement grades, expressions of assessment and any examination arrangement for pupils and trade or journeyman test for apprentices. The final assessment also expresses the assessment expression and examination arrangement for private candidates in subjects in upper secondary education.

The overall examination arrangement is under revision, and we will digitize this further (more data-centric and less prose) once the structure and content have been determined.

See also more about assessment in Fagkoder (subject codes@eng).

Properties, vurderingsordning-kapittel
Proprty Type Description Multiplicity
overskrift (heading@eng) Array of language versioned regulatory text Fixed heading to the section 1..*
beskrivelse (description@eng) Array of language versioned regulatory text Description of the examination and assessment for the various target groups for the subject. 1..*

1.1.3.b Vurderingsordninger-kapittel (Examination and assesment chapter@eng)


This part comes out in the data in two different ways, but with basically the same meaning content. The first variant (this one) is the original, while the second is described below (see 1.1.3.b Vurderingsordninger-kapittel). The reason why we have two variants is that just after we launched the first published curricula in LK20, we were ordered to divide the text with headings that support accessibility requirements. In order not to break the contract in the v201906 version, we have therefore chosen to publish both variants. The version that supports accessibility requirements is thus 1.1.3.b which is described below.

The description object in the examination and assessment chapter consists of a language-versioned array of regulatory text. The content of the attribute "text" can potentially be divided into the following four <p>-section describing

  • standpunktvurdering (overall achievement grades@eng)
  • eksamen for elever (examination for pupils@eng)
  • eksamen for privatister (examination for private candidats@eng)
  • sluttvurdering (final assessment@eng)

The final assessment includes steps for overall achievement grades, expressions of assessment and any examination arrangement for pupils and trade or journeyman test for apprentices. The final assessment also expresses the assessment expression and examination arrangement for private candidates in subjects in upper secondary education.

The overall examination arrangement is under revision, and we will digitize this further (more data-centric and less prose) once the structure and content have been determined.

See also more about assessment in Fagkoder (subject codes@eng).

Properties, vurderingsordninger-kapittel (Examination and assesment chapter@eng)
Attributt Type Beskrivelse Multiplisitet
overskrift Array av Forskriftstekst Overskriftstekst til kapittelet Vurderingsordning. 1..*
vurderingsordninger Array av Vurderingsordninger (objekter) Objektene i arrayet detaljeres videre i neste tabell. 1..*

1.1.3.b.1 Vurderingsordninger

Attributter, vurderingsordninger
Proprty Type Description Multiplicity
overskrift (heading@eng) Array of language versioned regulatory text Fixed heading to the section 1..*
overskrift (heading@eng) Array av Forskriftstekst Heading text for the current examination and assesment in the examination and assesment chapter 1..*
beskrivelse Array of language versioned regulatory text Description of the actual examination and assesment scheme. 1..*

At the time of writing, not all curricula have yet adopted this variant (variant b). In those cases, you should use variant a. However, where variant b is present, we recommend that you use this, since variant a is not maintained after variant b has been used.

The examination and assessment schemes are under revision, and we will digitize this further (more data-centric and less prose) once the structure and content have been determined.

In a later version of the Grep API, we will phase out variant a and we will probably keep variant b, with the additions that are the result of the revision of the assessment schemes (unless we have to write about the entire assessment chapter). Therefore - in the curricula where both variant a and variant b exist, we recommend using variant b.

In the case of RDF / SPARQL use of this chapter, it is currently the case that we only expose variant a. We have chosen not to do anything about this until we get a more digital version of the assessment schemes. In RDF / SPARQL and other data-centric use of Grep, prose is not as important since the meaning content of this section is better expressed via data from the administrative coding system (subject codes, training subjects and programme areas related to the curriculum).

Read more about assessment at Fagkoder.

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