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Are Mjølsnes edited this page Jul 11, 2022 · 2 revisions

1. kompetansemaal_lk20 (competence_aim_lk20@eng)


Element (for curricula in LK20) that indicates a subset of the competence a pupil / apprentice / trainee candidate / participant must have acquired after completing training at a given level / level.

Properties, kompetansemaal
Proprty Type Description Multiplicity
rekkefoelge (order@eng) Int Property that indicates where in the series of other competence aims in the same competence aim set this is to be listed 1
tilknyttede-tverrfaglige-temaer (associated-interdisciplinary_topic) Array of reference objects Reference to object(s) (of type tverrfaglig_tema_lk20) to indicate which interdisciplinary topic(s) the competence aim can be seen in the light of. The reference objects also (possibly) include the property 'explanation' which is a pedagogical explanation of the connection. The interdisciplinary topic can have its own explanation for the element itself
Not a part of the regulation, but a pedagogical reading aid, developed by the curriculum authors or those who manage the curriculum.
tilknyttede-kjerneelementer (assosiated-core-elements) Array of reference objects Reference to object(s) (of type kjerneelement_lk20) to indicate which core element (s) the competence goal can be seen in the light of. The reference objects also include (possibly) the property 'explanation' which is a pedagogical explanation of the link. The interdisciplinary theme can have its own explanation for the element itself.
Not a part of the regulation, but a pedagogical reading aid, developed by the curriculum authors or those who manage the curriculum.
tilknyttede-verb (associated-verb@eng) Array of reference objects Reference to object(s) (of type verb_lk20)to indicate which verb (s) the competence aim can be seen in the light of.
Not a part of the regulation, but a pedagogical reading aid, developed by the curriculum authors or those who manage the curriculum.
bygger-paa (is_based_on@eng) Array of reference objects Reference to object(s) (of type kompetansemaal_lk20) to show the progression between competence aims (in another (former) competence aim set, either in the same curriculum, or another curriculum in an earlier year level).
Not a part of the regulation, but a pedagogical reading aid, developed by the curriculum authors or those who manage the curriculum.
samme-som (same-as@eng) Array av referanseobjekter Currently not in use. We are awaiting a solution for its use in connection with the revision of curricula (LK20) 0..*
tilhoerer-kompetansemaalsett ()belongs-to-ompetence-aim-set@eng) Reference object Reference to one object (of typekompetansemaalsett_lk20) to indicate which competence aim set the competence aim belongs to 1
tilhoerer-laereplan (belongs-to-curriculum@eng) Reference object Reference to an object (of type laereplan_lk20) to indicate which curriculum the competence aim belongs to 1
id UUID Globally unique identifier for the competence aim 1
kode (code@eng) String Locally unique identifier for the competence aim 1
uri URI Globally unique URL-based identifier for the competency aim 1
url-data URI Globally unique URL-based link to detailed information about the competence aim 1
tittel Array of language versioned regulatory text Tittel på kompetansemålet 1..*
grep-type URI Specifies the type to be "kompetansemaal" 1
forklaring (explanation@eng) Array of language versioned text Pedagogical text for the competence aim that is not part of the regulations, but written by the curriculum authors or those who manage the curriculum 0..*
status URI Indicates whether the cometende aim is "publisert" (published@eng) or "utgått" ("expired"@eng)
sist-endret (last-modified@eng) Timestamp Indicates when last changes were made to the data basis for the competence goal 1
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