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Are Mjølsnes edited this page Jul 12, 2022 · 8 revisions

1. kompetansemaal (competence_aim@eng)


Element (for curricula in LK06) that indicates a subset of the competence a pupil / apprentice / trainee must have acquired after completing training at a given year-level / level.

Properties, kompetansemaal
Proprty Type Description Multiplicity
id UUID Globally unique identifier for the competance aim 1
kode (code@eng) String Lokally unique identifier for the competence aim 1
uri URI Globally unique identifier for the competence aim 1
url-data URI Globally unique URL-based link to detailed information about the competence aim 1
tittel (title@eng) Array of language versioned regulatory text Title of the competence aim 1..*
grep-type URI Specifies the type to be "kompetansemaal" 1
status URI Indicates whether the competence aim is "publisert" (published@eng) or "utgått" ("expired"@eng) 1
sist-endret (last-modified@eng) Timestamp Indicates when last changes were made to the competence aim 1
laereplan-referanser (curriculum references@eng) Array of reference objects Reference to object(s) (of type laereplan (curriculum@eng)) to indicate which curriculum / curricula the competence aim belongs to 1..*
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