- Web components: from zero to hero
- LitElement To Do App - And, how it compares to React as well as Vue.
- Declarative Reactive Web Components with Justin Fagnani
- https://dev.to/webpadawan/web-components-for-enterprise-part-1-salesforce-oracle-sap-e70
- https://dev.to/westbrook/why-would-anyone-use-constructible-stylesheets-anyways-19ng
- <bg-sound> - Play MIDI files in a browser with a simple Web Component, emulating <bgsound>.
- <dark-mode-toggle> - Dark Mode toggle.
- <file-drop> - A simple file drag and drop custom-element.
- <pinch-zoom> - A web component for pinch zooming DOM elements.
- https://github.com/ProgressiveWebComponents/pwa-install
- <scary-cube>
- <scary-stopwatch>
- <toggle-fullscreen>
- <app-datepicker> - Datepicker element built with lit-element and Material Design 2.
- <lit-route> - Lit Redux Router.
- <math-ml> - MathML implementation using custom elements.
- <model-viewer> - Web component that makes rendering interactive 3D models.
- <quick-draw> - Embed Quick, Draw! drawings into your project using a web component.
- GitHub Topic
- Elix - High-quality, customizable web components for common user interface patterns.
- j-elements - Proof-of-concept helpers and prototype web components.
- time-elements - Web component extensions to the standard <time> element.
- SAP UI5 Web Components - Enterprise-flavored sugar on top of native APIs!
- web-components-examples - A series of web components examples, related to the MDN web components doc.
- https://www.sencha.com/blog/extwebcomponents-early-access-is-now-available/
- Apollo Elements
- carbon-custom-elements - IBM Carbon Design System variant on top of Web Components.
- https://github.com/CleverCloud/clever-components
- Creatability Accessible Web Components
- Chartjs Web Components
- Material Web Components - Material Design implemented as Web Components.
- mega-material - Making Elements Great Again, Material Style!
- Vaadin components - Evolving set of high-quality web components for building business web applications.
- Wired Elements - Set of common UI elements with a hand-drawn, sketchy look.
- PWA Helpers - Small helper methods or mixins to help you build web apps.
- Fluent Localize Mixin - A mixin for custom elements that provides easy l10n out of the box.
- i18nMixin - Mixin using i18next.
- lit-translate - A lightweight blazing-fast internationalization (i18n) library.
- LitElement EDA - Event-driven architecture (EDA) helper.
- LitElement Router - A simple and lightweight LitElement Router.
- LitNotify - Small helpers for LitElement to dispatch change notifications and two-way binding.
- StyledLitElement - A tool to distribute styles via ES modules.
- https://www.pika.dev/cdn
- https://orison.alexlockhart.me/blog/article/static-sites-are-not-so-static.html
- https://github.com/ruphin/auto-pass
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37445468/paper-input-autocomplete-fails-to-fill/48687882#48687882
- Web Components the Right Way - This is a guide intended to introduce to Web Components.
- Awesome lit-html