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list availablepackages

Will Strohl edited this page Mar 29, 2022 · 1 revision


Some DNN websites may have extension packages sitting in the /Install/ folders, waiting to be installed. This can greatly impact any DNN upgrade, if you're not aware of the packages. This command allows you to see if this is the case on your instance, and where they are.

This routine ignores any packages that won't automatically install. For example, it looks for installation packages ending with .zip and not .resources.


Command Description
list-availablepackages Reviews the installation folders and determines if there are any risks for upgrades, then displays the results.


This prompt does not have any flags at this time.


If successful, you'll see a message like below in the Prompt window.

When there are packages found*

Library has one or more available packages to review: C:\Work\Platform\platform9102\Website\Install\Library  
Module has one or more available packages to review: C:\Work\Platform\platform9102\Website\Install\Module  
Matches were found for your query.  

In the example above, there may be a different list of packages and file system locations.

When there are NO packages found*

No matches were found for your query.  

If an error occurs, it should be displayed to you in the Prompt window. If not, you'll find it in the Log4net log files.

Additional Notes

None at this time.