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Bayesian Nonparametrics for Offline Skill Discovery

Code for our ICML 2022 paper.


Create a virtual environment.

conda create -n bnp_options python=3.8
conda activate bnp_options

Install required packages.

pip install numpy gym[atari] matplotlib
conda install pytorch cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch

Get the Atari ROMs if you need to run the code on an Atari environment.

pip install ale_py
ale-import-roms atari_roms/

where atari_roms is the folder containing the ROMs .bin files (they can be downloaded here).

Run proof-of-concept environment

You can run training on the proof-of-concept environment (called room environment) through this command:

python --env room --max-epochs 200 --nb-rooms 6 --save-dir poc_env_test

which will train in an environment with a vocabulary size of 6 (see environment explanation in the paper) for 200 epochs. You should obtain a score of 0.996 and a final loss around -3.6.

Run Atari experiments

Our experiments on the Atari environments consist in pretraining a hierarchical model followed by training a standard RL agent on the augmented enviroment where the skills learned in the pretraining phase can be used as actions.

To train the RL agent, we use the Stable Baselines3 implementation of PPO. We use a custom rollout buffer since we're dealing with an augmented environment. To set it up, clone this repository in the parent directory of this one.

git clone ../stable-baselines3

You will also need a few additional packages.

pip install pandas opencv-python tensorboard

You will also need expert trajectories to run the pretraining. The ones for the environments shown in the paper can be found here. They were generated using the Uber Atari model zoo Apex model.

The following lines of code assume the trajectories were downloaded in the parent directory of this repository.

Run our nonparametric version

Run the pretraining:

python --env atari --demo-file ../trajectories/alien/trajectories.npy --max-epochs 1500 --max-steps 300 --random-seed 0 --batch-size 128 --save-dir runs/atari_pretraining_alien 

Run the RL training:

python --pretrained-path runs/atari_pretraining_alien --env-name AlienNoFrameskip-v4 --save-dir runs/atari_augmented_alien --training-steps 3000000

Run our fixed-options version

Run the pretraining.

python --env atari --demo-file ../trajectories/alien/trajectories.npy --max-epochs 1500 --max-steps 300 --random-seed 0 --batch-size 128 --save-dir runs/atari_pretraining_fixed_alien --fixed-options --K 7

Run the RL training.

python --pretrained-path runs/atari_pretraining_fixed_alien --env-name AlienNoFrameskip-v4 --save-dir runs/atari_augmented_fixed_alien --training-steps 3000000

Run the compile baseline

The compile baseline code can be found here.

git clone ../compile

To run the pretraining:

cd ../compile

python --demo-file ../trajectories/alien/trajectories.npy --iterations 1500 --learning-rate 0.001 --latent-dim 7 --num-segments 10 --save-dir runs/atari_pretraining_compile_alien

To train the RL agent:

cd ../nonparametric_options

python --demo-file ../trajectories/alien/trajectories.npy --pretrained-path runs/atari_pretraining_compile_alien --env-name AlienNoFrameskip-v4 --save-dir ../compile/runs/atari_augmented_compile_alien --training-steps 3000000 --baseline-compile

Run the nonparametric compile baseline

The nonparametric version of compile can be found on the [compile_np] branch of the compile repository.

To run the pretraining:

cd ../compile
git checkout compile_np

python --demo-file ../trajectories/alien/trajectories.npy --iterations 1500 --learning-rate 0.001 --latent-dim 1 --num-segments 10 --add-option-interval 10 --save-dir runs/atari_pretraining_compilenp_alien

To train the RL agent:

cd ../nonparametric_options

python --pretrained-path runs/atari_pretraining_compilenp_alien --env-name AlienNoFrameskip-v4 --save-dir ../compile/runs/atari_augmented_compilenp_alien --training-steps 3000000 --baseline-compile-np

Run the ddo baseline

The ddo baseline code can be found here.

git clone ../segment-centroid

This codebase is using an older version of python, so you will need to setup another virtual environment.

conda create -n ddo_baseline python==3.5
cd ../segment-centroid
pip install -r requirements.txt
conda install pytorch cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch
cd ../nonparametric_options

To run the pretraining, use the ddo_compat branch of the repo:

git checkout ddo_compat
conda activate ddo_baseline

python --env atari --demo-file ../trajectories/alien/trajectories.npy --max-epochs 10000 --K 7 --baseline-ddo --save-dir runs/atari_pretraining_ddo_alien

The stable-baselines3 repository is not compatible with the ddo-baseline repository, so we use a custom pytorch version of ddo to load the trained model to create the augmented environment.

git clone ../ddo_baseline_pytorch
conda activate bnp_options
pip install scipy sklearn

You can then launch the RL training.

python --pretrained-path runs/atari_pretraining_ddo_alien --env-name AlienNoFrameskip-v4 --save-dir runs/atari_augmented_compile_alien --training-steps 3000000 --baseline-ddo


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