A 2d exploration and number generation game inspired by the Tokyo 2021 olympics google doodle game. Intended to make picking numbers for the euromillions a lot more enjoyable. Thanks to the knowledge and code from Jlongster's repo on how to make a simple game using html5 canvas and JavaScript, this learning curve for this project was reduced significantly.
Currently the game has been released as a demo and takes place on the 'main island' area of the intended game map. It has a few rooms, npcs and items and one number generation game. The plan for the future is to have around 5-7 islands going out from the main island (which has more rooms to be added), with each island having its own unique theme and number generation game. The games will range from simple but fun tic-tac-toe to jewel-matching games (i.e Candy Crush).
- Gsap - ^3.7.1 - For winwheel animations
- Winwheel - ^1.0.1 - For the 'spin the wheel' game
- Soundjs - ^1.0.1 - For the game's sound and background music system