This project allows one to run Apache Mesos frameworks (Marathon, Chronos, Spark, Hadoop MapReduce, etc.) with Universal Resource Broker on a Univa Grid Engine cluster.
It utilizes the urb-core project and provides a Univa Grid Engine adapter for URB.
Please see Universal Resource Broker core project for more architectual details.
URB can be installed in Tortuga environment with tortuga-kit-urb-uge.
The following steps need to be done to perform a project build:
cd urb-core/vagrant
In order to run the test Mesos frameworks that are part of this project (or actual Mesos frameworks which can be installed separately) Univa Grid Engine has to be a part of this development environment. A trial version of UGE can be downloaded from and copied to uge
directory (see uge/ It will be installed in one of the subsequent steps. Without UGE the project still can be built but none of the Mesos frameworks can be run (as well as some of the test steps which rely on UGE to be present will fail).
SYNCED_FOLDER=../.. vagrant up --provider=docker
vagrant ssh
Inside the build container:
cd /scratch/urb
sudo puppet apply -t uge/uge.pp
Exit vagrant environment shell (exit
) and login again (vagrant ssh
, cd /scratch/urb
) to source UGE environment (or do it manually . /opt/uge/default/common/
from the current shell session). Run tests:
make test
make dist
Assuming that URB build (make
) succeeded the following commands will start a Redis server and the URB service:
- start redis server in background
cd urb-core/source/python
. ../../../etc/
- source URB development environment to set environment variables for URB configuration files (etc/urb.conf and etc/urb.executor_runner.conf) and Python path required by URB service
python urb/service/
- run URB service
Open a new host shell and login into vagrant development environment (vagrant ssh
, cd /scratch/urb
). Create a new Python virtual environment for the URB executor runner:
The following command will start the Mesos C++ example framework with 50 tasks that ping-pong a message with the framework:
URB_MASTER=urb://$(hostname) LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/scratch/urb/urb-core/source/cpp/liburb/build /scratch/urb/urb-core/source/cpp/liburb/build/example_framework.test
Grid Engine jobs submitted as a result of Mesos tasks deployment on the cluster can be monitored in separate guest shell session with watch -n1 qstat -f
The following commands will start the Mesos Python example framework with 50 tasks that ping-pong a message with the framework:
. venv/bin/activate
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/scratch/urb/urb-core/source/cpp/liburb/build /scratch/urb/urb-core/source/cpp/liburb/python-bindings/test/ urb://$(hostname)
Shutdown the environment by running the following command on the host:
cd urb-core/vagrant
vagrant halt
If you want to completely remove development environment and underlying docker image run:
cd urb-core/vagrant
vagrant destroy
make clean
This will remove all traces of the machine from the host system.