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(APEX) Region plugin

Bartosz Ostrowski edited this page Jun 16, 2022 · 6 revisions

The plug-in is an Oracle APEX region plug-in implementing LibreOffice Online framework.

Standard attributes

The plug-in uses the following standard attributes exposed in the APEX page designer:

  • Has "Page Items to Submit" Attribute

  • Has "Initialization JavaScript Code" Attribute

  • Has "CSS Class" Column Attribute

  • Has "Custom Attributes" Column Attribute

Custom attributes


All attributes available as Component Settings are listed and described below.


Type Required Dependent on
Text No None

Enter the valid API key. The API key is available in the APEX Office Edit portal:

Server-Side URL

Type Required Dependent on
Text Yes None

Specify the URL under which the plug-in server-side files can be accessed. For example, the URL will be used to reference the server-side file

The default value is

URL to RESTful service module

Type Required Dependent on
Text No None

The valid URL to ORDS RESTful service module handling the plug-in operations:

  • create a new document,
  • save changes,
  • save document as,
  • get document information,
  • get document content.

The plug-in is delivered with the default ORDS RESTful service module named APEX Office Edit. The URL must be copied from SQL Workshop \ RESTful Services \ Module Definition. and it must include the suffix files/ for example

Default Document Filename

Type Required Dependent on
Text Yes None

The default name of a file when a new document is created.


All the plug-in region attributes available in the Oracle APEX page designer are listed and described below.

Allowed File Types

Type Required Dependent on
Checkbox Yes None

Use the following document types to restrict what document types can be created and opened by the end-user.

Available options:

  • Microsoft Word
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Open Document Text
  • Open Document Spreadsheet
  • Open Document Presentation
  • Open Document Draw


Type Required Dependent on
Checkbox No None

Use the following options to set the plug-in configuration

Available options:

Option Description
Disable Editor Messages When selected
only the AOE error messages are being shown as the AOE editor prompt. Messages about successful operations are not shown to the end-user.

When not selected
all messages including success messages are displayed within the AOE editor and the end-user has to close prompts manually. For example when a document has been successfully updated the editor shows the message Successfully uploaded file.
Override Component Settings When selected, the plug-in components settings Form action and REST URL can be overridden on the region level in the page designer. Otherwise the attributes defined in the plug-in component settings are used by the default.
Use Custom Table When selected
a developer can specify a table in which documents will be stored

When not selected
The default table AOE_FILES_DEFAULT is used to store documents. Learn more about the table in Database Objects.
Disable printing When selected the end-user can't print the document using browser print functionality - the editor print button is not displayed.

Printing should be only enabled when an APEX application implementing the plug-in is in the same origin as the AOE host server files.

Server-Side URL

Type Required Dependent on
Text Yes Settings \ Override Component Settings is checked

Specify the URL under which the plug-in server-side files can be accessed. For example, the URL will be used to reference the server-side file

The default value is

URL to RESTful service module

Type Required Dependent on
Text Yes Settings \ Override Component Settings is checked

The valid URL to ORDS RESTful service module handling the plug-in operations:

  • create a new document,
  • save changes,
  • save document as,
  • get document information,
  • get document content.

The plug-in is delivered with the default ORDS RESTful service module named APEX Office Edit. The URL must be copied from SQL Workshop \ RESTful Services \ Module Definition. and it must include the suffix files/ for example

Item(s) Containing Primary Key(s) Value(s)

Type Required Dependent on
Page Item(s) Yes None

A given APEX page item(s) is (are) used to identify a document to be loaded from the database table. When any APEX item specified as the primary key is set to NULL, the plug-in shows the document creation panel.

When use custom table is checked

Enter comma-delimited page items containing the primary key(s) value(s) of a document to be loaded from a custom table.

When use custom table is not checked

Enter the page item containing the document's primary key AOE_FILES_DEFAULT.ID.

Menu layout

Type Required Dependent on
Select list Yes None

Select the AOE editor menu layout to be used.

Option Description
Classic An old-fashioned drop-down menu layout is used to render the editor menu. The classic layout supports hidding menu entries.
Hidding menu entries can be set using the the plug-in region attribute JavaScript Initialization Code.
To learn more read Additional Meta Data \ Initialization JavaScript Code \ menuHideItems.
Notebook Bar The menu layout is organized as tabs and menu entries are displayed along with corresponding icons.

The notebook bar doesn't support hidding menu entries.

Document Permissions

Type Required Dependent on
Select list Yes None

Available options include:

  • Everyone can read and edit
  • Only the author can read and edit
  • Everyone can read but the author can edit
  • Custom function returning document permissions - when selected, the PL/SQL function is used to return document permission. See the attribute Function Returning Document Permissions to learn more.

Function Returning Document Permissions

Type Required Dependent on
Text Yes Document Permissions \ Custom function returning document permissions is selected

Specify PL/SQL function name returning the end-user permission for the document specified by the function argumentp_file_id. The given function must be:

  • accessible in the context of the given ORDS RESTful service module
  • accepting specified arguments
  • returning VARCHAR2 string containing the end-user permissions to read, update, save as a new file and print the document

The function specification is the following:

function function_name(
  p_application_id in number,
  p_page_id        in number,
  p_session_id     in number,
  p_file_id        in varchar2,
  p_user_id        in varchar2
) return VARCHAR2;
Parameter Type Description
p_application_id NUMBER An application ID in which the plug-in is run
p_page_id NUMBER An application page ID in which the plug-in is run
p_session_id NUMBER An application session ID in which the plug-in is currently run
p_file_id VARCHAR2 A document ID. When the plug-in uses a custom table and multiple primary keys, the value contains comma-separated primary keys values
p_user_id VARCHAR2 An APEX application end-user username

Document permissions pattern

The returned value from the function must be following the pattern X:Y:Z:P where

  • X is permission to read document,

  • Y is permission to update document,

  • Z is permission to save document as a new file.

  • P is permission to print document from browser.

Allowed values are 0 and 1, where

  • 0 is permission denied,

  • 1 is permission granted.

On Document Read Callback

Type Required Dependent on
Text No None

Enter the PL/SQL procedure name to be executed after a document content is successfully read and loaded by the plug-in RESTful service module. The given procedure must be:

  • accessible in the context of the given ORDS RESTful service module
  • accepting defined arguments

The procedure specification is the following:

procedure procedure_name(
  p_application_id        in number,
  p_page_id               in number,
  p_session_id            in number,
  p_file_id               in varchar2,
  p_user_id               in varchar2,
  p_file_content          in blob,
  p_file_filename         in varchar2,
  p_file_mime_type        in varchar2,
  p_file_last_update_date in timestamp,
  p_file_version          in number,
  p_file_blob_owner       in varchar2
Parameter Type Description
p_application_id NUMBER An application ID in which the plug-in is run
p_page_id NUMBER An application page ID in which the plug-in is run
p_session_id NUMBER An application session ID in which the plug-in is currently run
p_file_id VARCHAR2 A document ID. When the plug-in uses multiple primary keys (a custom table must be used), the value contains comma-separated primary keys values
p_user_id VARCHAR2 An APEX application end-user username
p_file_content BLOB A document file content
p_file_filename VARCHAR2 A document filename
p_file_mime_type VARCHAR2 A document MIME type
p_file_last_update_date TIMESTAMP A document last modification time
p_file_version NUMBER A document current version
p_file_blob_owner VARCHAR2 A document author (the end-user that crated a document)Standard Attribute

On Document Create Callback

Type Required Dependent on
Text No None

Enter the PL/SQL procedure name to be executed after a new document is inserted into the default or custom table. The given procedure must be:

  • accessible in the context of the given ORDS RESTful service module
  • accepting defined arguments

The procedure specification is the following:

procedure procedure_name(
  p_application_id        in number,
  p_page_id               in number,
  p_session_id            in number,
  p_file_id               in varchar2,
  p_user_id               in varchar2,
  p_file_content          in blob,
  p_file_filename         in varchar2,
  p_file_mime_type        in varchar2,
  p_file_last_update_date in timestamp,
  p_file_version          in number,
  p_file_blob_owner       in varchar2
Parameter Type Description
p_application_id NUMBER An application ID in which the plug-in is run
p_page_id NUMBER An application page ID in which the plug-in is run
p_session_id NUMBER An application session ID in which the plug-in is currently run
p_file_id VARCHAR2 A document ID. When the plug-in uses multiple primary keys (a custom table must be used), the value contains comma-separated primary keys values
p_user_id VARCHAR2 An APEX application end-user username
p_file_content BLOB A document file content
p_file_filename VARCHAR2 A document filename
p_file_mime_type VARCHAR2 A document MIME type
p_file_last_update_date TIMESTAMP A document last modification time
p_file_version NUMBER A document current version
p_file_blob_owner VARCHAR2 A document author (the end-user that crated a document)

On Document Update Callback

Type Required Dependent on
Text No None

Enter PL/SQL procedure name to be executed after a document is successfully updated or saved as a new file. The given procedure must be:

  • accessible in the context of the given ORDS RESTful service module
  • accepting defined arguments

The procedure specification is the following:

procedure procedure_name(
  p_application_id                in number,
  p_page_id                       in number,
  p_session_id                    in number,
  p_file_id_old                   in varchar2,
  p_file_id_new                   in varchar2,
  p_user_id                       in varchar2
Parameter Type Description
p_application_id NUMBER An application ID in which the plug-in is implemented
p_page_id NUMBER An application page ID in which the plug-in is implemented
p_session_id NUMBER An application session ID in which the end-user uses the plug-in
p_file_id_old VARCHAR2 When a document is updated
the primary key(s) value(s) of an updated document.

When a document is saved as a new file
the primary key(s) value(s) of a document before the end-user requested saving document as a new file with a new filename. If the plug-in uses multiple columns to identify a document, then primary key values are delimited by a colon.
p_file_id_new VARCHAR2 When a document is updated
always NULL

When a document is saved as a new file
The primary key(s) value(s) of a new document saved with a new filename. If the plug-in uses multiple columns to identify a document, then primary key(s) value(s) are delimited by a colon.
p_user_id VARCHAR2 The end-user username used to authenticate in the APEX session

Function Returning a New Primary Key(s)

Type Required Dependent on
Text No Settings \ Use Custom Table is checked

Specify PL/SQL function name returning a new primary key(s) value(s) used in the insert statement of a new document. Primary key(s) value(s) must be returned and comma-delimited in the same order as given columns in the attribute Document Primary Key(s) Column(s).

When a function is specified, the primary key(s) column(s) and returned value(s) are included in the insert statement of a new document. Otherwise, the primary key(s) column(s) are not included - value(s) should be handled by the table trigger.

The given function must be:

  • accessible in the context of the given ORDS RESTful service module
  • accepting the defined argument
  • returning VARCHAR2 string containing a new document primary key(s) value(s) delimited with comma

The function specification is the following:

function callback_session_get_pks(
  p_access_token in varchar2
) return varchar2;
Parameter Type Description
p_access_token VARCHAR2 An application ID in which the plug-in is implemented

When the plug-in uses a custom table implementing two primary keys ID and ID2, the function should return the value "X,Y" where:

  • X is a new value for column ID

  • Y is a new value for column ID2

function example_function(
  p_access_token in varchar2
) return varchar2
  v_decoded_access_token AOE_REST.t_wopi_access_token;  
  v_result               varchar2(4000);
  v_decoded_access_token := AOE_REST.get_access_token_decoded(p_access_token);

  v_result := 'X,Y';
  return v_result;

The plug-in access token type is defined as:

TYPE t_wopi_access_token IS RECORD ( 
  file_id                         varchar2(4000), 
  session_id                      number,
  application_id                  number,
  page_id                         number,
  user_id                         varchar2(4000),
  rest_url                        varchar2(4000),
  valid_till                      DATE, 
  requesting_host                 VARCHAR2(50),
  table_schema                    varchar2(100),
  table_name                      varchar2(100),
  table_column_blob               varchar2(100),
  table_column_filename           varchar2(100),
  table_column_mimetype           varchar2(100),
  table_column_last_update        varchar2(100),
  table_column_owner              varchar2(100),
  table_column_version            varchar2(100),
  table_pks_names                 varchar2(100),
  table_pks_values                varchar2(100),
  readonly                        number,
  function_ret_pks_values         varchar2(100),
  plug_attr_settings              varchar2(100),
  function_file_perm              varchar2(100),
  procedure_file_read             varchar2(100),
  procedure_file_insert           varchar2(100),
  procedure_file_update           varchar2(100),
  document_perm_settings          varchar2(100),
  document_default_filename       varchar2(100)

The plug-in access token properties are described in the table below.

Property Type Description
file_id VARCHAR2(4000) The current value of primary key(s) value(s).

When attribute Settings \ Custom table is not checked
the current APEX Session State of page item defined in the plug-in attribute Item Containing Primary Key Value

**When attribute Settings \ Custom table is checked
**the current APEX Session State of page item(s) defined in the plug-in attribute Item(s) Containing Primary Key(s) Value(s)
session_id NUMBER The current APEX Session ID from which the REST request was made
application_id NUMBER The current APEX application ID from which the REST request was made
page_id NUMBER The current APEX application page ID from which the REST request was made
user_id VARCHAR2(4000) The current APEX user by whom the REST request was initialized
rest_url VARCHAR2(4000) The current URL to REST handler that was used to perform a REST call
valid_till DATE Time for which the access token is valid
requesting_host VARCHAR2(50) The URL to the host from which the REST request was made
table_schema VARCHAR2(100) The schema in which a document is stored

**When attribute Settings \ Custom table is not checked
**the current schema returned from #OWNER# substitution string

**When attribute Settings \ Custom table is checked
**the value of the plug-in region attribute Schema
table_name VARCHAR2(100) The table name in which a document is stored

When attribute Settings \ Custom table is not checked
the value is AOE\_FILES\_DEFAULT

When attribute Settings \ Custom table is checked
the value of the plug-in region attribute Table Name
table_column_blob VARCHAR2(100) The column name in which a document contents is stored

When attribute Settings \ Custom table is not checked
the value is always CONTENT

**When attribute Settings \ Custom table is checked
**the value of the plug-in region attribute Document File Content Column
table_column_filename VARCHAR2(100) The column name in which a document filename is stored

When attribute Settings \ Custom table is not checked
the value is always FILENAME

**When attribute Settings \ Custom table is checked
**the value of the plug-in region attribute Document Filename Column
table_column_mimetype VARCHAR2(100) The column name in which a document MIME-type is stored

**When attribute Settings \ Custom table is not checked
**the value is always MIME_TYPE

When attribute Settings \ Custom table is checked
the value of the plug-in region attribute Document MIME Type Column
table_column_last_update VARCHAR2(100) The column name in which a document last update time is stored

When attribute Settings \ Custom table is not checked
the value is always LAST_UPDATE_DATE

When attribute Settings \ Custom table is checked
the value of the plug-in region attribute Document Last Update Column
table_column_owner VARCHAR2(100) The column name in which a document owner name is stored

When attribute Settings \ Custom table is not checked
the value is always BLOB_OWNER

When attribute Settings \ Custom table is checked
the value of the plug-in region attribute Document Owner Column
table_column_version VARCHAR2(100) The column name in which a document version is stored

**When attribute Settings \ Custom table is not checked
**the value is always VERSION

**When attribute Settings \ Custom table is checked
**the value of the plug-in region attribute Document Version Column
table_pks_names VARCHAR2(100) The column(s) name(s) defined as primary key(s)

When attribute Settings \ Custom table is not checked
the value is always ID

When attribute Settings \ Custom table is checked
the value of the plug-in region attribute Primary Key(s) Column(s)
table_pks_values VARCHAR2(100) The current value(s) of primary key(s) defined by the region plug-in attribute Item(s) Containing Primary Key(s) Value(s)
readonly NUMBER When set to 1 then a region implementing the plug-in is in read-only mode
When set to 0 then a region implementing the plug-in is not it read-only mode
function_ret_pks_values VARCHAR2(100) The function name returning new primary key(s) value(s) for document creation.

When attribute Settings \ Custom table is not checked
the value always NULL

When attribute Settings \ Custom table is checked
the value of the plug-in region attribute Function Returning a New Primary Key(s)
plug_attr_settings VARCHAR2(100) The value of the plug-in region attribute Settings
function_file_perm VARCHAR2(100) The function name returning new primary key(s) value(s) for document creation.

When attribute Settings \ Custom table is not checked
the value is always NULL

When attribute Settings \ Custom table is checked
the value of the plug-in region attribute Function Returning a New Primary Key(s)
procedure_file_read VARCHAR2(100) The callback procedure name defined in the plug-in attribute On Document Read Callback
procedure_file_insert VARCHAR2(100) The callback procedure name defined in the plug-in attribute On Document Insert Callback
procedure_file_update VARCHAR2(100) The callback procedure name defined in the plug-in attribute On Document Update Callback
document_perm_settings VARCHAR2(100) The value of the plug-in region attribute Document Permissions. The value can be one of the following:

document_default_filename VARCHAR2(100) The value of the plug-in component setting Default Document Filename

Table Name

Type Required Dependent on
Text Yes Settings \ Use Custom Table is checked

A custom table name in which a document content is stored. The table name can be prefixed with #OWNER# to reference the current parsing schema, ie. #OWNER#.AOE_FILES_DEFAULT. The table must be accessible by the plug-in REST service.

A custom table must have (at least) the following types of columns:

Description Type
Column storing a document filename VARCHAR2
Column storing a document owner (an application end-user username) VARCHAR2
Column storing a document MIME-type VARCHAR2
Column storing a document primary key NUMBER
Column storing a document the current version NUMBER
Column storing a document content BLOB
Column storing a document last modification time TIMESTAMP(6)

Multiple Primary Keys A custom table can use multiple primary keys to identify a document. Comma-delimited columns names must be set using the attribute Primary Key(s) Column(s).

Document Primary Key(s) Column(s)

Type Required Dependent on
Text Yes Settings \ Use Custom Table is checked

Comma-delimited column names used as primary keys for a document.

Document File Content Column

Type Required Dependent on
Text Yes Settings \ Use Custom Table is checked

A column name which type is BLOB and is meant to store a document's file contents.

Document Filename Column

Type Required Dependent on
Text Yes Settings \ Use Custom Table is checked

A column name which type is VARCHAR2 and is meant to store a document's filename (including the file extension).

Document MIME Type Column

Type Required Dependent on
Text Yes Settings \ Use Custom Table is checked

A column name which type is VARCHAR2 and is meant to store a document's file MIME type.

Document Last Update Column

Type Required Dependent on
Text Yes Settings \ Use Custom Table is checked

A column name which type is TIMESTAMP(6) and is meant to store a document's last modification time.

Document Version Column

Type Required Dependent on
Text Yes Settings \ Use Custom Table is checked

A column name which type is VARCHAR2 and is meant to store a document's current version.

Document Owner Column

Type Required Dependent on
Text Yes Settings \ Use Custom Table is checked

A column name which type is VARCHAR2 and is meant to store a document's owner name (APEX user name).

Additional Meta Data

Initialization JavaScript Code

The attribute value must be an anonymous function accepting only one parameter which is a JSON object containing all plug-in options rendered from the plug-in package on page load. The function must return this JSON object to initialize the plug-in. Specified object properties can be used to customize the plug-in UI and logging in the application debug mode enabled.

function( pOptions ) {
  pOptions.buttons             = [];
  pOptions.menuHideItems       = [];
  pOptions.hideSidebar         = false;
  pOptions.hideMenu            = false;
  pOptions.hideRuler           = false;
  pOptions.logPrefixAsStaticId = false;  
  pOptions.height              = 500;
  pOptions.zoomLevel           = 10;  
  pOptions.theme               = 'light';
  pOptions.hidePoweredBy       = false;  
  return pOptions;

The parameters which can be safely customized are described below:

buttons Array

An Array of JSON objects defining a custom button to be added to the AOE toolbar. Clicked button triggers AOE Button Clicked event. The possibility to add custom buttons is experimental and might be removed or updated.

A custom button JSON must implement the following properties:

Property Type Description
id String An unique button ID is used to identify clicked custom button when the plug-in event AOE Button Clicked is triggered.
imgurl String An URL to the button SVG icon. To reference APEX Office Print icon use #PLUGIN_PREFIX#aop.svg.
label String A text to be displayed when the custom button is hovered.
insertBefore String An existing button ID before which a custom button is added. For example: save, print. Placing a custom button before the existing button is supported only when Menu Layout is set to Classic. Otherwise, the custom button is added in the toolbar before menu entries.

An example implementation might look like the following code:

function( pOptions ) {
  pOptions.buttons             = [];
  pOptions.menuHideItems       = [];
  pOptions.hideSidebar         = false;
  pOptions.hideMenu            = false;
  pOptions.hideRuler           = false;
  pOptions.logPrefixAsStaticId = false;  
  pOptions.height              = 500;
  pOptions.zoomLevel           = 10;  

    "id": "aop",
    "imgurl": "#PLUGIN_FILES#aop.svg",
    "label": "APEX Office Print",
    "insertBefore": "print"

  return pOptions;

menuHideItems Array

An Array of menu entries IDs. The menu customization works only when the attribute Menu layout is set to Classic. The list of menu entries is the following:

  • menu File IDs: file, save, saveas, downloadas, print, closedocument
  • menu Edit IDs: editmenu, repair, changesmenu
  • menu View IDs: view, fullscreen, zoomin, zoomout, zoomreset, showruler, showresolved
  • menu Insert IDs: insert, insertgraphic, insertcomment, insertsection, inserthyperlink
  • menu Format IDs: format
  • menu Table IDs: table
  • menu Tools IDs: tools
  • menu Help IDs: help, online, keyboard, report, about, last-mod

hideMenu Boolean

Flag determining whether the document editor menu is displayed.

hideRuler Boolean

Flag determining whether the document editor shows ruler.

logPrefixAsStaticId Boolean

Flag determining whether the plug-in widget produces JavaScript logs (in application debug mode) using region static ID as the prefix or is using the default prefix. Enabling this property is helpful when debugging multiple instances of the plug-in on the same page.

height Number

The document editor's default height in pixels.

zoomLevel Number

The list of zoom levels to be used for the is listed below:

  • level 1 = 20%
  • level 2 = 25%
  • level 3 = 30%
  • level 4 = 35%
  • level 5 = 40%
  • level 6 = 50%
  • level 7 = 60%
  • level 8 = 70%
  • level 9 = 85%
  • level 10 = 100%
  • level 11 = 120%
  • level 12 = 150%
  • level 13 = 170%
  • level 14 = 200%
  • level 15 = 235%
  • level 16 = 280%
  • level 17 = 335%
  • level 18 = 400%
  • level 19 = 400%
  • level 20 = 400%

theme String

The property is used to apply light or dark theme. When set to

  • light - the light theme is used for the AOE editor
  • dark - the dark theme is used for the AOE editor

hidePoweredBy Boolean

Flag determining whether the AOE logo is displayed in the new file panel.


The plug-in exposes events that can be bound using APEX dynamic actions. The plug-in events are triggered on the DOM node with the class attribute set to uc-aoe--widget.

AOE Before Update

The event ucaoebeforeactionsave is triggered when the end-user initializes updating the contents of a document using the AOE editor UI (or after performing the CTRL+S shortcut).

The event is triggered without any additional data and it serves only an informative purpose indicating AOE starts updating the current document.

AOE After Update

The event ucaoeafteractionsave is triggered when a document is successfully saved by the REST handler updating document contents.

The event is triggered along with the data described in the table below.

Property Type Description Boolean Boolean flag indicating if updating document contents was successful JSON JSON object containing postMessage UC_Message triggering the event

AOE Before Save As

The event ucaoebeforeactionsaveas is triggered when the end-user provides a new filename and after clicking the button Save as in the plug-in dialog Save as a new document.

The event is triggered without any additional data and it serves only an informative purpose indicating AOE starts saving a document as a new document with a given filename.

AOE After Save As

The event ucaoeafteractionsaveas is triggered when the plug-in REST handler finishes processing the end-user request saving a document as a new file. The event is triggered along with the data described in the table below.

Property Type Description Boolean Boolean flag indicating if saving a document as a new file was successful JSON JSON object containing postMessage UC_Message triggering the event Boolean Boolean flag indicating if AOE editor already reloaded the document

When saving a document as a new file is successful the event is triggered twice. The first event is triggered with set to false and the second event is triggered with set to true when AOE finishes loading a new document.

AOE Button Clicked

The event ucaoebuttonclicked is triggered when a custom button is clicked by the end-user.

The event is triggered along with the data described in the table below.

Property Type Description String A button ID given by a developer JSON JSON object containing postMessage UC_Message triggering the event JSON JSON object containing a loaded document meta-data returned by the plug-in REST handler String The date of a document last update time in format YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS Number A document size in bytes String A document current filename Number A document current version String The column(s) name(s) defined as primary key(s)

When attribute Settings \ Custom table is not checked
the value is always ID

When attribute Settings \ Custom table is checked
the value of the plug-in region attribute Item(s) Containing Primary Key(s) Value(s) String The current value(s) of primary key(s)

When attribute Settings \ Custom table is not checked
the value stored in APEX Session State for item defined in the plug-in region attribute Item Containing Primary Key Value

When attribute Settings \ Custom table is checked
the value stored in APEX Session State for item defined in the plug-in region attribute Item(s) Containing Primary Key(s) Value(s)

AOE Document Loaded

The event ucaoedocumentloaded is triggered every time a document is successfully loaded into the APEX Office Edit.

The event is triggered along with the data described in the table below.

Property Type Description JSON JSON object containing a loaded document meta-data returned by the plug-in REST handler String The date of a document last update time in format YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS Number A document size in bytes String A document current filename Number A document current version String The column(s) name(s) defined as primary key(s)

When attribute Settings \ Custom table is not checked
the value is always ID

When attribute Settings \ Custom table is checked
the value of the plug-in region attribute Item(s) Containing Primary Key(s) Value(s) String The current value(s) of primary key(s)

When attribute Settings \ Custom table is not checked
the value stored in APEX Session State for item defined in the plug-in region attribute Item Containing Primary Key Value

When attribute Settings \ Custom table is checked
the value stored in APEX Session State for item defined in the plug-in region attribute Item(s) Containing Primary Key(s) Value(s)

AOE Initialized

The event ucaoeinitialized is triggered as the result of the plug-in initialization process (the plug-in waits for the iframe ready event and then waits for postMessage App_LoadingStatus). After receiving App_LoadingStatus postMessage it is safe to assume that APEX Office Edit is initialized and the plug-in triggers the AOE Initialized event.

The event is triggered without any additional data and it serves only an informative purpose indicating AOE editor is ready to be used by the end-user.

AOE Message

The event ucaoemessage is triggered each time the plug-in receives the postMessage sent by the APEX Office Edit host server. Messages are used to communicate between AOE hosts with the plug-in implemented in an application.

The event is triggered along with the data described in the table below.

Property Type Description String The unique message ID Number Time stamp when message is sent (result of browser JSON JSON object containing message data. Message data differs depending on message.

Translation Messages

Some parts of the APEX Office Edit can be translated using Oracle APEX Translation Texts.

ranslation Code Translation default text
UC_AOE_CONFIRM_CREATE_NEW_NOT_SAVED The current document is not saved. Creating a new document will discard changes in the current document. \n\nDo you want to continue?
UC_AOE_DIALOG_SAVE_TITLE_SAVE_AS Save as a new document
UC_AOE_NEW_DOC_BACK_TO_EDIT Get back to the currently opened document
UC_AOE_NEW_DOC_BTN_HINT Create a new document
UC_AOE_NEW_DOC_BTN_LABEL Create a new document
UC_AOE_NEW_DOC_GOBACK Go back to open document
UC_AOE_READONLY_MESSAGE Load a document to preview it.
UC_AOE_REST_UPDATE_OK Document saved successfully
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