short is a file organizer written in rust. It moves all files in a dir to subdirs based on categories and file extensions.
cargo install --path .
# Run short in the current dir
# Run short in <working_dir>
./short <working_dir>
Short generates a default JSON config file short.json
if it doesn't exist. Note that short searches for the config in the current working dir.
If you run ./short <working_dir>
, the config file will be <working_dir>/short.json
You can create categories based on file extensions and names.
// If a file matches a category from here, it will be moved to:
// <working_dir>/<category>
"categories": {
"Images": {
"extensions": ["jpg", "png"]
"C++ Stuff": {
"extensions": ["cpp", "cxx"],
"filenames": ["CMakeLists.txt"]
// If an unsorted file is moved, but a file with the same name already exists in the destination,
// then overwrite it;
// If this is false, short will append numbers to the file name to solve the conflict
"auto_overwrite": false,
// If a file doesn't fit any category above (i.e. is uncategorized), don't move it anywhere;
// This must be false for the options below to take effect
"ignore_uncategorized": false,
// If a file is uncategorized, move it to <working_dir>/<uncategorized_dir>/<ext>
// where <ext> is the file extension;
// otherwise, move to <working_dir>/<uncategorized_dir>
"sort_uncategoriezd_by_ext": true,
// Where to move uncategorized files; relative to <working_dir>
// If empty, it's the working directory
"uncategorized_dir": "Other Files",
// Where to move uncategorized files that have no extensions;
// This is <working_dir>/<uncategorized_dir>/<no_extension_dir>
"no_extension_dir": "No Extension"