PadlockJ is a text encryption application written in Java that uses the AES-128 algorithm.
PadlockJ was created by UnexomWid. It is licensed under the MIT license.
Note: versions with the suffix R are considered stable releases, while those with the suffix D are considered unstable.
v1.1R - March 19, 2019
PadlockJ lets you encrypt a one-line text message with a case sensitive key. After encryption, the message is encoded with base64
, so you can safely send it via E-Mail or other means.
To decrypt a message, enter the base64
encoded encrypted message, and the same key that was used for encryption. The decrypted message will be the same as the original.
PadlockJ lets you send messages securely via E-Mail or other means (provided everyone uses the same version of the application). However, it is not the best solution.
If you need something more secure, consider using something like GnuPG.
I am not responsible if you use this application to send very important messages, and they end up being cracked by someone who wasn't intended to be able to view them. Use PadlockJ at your own risk.