Link to deployed website. Link to main project repository.
This is a dummy repository used for redirecting to the original project. Please follow the link above to see the deployed website and complete repository with the necassary code.
The project included analysis and visualisation of US Land-fire dataset between 2013-2017.
Steps in Data Extraction, Transformation and Load:
- Load raw data into PostgreSql
- Clean data in Python and SQL
- Create Rest APIs which gives results based on Causes, Locations, State, Year
- Created interactive dashboard using Index html and Bootstrap CSS
- Choropleth by State with a color gradient by count of fires
- Plotly Pie chart: Filter by State and Year
- Data table using Plotly
- GeoMap with a marker cluster group layer: Filter by Year
- Plotly Charts: Bar, Bubble and Stacked Bar
- In the states most affected by fires, humans are the major contributor with 68%, followed by Undetermined 19% and Natural 13%
- The West coast has significantly higher counts of fires than the East coast which could be a result of drought in certain areas
- Top 5 states with high count of fires: Arizona, California, Montana, Oregon and Minnesota
- New Hampshire and Vermont did not have any reported fires and hence are excluded from the dataset
- Fires tend to be the highest in the summer months
- 2013 recorded the highest count of land fires