- Fully managed workflow orchestration service based on Apache Airflow.
- No need to provision resources.
- Pipelines are configured as DAGs
- Workflows live on-premises, in multiple clouds, or full within GCP
- Provides ability to author, schedule, and monitor your workflows in a unified manner.
- Multi-cloud
- Can use Python to dynamically author and schedule workflows.
- Airflow is a micro-service architected framework.
- To deploy in a distributed setup, Cloud Composer provisions several GCP components, collectively known as an Environment.
- Can create one or more inside a project.
- Self contained Airflow deployments based on GKE.
- Work with GCP services through connectors built into Airflow.
- Distributes environment’s resource between a Google-managed tenant project and a customer project.
- For unified Cloud IAM access control and an additional layer of data security, Cloud Composer deploys Cloud SQL and App Engine in the tenant project.
- Cloud SQL
- Stores Airflow metadata.
- Composer limits database access to the default or specified custom service account used to create the environment.
- Metadata backed up daily.
- Cloud SQL proxy in GKE cluster
- Used to remotely authorize access to your Cloud SQL database from an application, client, or other GCP service.
- App Engine
- Hosts the Airflow web server.
- Integrated with Cloud IAM by default.
- Assign composer.user role to grant access only to Airflow web server.
- Can deploy a self-managed Airflow web server in customer project (for orgs with additional access-control reqs)
- Cloud Storage
- Used for staging DAGs, plugins, data dependencies, and logs.
- To deploy workflows (DAGs), copy files to the bucket for you environment.
- Composer takes care of synchronizing DAGs among workers, schedulers, and the web server.
- Scheduler, worker nodes, and CeleryExecutor here.
- Redis
- Message broker for the CeleryExecutor
- Runs a StatefulSet application so that messages persist across container restarts.
- Message broker for the CeleryExecutor
- Allows use of KubernetesPodOperator to run any container workload.
- Composer enables auto-upgrade and auto-repair to protect against security vulnerabilities.
- Can perform manual upgrade too.
- Service Accounts
- Worker and scheduler nodes and the web server run on different service accounts.
- Scheduler and workers
- If service account is not specified during environment creation, default Compute Engine service account is used.
- Web Server
- Auto generated during environment creation and derived from webserver domain.
- Integrates to have a central place to view all Airflow service and workflow logs.
- Can view logs of scheduler and worker emit immediately instead of waiting for Airflow logging module synchronization (due to streaming nature of Stackdriver)
- DAGs
- Composed of Tasks
- Connects independent tasks and executes in specified sequence.
- Tasks
- Created by instantiating an Operator class.
- Logical unit of code.
- Link Tasks/Operators in your DAG python code.
- Operators
- Template to wrap and execute a task.
- BashOperator is used to execute a bash script.
- PythonOperator is used to execute python code.
- Specify DAG when instantiating Operator.
- Sensors
- Special type of Operator that will keep running until a certain criterion is met.
- Task Instance
- Represents a specific run of a task is is characterized by a combination of a dag, a task, and a point in time.
- Has a state (running, success, failed, skipped, up for retry, etc)
- CeleryExecutor
- Used to execute multiple DAGs in parallel
- Requires a message broker.
- SequentialExecutor is used for one DAG at a time.
- Composer.Admin
- Composer.environmentAndStorageObjectAdmin
- Composer.environmentAndStorageObjectViewer
- Composer.user
- Composer.worker – service accounts