In this project, I have worked on analyzing Diwali sales data using Python on Google Colab. The primary objectives of this project were to understand customer spending behavior during Diwali and derive actionable insights. Here’s a brief overview of what I accomplished:
In this project, I have learned how to:
- Get the description of the data to understand its structure.
- Perform data cleaning to handle missing values and ensure data quality.
- Conduct exploratory data analysis (EDA) to explore relationships between different parameters and uncover patterns in the data.
Analyzed spending habits across different genders to understand which gender spent more during Diwali.
Studied the spending patterns of different age groups to determine which age group paid the most.
Investigated the amount spent in different states to understand regional spending patterns.
Explored spending behaviour based on marital status to see if there were any notable differences.
Looked into spending trends across different occupations to identify high-spending professions.
Identified the total amount spent on each product and the top-selling products. Determined for which products the amount spent was the most.
- Which gender and age group spent more on Diwali?
- Which demographics were the top spenders during Diwali?
- The top-selling products during Diwali.
- Products with the highest total spending.
Married women aged 26-35 years from Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Karnataka, working in the IT sector, healthcare, and aviation are more likely to buy products from food, clothing, and electronics categories.
This project has been an incredible learning experience and has solidified my foundation in data analysis. The insights gained from analyzing Diwali sales data have provided a deeper understanding of customer spending behaviour. I'm excited to continue this journey, learn more, and tackle even more challenging projects in the future.
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