This physical picture frame displays the current location of all S-trains in Denmark on their routes with the WS2812B LED strips. The idea is largely based on DSB's already excisting website Byens Puls. The program pulls data from Rejseplanen which is the official journey planner for public transport in Denmark. Their open API is used to request live traffic information from their database.
Every minute, the program sends a request for all stations on the S-train network. Each station has a unique id
and is referenced from an already excisting datasheet at stations/Stogsstationer.csv
, fetched from the API documentation.
Each request can only bear the information from a single station. The request is then repeated for each station until all information from all stations are extracted. Every request in answered in the xml
format and is locally saved in the /xml
folder. From that saved file, id
, line
, time
and finalStop
is appended to the timetable
dictionary and returned as a local variable.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<DepartureBoard xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
<Departure name="B" type="S" stop="Albertslund St." time="22:01" date="01.12.20" id="8600621" line="B" messages="1" rtTrack="4" finalStop="Høje Taastrup St." direction="Høje Taastrup St.">
<JourneyDetailRef ref="" />
Once all departure information from all stations is locally saved in the all_departures
dictionary, it is then checked whether or not the station in question has a train stopped at the platform, or if a train is arriving. The all_departures
dictionary is looped through and checked if the current time - defined by the current_time
variable - equals to the departure time. It is also checked if a train is arriving with the train_arriving
varible, which is current_time
subtracted one minute before departure. A list stations_with_train
with all stations with arriving and departing trains.
From stations_with_train
, all the id's are then mapped corresponding to the trainroutes from stations/train_lines.json
. The final output is then a list for each of the lines with indexes as stops_index
stops_index = {'a_line': [1, 32, 14, 24],
'b_line': [10, 23, 17, 25, 16, 1],
'bx_line': [7, 26, 14, 13, 1],
'c_line': [21, 14, 27, 15],
'e_line': [11, 26, 8, 18],
'f_line': [7, 11, 1],
'h_line': [13, 6, 7]}
numbers cooresponds to the indexes below and each line have their own set in index numbers
The frame is currently under construction. More pictures and build files in a future release