Open the project in eclipse. Open the application
package, then the main
package, and double click the Main
class so that it opens in the editor. Click the green 'Run' button in the toolbar.
You may choose to create a profile, which will allow you to save your position at any point within the game, or you may sign in as a guest which will allow full functionality of the game, but you will not be able to save your posistion.
When the game loads, use the 'W', 'A', 'S', and 'D' keys to move Rowdy around the map. Simply move into doors, elevators, or stairwells to use them. Use the mouse to interact with the menu bar.
You can search for classrooms by entering the fully qualified classroom name (ex: "NPB 1.250" -- NOT "1.250" or NOT "NPB 1.25"). A mini-map will pop-up, showing the entire floor of the building you are on, and the room number you have searched for will be highlighed. You can then click 'Exit' and navigate to the specified room.