The BitBlock-Analyzer is an application designed to parse Java source code to produce statistics about the code and create a visual representation of the code itself in the form of colored pixels.
Currently, the project has an up-to-date working executable jar file held in the top directory. Running this will run the code already compiled!
In order to compile the source code, simply import to a Eclipse IDE with JavaFx and Java 8 support to compile and run.
Included is a file meant only to be used to test the program with. Currently, almost all java files should work, but this sample is certain to work with the program.
- needs to take input from source file (java file)
- Parse over the source file
- Built in statements will have predefined colors
- User created statements and non java-native keywords will be interpreted as a string of characters
- Needs to have 1 to 1 mapping between code and bitblock
- Needs a universal color palette
- Needs to produce statistics
- Needs to produce a BitBlock
- Display information to GUI
- Have a menu on top
- Needs to allow the user to edit the source file
- Needs to have editor functionality
- Then allow the user to save changes
- Then re-update the displayed information
- Needs to allow a person to click on the bit block
- Needs to display what code is associated with a bit when clicked on
- Handle Multiple files simultaneously
- Have a smaller context menu to edit selected bit(s)
- Allow the user to select multiple bits
- Highlight words in source file according to BitBlock color
- Convert colors to sound and produce a “song”
- Clicking a bit will have source code window jump to that piece of code
- Have "lines" that trace the function calls of the source code
- Find the Big Oh runtime of the source code